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What does 'guileless' mean?
Innocent and naive.
What is the meaning of 'reticent'?
Inclined to be silent or uncommunicative in speech; reserved.
Define 'lampoon'.
A harsh satire usually directed against an individual.
What does the verb 'delineate' refer to?
To describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail.
How is the term 'modest' defined?
Placing a moderate estimate on one’s abilities or worth.
What does 'demurely' mean?
In a reserved or modest manner.
Define 'forlorn'.
Sad because of isolation; bereft or forsaken.
What does 'lofty' mean?
Elevated in character and spirit.
What does the verb 'sneer' mean?
To smile or laugh with facial contortions that express scorn or contempt.
Define 'peril'.
Exposure to the risk of being injured, destroyed, or lost; danger.
What is 'vermin'?
Small common harmful or objectionable animals that are difficult to control.
What does 'upheaval' refer to?
Extreme agitation or disorder; radical change.
Define 'listlessness'.
Characterized by a lack of interest, energy, or spirit.
What does the verb 'thwart' mean?
To oppose successfully; defeat the hopes or aspirations of.
Define 'philanthropy'.
An act or gift done or made for humanitarian purposes.
What does 'prodigious' mean?
Causing amazement or wonder.
Define 'deplorable'.
Deserving censure or contempt.
What does 'hitherto' indicate?
Up to this or that time.
What does 'scrupulous' mean?
Having moral integrity; acting in strict regard for what is considered right.
What does the verb 'gibbet' mean?
To expose to infamy or public scorn.
Define 'episcopal'.
Of or relating to a bishop.
What is 'parsimony'?
The quality of being careful with money or resources.
What is 'raiment'?
Clothing; garments.
Define 'trepidation'.
A nervous or fearful feeling or uncertain agitation.
What does 'licentious' refer to?
Lacking legal or moral restraints.
What is the meaning of the verb 'reprimand'?
To reprove sharply or censure formally from a position of authority.
Define 'magistrate'.
An official entrusted with the administration of the laws.
What does 'pallor' mean?
Deficiency of color especially of the face; paleness.
What does 'ameliorate' mean?
To make better or more tolerable.
What does 'jabber' mean?
To talk rapidly, indistinctly, or unintelligibly.
Define 'stallion'.
An uncastrated male horse kept for breeding.
What is a 'clapboard'?
A narrow board usually thicker at one edge than the other used for siding.
What does it mean to 'trifle'?
To treat someone or something as unimportant.
What does 'conjure' refer to?
To change or entreat earnestly or solemnly.
What does 'treason' mean?
The betrayal of a trust; treachery.
Define 'arduous'.
Hard to accomplish or achieve; difficult.
What does 'solace' mean?
To give comfort to in grief or misfortune.
What does 'beseech' mean?
To beg for urgently or anxiously.
Define 'remonstrance'.
An earnest presentation of reasons for opposition or grievance.
What does 'supine' refer to?
Lying on the back or with the face upward.
What does it mean to 'profane'?
To treat something sacred with abuse, irreverence, or contempt.
What is 'altruistic'?
Having or showing an unselfish concern for the welfare of others.
Define 'waspish'.
Resembling a wasp in behavior; extremely irritable.
What does 'urbane' mean?
Notably polite or polished in manner.
What does 'suave' refer to?
Smoothly though often superficially gracious and sophisticated.
What does 'wade' mean?
To step in or through a medium offering more resistance than air.
What does 'spewed' mean?
To come forth in a flood or gush.
Define 'unprecedented'.
Never done or known before.
What does 'cull' mean?
To select from a group.
What does 'perpetual' mean?
Continuing forever.
Define 'pervasive'.
Existing in or spreading through every part of something.
What is a 'pseudonym'?
A fictitious name.
What does 'moratorium' refer to?
A temporary prohibition of an activity.
Define 'endearing'.
Inspiring love or affection.
What does 'chasm' mean?
A profound difference between people, viewpoints, feelings, etc.
What does 'affluent' refer to?
Having an abundance of goods or riches.
What is 'twine'?
A strong string of two or more strands twisted together.
What does 'ghastly' mean?
Terrifyingly horrible to the senses; frightening.
Define 'perverse'.
Turned away from what is right or good.
What does 'frisson' refer to?
A brief moment of emotional excitement.
What does 'waning' mean?
To decrease in size, extent, or degree.
What is a 'guffawing'?
A loud or boisterous burst of laughter.
Define 'pimp'.
A person who controls one or more sex workers and arranges clients for them.
What does 'gaucheness' mean?
A lack of social experience or grace.
What does 'flaunt' mean?
To display or obtrude oneself to public notice.
What is a 'commodity'?
An economic good; something useful or valued.
What does 'befuddle' mean?
To make someone unable to think clearly.
What does 'futile' mean?
Incapable of producing any useful result; pointless.
Define 'coarseness'.
The quality of being rough or harsh.
What do 'pronouncements' refer to?
Usually formal declarations of opinion.
What is a 'quarry'?
A rich source.
Define 'wayfarer'.
A traveler, especially on foot.
What does 'dismayed' mean?
Experiencing or showing feelings of alarmed concern.
What does 'taut' mean?
Especially of muscles or nerves; tense; not relaxed.
What does 'solace' refer to?
Comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.