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when was it sculptued?
what is significant about it?
it is the first male heroic nude cast in cire perdue technique in contrapposto since antiquity
commissioned by…
Medici family, paid for by Cosimo for the Medici palace courtyard
what is at the base of the sculpture and what does it represent?
the laurel wreath at the base of the sculpture represented their patron Saint was St Laurence
it is elevated and meant to be viewed…
in the round as he looks down at us
he is a character from what story?
He is David from the story of David and Goliath
David rejects the weapons and armour given to him by the king of the Israelites as he believes God is on his side, he then proceeds to kill Goliath
the statue is an allegory for…
the Medici family, showing that they have God’s backing and the nature of David being depicted in his youth it shows the family is promised a long rule as well as being an allegory for Florence, the underdog, who against the odds wins out against bigger rivals
it can be read as a reflection of what ideals?
Neo-Platonic ideals e.g. ‘ideal beauty’
what stresses his nudity?
His nudity is stressed by the boots and hat
how is the image of military might against the less powerful shown?
The hat he wears is a shepherd's hat which contrasts with Goliath’s head at his feet alongside the military metal hat and sword
his expression is…
slightly smug, he is confident and aware of his accomplishment
He has a slightly rounded…
stomach and bottom, he is slightly androgynous, somewhere between female and male
There is a feather that comes up from the helmet that…
brushes his inner thigh, this adheres to homoeroticism
On the Goliath’s metal helmet there is a scene playing out depicting…
a scene taken directly from Plato’s symposium in which we witness the chariot of Eros (God of love) being pulled by triumphal putti, the triumph of love over war
The sword could stand for the…
military might of Milan and the stone could symbolise the culture of Florence