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Acer griseum also known as Paperbark maple. Native to central China. Acer griseum is from the family Spindaceae. It’s a small to medium sized deciduous tree growing 6-9m tall. The bark has paperly layers.
Arbutus unedo also known as strawberry tree is native to Weatern Europe. Arbutus unedo is a an evergreen shrub from the family Ericaceae. Grows to 4-7metres tall. Grows in harden zones.
Berberis darwinii also known as Darwin’s Barberry is an thorny evergreen shrub. Native to southern Chile and Argentina. It grows 3-4m tall. The berries are edible.
Buxus sempervirens also known as Common Box is an evergreen shrub. This shrub can grow anywhere from 1-9m tall. It’s highly sented and is native to southern and Western Europe, Africa, Asia, England and Morocco. The leafs go from green to yellow.
Choisya ternata “sundance” also known as Mexican mock orange is an evergreen shrub which grows up to 3m tall. The shrub has a smell of basil. The leaves have 3 leaflets.
Cornus sanguinea “winter beauty” also known as Dogwood is native to Europe and most of Asia. It’s mostly grown as an ornamental plant. It likes warmth and sunny places. It can grown in forests.
Fagus sylvatica also know as common beech has spickey buds on the stem. It’s a large tree that can reach the heights of 50m. It contains a life span of 300 years.
Quercus robur also known as common oak is from the oak and beech family. It can grow up till 40m tall. The leaves are arrange alternately. The acorns come in clusters of 2-3.
Cyclamen herdifolium is also know as ivy leafed cyclamen is a flowering plant and grows in the shade. It blooms in the Autumn and the leafs are either heart or arrow shaped.
Liriope muscari also know as big blue lily turf is a flowering plant from east Asia. It grows 30-40cm tall. It is invasive in North America and can be a threat to the wildlife.
Asebculus Hippocastanum also known as Horse chestnut contain sticky buds. It’s a large tree which can grow up to 39m tall. It’s known that the seeds could help coughing horses.
Prunus Serrula also known as Tibetan Cherry is a tree that has this wonderful peely bark. It’s native to China and can grow to 20-30 feet in height
Farsia japonica also known as Japanese aralia is native to southern Japan and southern Korea. This is an evergreen shrub growing 1-5m high. It’s normally grown in warm temperatures.
Griselinia littoralis also known as New Zealand Broadleaf is a fast growing everygreen tree. It is medium sized and from New Zealand. The tree grows berry’s and flowers depending on the season.
Photinia also known as Red robin are part of the rose family. It can grow 4-15m tall. The leafs can change in colour.
Skimmia japonica also known as Japanese Skimmia is an everygreen shrub native to Japan. It has leafy leaves and is normally used for ornamental planting.
Ligustrum ovalifolium also known as Privet it is part of the Olive family. Native to Japan and Korea and grows up to 15 feet in height. It flowers midsummer with ambient scented white blooms.
Viburnum davidii also known as David’s viburnum is native to china and stands up to 1.5m tall. It has glossy leaves and our deeply vined containing 3 lines.
Cordyline Australis also known as cabbage palm is native to New Zealand. It’s grows up to 20m tall. It has sword like leaves clustered at the tip of the branches. Items have been made from the leaves for example fishing lines and anchor ropes.
Phormium tenax also known as New Zealand flax is native to New Zealand. The leaves can grow up to 3m and our very tough. The rigid flower stalks can get up to 5m long. The flowers can provide huge amounts of nectar.
Bambusa Vulgaris also known as bamboo is a very quick growing plant. It has thick stems and can grow 10-30m. It is mostly grown in the tropics.
Clemantis armandii also known as Armand clematis is a flowering climbing plant. It is native to China. Is attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.
llex aquifolium also known as common holly native to western and southern Europe. It is an evergreen shrub or tree. It can adapt to most conditions.
Hedera helix also known as ivy is a clinging everygreen vine. It climbs up and attaches onto tree trunks, walls and fences. It producers berries which are good for birds.
