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c + i + g + (x-m)
gdp formula
inflation can distort any economic variable so we have two versions of gdp
nominal and real gdp
nominal gdp
values output using current prices, not corrected for inflation
real gdp
values output using a constant price, base year is used to inflation rate
nominal gdp calculations
P x Q
real gdp calculations
using base P x new Q
gdp deflator
measure of overall level of prices, calculates inflation using gdp
gdp deflator formula
100 x nominal gdp / real gdp
outout growth, percent change formula
100 x year 2- year 1 / year 1
consumer price index CPI
measures typical urban consumer cost of living, bureau of labor statistics
rising overall price level
overall falling price level
the process of bringing inflation rate down
5 steps to calculate CPI
fix the basket, determine what things consumers spend money on
find prices
calculate baskets cost, price x quantity
chose base year, base year will always be 100
compute inflation rate
CPI formula
100 x cost of basket in current year/cost of basket in base year
inflation formula
cpi this year - cpi last year / cpi last year x 100
GDP deflator vs CPI
looks at prices of domestic goods
compares prices of goods currently produced
covers all customers
compares prices of fixed basket over time
real gdp per capita…
is the main indicator of the average persons standard of livign
real gdp per capita formula
real gdp/population
nominal interest rate
not corrected for inflation, rate of growth in the dollar value of a deposit or debt, published interest rate
real interest rate
corrected for inflation, rate of growth in the purchasing power of a deposite or debt
how is unemployment measured
collected by bureau of labor statistics in us dept of labor, based on ppl 16 and up
BLS divides population into 3 categories
employed: noninstitutionalized ppl aged 16 and up, full time and part time
unemployed: noninstitutionalized ppl aged 16 and up wanting to work, includes seasonal workers
not in the labor force: ppl not in first two categories
not in the labor force
noninstitutionalized ppl aged 16 and up who are not employed or seeking work, includes stay at home parents, full time students, younger than 16, disabled
ppl not in first two categories
noninstitutionalized ppl aged 16 and up wanting to work, includes seasonal workers
noninstitutionalized (not in prison, army, hospital) ppl aged 16 and up, full time and part time
labor force consists of people who are
employed and unemployed
unemployment rate formula “u rate”
100 * # of unemployed/labor force
labor force participation rate
100 * labor force/adult population
why the unemployment rate doesnt measure correctly
no distinguish between full time or part time, or ppl working part time bc full time is unavailable, underemployment
excludes discouraged workers, ppl who left labor force bc they cannot find a job that matched their skill level
discourgaed workers
ppl who left labor force bc they cannot find a job that matched their skill level
discouraged workers formula
total population- (LF+nLF)
real U6 rate
100 * # of discouraged workers/total population
when full time jobs are unavailible
three reaosn why ppl are unemployed
frictional unemployment: someone searchign for jobs that best suit their skills and tastes, short term
cyclical unemployment: connected to business cycle
structural unemployment: when workers lack skills, too many people seeking jobs, longer term
structural unemployment
when workers lack skills, too many people seeking jobs, longer term
cyclical unemployment
connecteed to business cycle
frictional unemployment
someone searchign for jobs that best suit their skills and tastes, jobs are abundant when thsi takes place bc there are avilible jobs
unemployment insurance
a govt program that protects workers incomes when they are laid off