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Endocrine signaling is ___________________.
a. cell to cell
b. inside the cell
c. at a distance
Paracrine signaling is _______________________.
a. cell to cell
b. inside the cell
c. at a distance
Autocrine signaling is ___________________.
a. cell to cell
b. inside the cell
c. at a distance
What is an example of a hormone that uses nuclear receptors?
thyroid hormone
What type of receptor do steroid hormones use?
a. nuclear
b. cytoplasm
c. membrane
True or False: Polar hormones need a carrier like albumin in the bloodstream.
What type of hormones use nuclear and cytoplasmic receptors?
a. polar
b. nonpolar
Where do steroid hormones travel to after binding to their receptor in the cytoplasm?
the nucleus
What is the limiting factor of cAMP?
GTP hydrolyzing back to GDP
What are kinases?
enzymes that phosphorylate other proteins on Tyr, Ser, or Thr
Insulin is what kind of hormone (nonpolar/polar) and binds to what kind of receptors?
polar hormone and must bind to membrane receptor
What is the secondary messenger of Insulin?
What is the secondary messenger of Glucagon?
Epinephrine is released from what organ and why?
adrenal glands—> bc of stress
When Epinephrine binds to a1 receptors what G protein is used, what is the secondary messenger, and what kinase is activated?
Gq protein
DAG, and Ca2+ are secondary messengers
PKC is activated
When Epinephrine binds to a2 receptors what G protein is used, what is the secondary messenger, and what kinase is deactivated?
Gi protein
cAMP secondary messenger
PKA is deactivated
When Epinephrine binds to b1, b2, b3 receptors what G protein is used, what is the secondary messenger, and what kinase is activated?
Gs protein
cAMP secondary messenger
PKA is activated
When Glucagon binds to the glucagon receptor what G protein is used, what is the secondary messenger, and what kinase is activated?
Gs protein
cAMP secondary messenger
PKA is activated
(hint: same as Epi binding to b receptors)
When Insulin binds to the insulin receptor what G protein is used, what is the secondary messenger, and what kinase is activated?
monomeric RAS protein
Insulin phosphorylates on _____________.
When Epinephrine binds to a1 receptors what molecule acts as an indirect secondary messenger to activate calcium release from the ER?
Leptin hormone binds to ______________ receptors.