IV. Phrases, patterns and collocations

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arm sb with

trang bị vũ khí cho ai

She armed the boys with brushes and mops and told them to clean out the shed.

Her legal training armed her with the skills she needed.

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arm yourself against

tự trang bị vũ khí chống lại

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take up arms (against)

chuẩn bị chiến đầu.

The people took up arms against the dictator.

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lay down (your) arms

ngừng chiến đầu

The minister has called on the terrorists to lay down their arms.

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up in arms (about)

phản đối kịch liệt

The community is up in arms about the proposed closure of the local library.

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arms control

luật kiểm soát vũ khí

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arm race

chạy đua vũ trang

He discusses the nuclear arms race to illustrate how people can feel their way to better outcomes, through contract by convention, without determinacy.

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have the authority to do

có thẩm quyền thực hiện.

The federal government has the authority to regulate phone service provided over the internet.

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grant sb the authority to do

ủy thác thẩm quyền cho ai

Under the new plan, counties would be given the authority to raise sales tax levels.

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have authority over

có quyền làm gì

He has no authority over (= ability to control) his students.

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have sth on good authority

có được tin từ nguồn tin cậy.

I have it on good authority that she's getting married.

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in authority

đang nắm quyền, có quyền

We need to get the support of someone in authority (= an important or high-ranking person).

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with authority

được tôn trọng/ nghe theo

She spoke with authority (= as if she was in control or had special knowledge).

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the authorities

nhà chức trách

I'm going to report these potholes to the authorities. (nhà chức trách)

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local authoriy

chính quyền địa phương

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charge sb with

buộc tội

She is charged with murdering her husband.

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charge sb for

tính tiền ai về...

The local museum doesn't charge for admission.

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take charge

chịu trách nhiệm, quản lý

His boss asked him to take charge of the office for a few days while she was away.

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(put) in charge (of)

phụ trách, đứng đầu

The teacher put me in charge of organizing the project.

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overall charge

tổng chi phí

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charge down

đâm bổ vào, lao về hướng.

He had an attempted clearance charged down by Lewsey.

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class sb/sth as

xếp vào loại

The tower is classed as a historic monument.

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social class

tầng lớp xã hội

There is something about social class that makes us look away, leaving it to political theorists or to the dismal scientists in the economics department.

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working class

tầng lớp lao động

He was born to Irish immigrants and grew up in a working-class neighbourhood.

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middle class

tầng lớp trung lưu

Pushy middle-class parents are very good at getting their children into the best schools.

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upper class

tầng lớp thượng lưu

Her husband was more upper-class than she was.

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ruling class

giai cắp thống trị

Banks and the ruling classes started buying currencies from other nations.

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class system

hệ thống giai cấp

Haskell's class system is ideal for this purpose.

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class differences

khác biệt giai cấp

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class war

chiến tranh giai cấp

His critics say he sparked a virtual class war by telling the poor that their problems are the fault of the wealthy.

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commit a crime

phạm tội

He was sent to prison for a crime that he didn't commit.

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report a crime

báo việc phạm tội

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witness a crime

chứng kiến việc phạm tội

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solve a crime

phá chuyên án

The police are still no nearer to solving the crime.

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fight/combat crime

chống tội phạm

We need the public's help in fighting crime.

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the scene of crime

hiện trường vụ án

A knife was found at the scene of the crime.

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organised crime

tội phạm có tổ chức.

The murders may have been linked to organized crime.

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crime prevention

phòng chống tội phạm.

Nearly £2 million of the city budget was set aside for crime prevention.

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crime rate

tỉ lệ phạm tội

Good schools and low crime rates are important factors in deciding where companies will do business.

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crime wave

làn sóng phạm tội

While the shortage of police is not the cause of the crime wave, it is a great obstacle to dealing with it.

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deny sb sth

từ chối ai việc gì đó.

No one should be denied a good education. (to not allow someone to have or do something)

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deny a request

từ chối yêu cầu

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deny that

từ chối rằng

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deny doing

phủ nhận làm gì đó.

Neil denies breaking the window.

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deny having done

phủ nhận đã làm việc gì

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deny (all) reponsibility for

chối bỏ (mọi) trách nhiệm

He denied all responsibility for the rumours which have been circulating.

