Parasympathetic system is
free nerve endings in smooth muscle
visceral free nerve endings
nerve endings in blood vessel adventitia
in carotic sinus and aortic arch
Afferent pathway is made of A delta and C fibers that are included within ________ nerves and cranial nerves ,,_____
spinal, VII, IX, X
Synapses for visceral afferences of spinal nerves - pathway
int-lat nuclei (lat division of post root), to supraspinal centers
afferent first order neurons located in
peripheral ganglia of nerves
afferent second orders neurons located in
nucleus tractus solitarius
afferent third order neurons located in
VPL and VPM thalamic nuclei
efferent first order neurons located in
lat horn spinal cord for sympathetic vegetative nuclei in brainstem + sacral spinal cord for parasympathetic
efferent pathway has what type of axons
b-type myelinated fibers
What smooth muscle systems do effectors of ANS go to
iris, bronchiolae, gastro-intestinal, genitourinary
What gland systems do effectors of ANS go to
sweat, exocrine and endocrine
Sympathetic - preganglionic neuron in
lat horns of spinal cord T1-L2, distribute via white communicant branch to paravertebral sympathetic chain
Sympathetic paravertebral ganglia
chain lat to vertebrae, interconnected by grey fibers, form sympathetic trunk
Sympathetic intermediate ganglia
separate ganglia next to sympathetic trunk
sympathetic coccygian ganglion
unpaired, at inf fusion point of 2 sympathetic trunks
rr. communicantes grisei
postganglionic, thin and unmyelinated
Sup cervical ganglion - connections
n jugularis, rr laringopharyngei, n cardiacus sup, n caroticus int, nn carotici ext
Middle cervical ganglion - connections
n cariacus medius, thyroid plexus
Inf cervical ganglion - connections
ansa subclavia, plexus subclavius, n cardiacus inf, n vertebralis
Major splanchnic nerves
originate in ganglions T6-9, made of preganglionic fibers to celiac plexus
Lesser splanchnic nerves
originate from T11-12, end in celiac plexus
Least splanchnic nerve
originate at T12, to retroperitoneum
celiac ganglion of prevertebral ganglia
fibers from greater splanchnic nerve
sup and inf mesenteric ganglion of prevertebral ganglia
fibers from lesser splanchnic nerve
aorticorenal ganglion of prevertebral ganglia
fibers from least splanchnic nerve
Preganglionic neurons of parasympathetic system found in
CNS (cranial) and sacral spinal cord
Soma of cranial part of parasympathetic system - location
vegetative nuclei of brainstem
Soma of sacral part of parasympathetic system - location
intermediate substance of sacral spinal cord
Neurotransmitter of parasympathetic system
Parasympathetic ganglia have only synaptic _________
N vagus has vegetative fibers from
nucleus salivatorius inf and nucleus dorsalis
Ciliary ganglion - afferences and efferences
a - oculomotor root of ncl edinger-westphal e - short ciliary nerves
Pterygopalatine ganglion - afferences and efferences
a - facial root from ncl salivatorius sup e - pterygopalatine nerves
otic ganglion - afferences and efferences
a - ncl salivatorius inf e - to auriculotemporal nerve
Submandibular ganglion and sublingual ganglion - afferences and efferences
a - ncl salivatorius sup e - to lingual nerve
Sacral part of parasympathetic system groups into
pelvic splanchnic nerves