Sarcococca confusa also known as sweet box is native to western China and is an evergreen shrub. It can grow to 2m in height and has glossy green leaves.
Salvia rosmarius also known as rosemary is a fragrant shrub. It’s a member of the sage family. It has a fibrous root system.
Taxus baccata also known as common yew is an evergreen tree. The plant is poisonous which can result in death. It’s a woodland tree in its native range.
Helleborus also known as Lenten rose is a flowering perennial which is part of the buttercup family. It’s native to Greece and turkey.
Daphne bhula also known as Nepalese paper plant is a flowering shrub it is found in the Himalayas. It usually grows to 2.5m tall.
Ophiopogon planiscapus also known as Black mondo is native to Japan. It is a small evergreen perennial growing up to 20cm tall.
Callicarpa bodinieri also known as beautyberry is native to west china. Growing to 3m tall. It’s a dicidius shrub with dark green leaves.
Cotoneaster franchetii also known as Franchets cotoneaster is native to southwest china. It’s an evergreen shrub. The leaves are shiny with yellow hairs.
Euonymus europaeus also known as Spindle is a deciduous shrub. The fruit turns red to purple or pink in the Atumn.
Fraxinus angustifolia also known as Raywood ash is a deciduous tree growing to 20-30m tall. The buds are pale brown.
Malus x robusta is also called crab apple. It’s a flowering hybrid and is has these nice red fruit through the whole winter.
Prunus incisa also known as dwarf cherry is native to Japan. It gets its name by its deep incision on the leaves. It is hardy and can grow at -20degres.
Pyracantha also known as firethorn is native to Asia. It’s a large thorny evergreen shrub. The fruit stays on throughout the winter which makes a good bird food.
Sorbus also known as mountain ash is an evergreen trees and shrubs in the rose family. It can grow up to 5-15m tall and the trunk is smooth.
Vitis vinifera is mostly known as common vine. There is separate male and female plants. The grapes get used for a number of different things including wine and raisins.
Agave Americana also known as century plant only flowers just before it dies. It will stay alive for 10-30years this is why it’s called the century plant. It has a spread around 3m.
Asplemium scolopendrium also known as harts tongue fern is an evergreen fern. It like growing under hard wood canopies. Mostly found in North America.
Clivia miniata also known as Natal lily carries lycorine making it poisonous. It’s native to woodland habitats. It is also looked after as an indoor ornamental plant.
Monsteria deliciosa commonly known as the Swiss cheese plant is native to tropical forests. Mostly found in Mexico. Mostly used as a house plant.
sanserieria trifasciata also known as mothers in law tongue is mostly used as in indoor plant. Native to west Africa. They can survive in very little water and sun.
Spathiphyllum also known as the peace lily is found in the tropical areas of the americas and Southern Asia. It can reach up to 6 feet in height, the spath that is white grows 4–12 inches.
Zamioculas also known as fern arum is also better used as a house plant. It has glossy foliage and is easy to take care of.
Leyland cypress also known as Leylandii is a type of conifer tree. It’s fast growing. It can grow up to 25m high and should be trimmed about twice a year.
Hamamelis virginiana commonly known as Witch Hazel is a deciduous shrub growing up to 7.5m tall. It blooms September - November.
Sempervivum arachnoideum known also as Cobweb house leek is found in European mountains. It’s a succulent perennial. It’s hardy and can handle hot dry area.
Vinca major also known as Greater periwinkle is native to western Mediterranean. It’s an evergreen perennial. Very good for ground cover.
Muscari commonly known as grape hyacinth it’s mostly used as a garden ornamental plant.
Elymus repens also known as couch grass is a common perennial type of grass. It is often considered a weed.
Plantago major common known as Greater plantin is a flowering plant native to Eurasia.
Ceratophyllum demersum also known as hornwort it is a harmful weed mostly found in water. Found in New Zealand.
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