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deny yourself

không cho phép bản thân có hoặc làm gì

Many parents deny themselves so that their children can have the best.

Come on, join us for some dessert. Don't deny yourself!

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make an example of

phạt ai để làm gương

The judge made an example of him and gave him the maximum possible sentence.

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set an example

làm gương cho

We want our teachers to set a good example.

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follow an example

làm theo tấm gương của ai

They followed the example of their father, who also played basketball in college.

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give an example

đưa ra ví dụ

Let me give you an example of what I mean.

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an example of

một ví dụ về

Could you give me an example of the improvements you have mentioned?

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classic/prime example

ví dụ điển hình

Not surprisingly, then, the prime example of this new R & B sensibility was a black university graduate.

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force sb to do

buộc ai đó làm gì đó

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force sth on sb

buộc ai đó chắp nhận gì đó.

I didn't actually want any more dessert, but Julia forced it on me (= made me accept it).

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force your way into/through

buộc nghe theo cách mình

Intruders forced their way into a house which was being renovated.

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force a smile

gượng cười

When asked if he thinks it's going to be fun, he nods his head and forces a smile.

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with force

sử dụng vũ lực

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police force

lực lượng cảnh sát

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armed forces

lực lượng vũ trang

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grant sth to

cấp cái gì cho ai

They gave/awarded her a grant to study abroad for one year.

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grant sb permission/authority

cho phép ai làm gì

Only the city council can grant permisssion to build on that site.

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grant a request

chấp nhận yêu cầu

She granted their request/wish.

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grant sb's wish

chấp nhận điều ước của ai

She granted their request/wish.

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become law

được thông qua luật

Who signs bills to become law?

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break the law

vi phạm luật

The judge ruled that the directors had knowingly broken the law.

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follow the law

tuân theo luật

Our roads are filled with people who don't wish to follow the law.

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uphold the law

ủng hộ luật

Every citizen has a duty to uphold the law.

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pass a law

thông qua luật

Should we not pass a law requiring prime ministers to do the same?

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remend a law

sửa chữa luật

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repeal a law

bãi bỏ luật

We're campaigning for a/the repeal of the abortion laws.

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lay down the law

tạo ra luật, lên mặt dạy đời

She can't just come into this office and start laying down the law.

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practise law

hành nghề luật pháp.

He had been banned from practising law.

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against the law

trái/vi phạm pháp luật

Of course robbery is against the law!

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above the law

ngoài vòng pháp luật

Animals are beyond the law (= laws do not affect them). You cannot arrest an animal for a crime.

The leader of the gangsters believes he is above the law (= he can break the law because he is too powerful to be punished).

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by/under law

theo luật

By law, the maximum donation allowed is $5,000.

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law and order

an ninh trật trự

Taxing consumption of alcohol is an issue of law and order.

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lock sth in

khóa gì bên trong

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lock horns with

tranh chấp với

The mayor and her deputy locked horns over plans for the new road.

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under lock and key

The essential safeguard is to keep all medicines out of the reach of children, preferably under lock and key.

kỹ lưỡng, an toàn

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thợ sửa khóa

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peer group

người cùng trang lứa

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peer pressure

áp lực từ bạn bè

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take power

nắm quyền

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seize power

giữ quyền

The army seized power after five days of anti-government demonstrations.

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hold power

cầm quyền

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exercise power

thi hành quyền lực.

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exert power

áp dụng quyền

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wield power

vận dụng quyền

These companies wield tremendous power.

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abuse power

lạm quyền

The investigation revealed abuses of power committed by the governor's office.

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in power

đang cầm quyền

The National Party is currently in power.

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beyond sb's power

vượt quá quyền hạn

You were acting beyond your powers when you agreed to give her a pay rise.

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power to do

có quyền làm gì

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power struggle

tranh dành quyền lực.

Behind this determination, once again, lies a simple power struggle.

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power structure

cơ cấu quyền lực.

Though we were outsiders, once at the orphanage we too became enmeshed in this nested power structure.

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power base

phạm vi gây ảnh hưởng

She perseveres in her role, but the power base by which she rose and flourished has been eroded.

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go to prison

ở tù

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send sb to prison

giam ai vào tù

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in prison

trong tù

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prison term

hạn tù

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