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A method of argument involving contradiction and its reconciliation.
An initial proposition or statement in an argument.
A counter-proposition that negates or contradicts the thesis.
The resolution of the contradiction between thesis and antithesis.
The owning class that owns the assets and wealth/capital used to generate private profit.
The working class who must sell their labour to live.
Living Labour
The active labour performed by workers in the production process.
Accumulated Labour
The total amount of labour that has been stored in the form of commodities.
The estrangement of people from their work, the products of their work, and their fellow workers.
The utility of a commodity, its ability to satisfy human wants.
The possibility of exchanging a commodity for something else.
An item produced for exchange in the market, characterized by its use-value and exchange-value.
Labour Theory of Value
The theory that the value of a commodity is determined by the amount of socially necessary labour time required for its production.
Socially-Necessary Labour
The average amount of time required to produce a commodity under normal conditions of production with average skill and intensity.
Commodity Fetishism
The perception of the social relationships involved in production as relationships between commodities themselves.
Surplus Value
The difference between the value produced by labour and the actual wage paid to the labourer.
A social relation of struggle between classes, particularly between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.
Commodities and Struggle
The concept that the commodity form is fundamental to the social relations of capitalism.
Mysterious Commodity
The dual nature of commodities as both use-value and exchange-value, leading to contradictions.
Realization of Labour
The process through which the value of labour is manifested in the production of commodities.
The process by which labor becomes an object, leading to estrangement from the product of one's work.
The alienated ability of mankind that facilitates relationships through purchasing power.
Capitalist Mode of Production
An economic system where the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit.
Social Relation of Struggle
The ongoing conflict between different social classes, particularly in a capitalist society.
Analysis of a Commodity
The examination of a commodity's use-value and exchange-value to understand its role in capitalism.
Fetishized Commodity
A commodity perceived to have intrinsic value, obscuring the social relations of its production.
Fetishism of Commodities
Viewing commodities as having magical powers.
Value Determination
The process of establishing a commodity's worth.
Exchanging a commodity for money to buy another.
Exchanging money for a commodity, then back to money.
Absolute Surplus Value
Increasing profit by extending the workday.
Relative Surplus Value
Extracting more value from the same work duration.
General Formula for Capital
M1 = M + ΔM, indicating profit generation.
Labour Power
The capacity of workers to perform work.
Socially-Necessary Labour Time
Time required to produce a commodity under normal conditions.
Production under Capitalism
Profit-driven production distinct from other systems.
Class Oppression
Exploitation of one class by another in capitalism.
Historical Materialism
Understanding history through material conditions and class struggle.
A state of normlessness leading to social instability.
Collective Conscience
Shared beliefs and values within a society.
Social Solidarity
Unity among individuals in a society.
Controlling social behavior to maintain order.
Radical change in political or social structures.
Excess value produced beyond costs of production.
Exam Format
Includes short-answer and short-essay questions.
Short-answer Questions
Answer four questions in one paragraph each.
Short-essay Questions
One essay organized with introduction and conclusion.