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Right hypochondriac region
liver, gallbladder, part of small intestine, part of ascending colon, part of transverse colon, right kidney
Epigastric region
oesophagus, stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas, right and left kidneys, right and left ureters, right and left suprarenal glands, small intestine, transverse colon
Left hypochondriac region
part of stomach, top of left lobe of liver, left kidney, spleen, tail of pancreas, part of small intestine, part of transverse colon, part of descending colon
Right lumbar (flank) region
inferior-most part of the right lobe liver; gallbladder; small intestine; ascending colon; part of the right kidney
Umbilical region
stomach; pancreas; small intestine; transverse colon; medial extremities of inferior poles of the right and left kidneys; right and left ureters; cisterna chyli
Left lumbar (flank) region
portion of the small intestine; part of the descending colon; part of the left kidney
Right iliac (inguinal) region
small intestine; sigmoid colon; rectum; urinary bladder; right and left ureters; uterus, right and left ovaries and uterine (female); ductus deferens, seminal vesicles and prostate (male)
Hypogastric (pubic) region
small intestine; vermiform appendix; cecum; ascending colon; right ovary and right uterine tube in females
Left iliac (inguinal) region
descending colon; sigmoid colon; part of the small intestine; left ovary and the left uterine tube (female)