Unit 2: Cell Structure and Function

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prokaryotic cells

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prokaryotic cells

  • found in domains bacteria and archaea

  • single circular chromosome found in nucleoid

  • no membrane bound organelles

  • ribosomes

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plasma membrane

forms boundary for cell; selectively permeable

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what is the plasma membrane made up of?

phospholipids, proteins, carbohydrates

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endoplasmic reticulum

network of membranous sacs & tubes; active in membrane synthesis & other synthetic/metabolic processes; has rough & smooth regions

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nuclear envelope

double membrane enclosing the nucleus, perforated by pores, continuous with ER

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nonmembranous structure involved in production of ribosomes; nucleus has 1 or more of these

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material consisting of dna & proteins; visible in a dividing cell as individual condensed chromosomes

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completes that make proteins; free in cytosol or bounded to rough ER/nuclear envelope

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golgi apparatus

organelle active in synthesis, modification, sorting, and secretion of cell products

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digestive organelle where macromolecules are hydrolyzed

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organelle where cellular respiration occurs & most ATP is generated

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central vacuole

prominent organelle in older plant cells; functions include storage, breakdown of waste products, and hydrolysis of macromolecules; enlargement of this is a major mechanisms of plant growth

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