Fed 51, Fed 52, Fed 62, and other
End of gov.?
what does fed 51cover?
Seperation of powers and checks and balances
What does Fed 52 cover?
The House
Requirenments for house reps?
Must be at least 25 yrs old, a citizen for at least 7 years, must be a U.S. resident at time of election.
Why are the terms for House reps so short?
It allows for people to learn what the person’s intentions.
What does Fed 62 cover?
The senate
Quaifications for the Senate Reps
Must be at least 30 yrs old, Must have been a U.S. citizen for at least 9 yrs, a resident of the state they are representing
Reasons for equal rep per state
protecting less populated states
Balancing power
Checks and Balances
Deliberative role
protections offered by Senate
Equal Rep
Two stage voting
What was the verdict in the McCulloch v. Maryland court case?
Fed gov. has implied powers and states can not tax federal gov.
Reason for the McCulloch v. Maryland court case?
Congress has implied powers to pass laws that are “Necessary and Proper”
Fed 78
Judiciary powers
Life term for Judiciary
Insured that judges were unbiased and not focused on politics
What is the weakest branch?
Why is the judiciary the weakest branch?
Lacks force and will, dependant on other branches and can only judge
What does Judiciary enforce?
The constitution
Mabury v. Madison Decision
Courts have the power to declare laws that are passed by Congress as unconstitutional.
Fed 70
Executive power
Fed 74
Pres Pardons