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A system of legislature (congress/parliament) has two houses called
trade between states
Interstate commerce means
Congress rep. sponsors
how does a bill become a law? (1st step)
Vote in house
How does a bill become a law? (2nd step)
If passed, move to senate
How does a bill become a law? (3rd step)
If passed, to press
How does a bill become a law? (4th step)
If vetoed, 2/3rd majority in congress houses
How does a bill become a law? (5th step)
The head of government mainly focuses on_________Policy and working with the rest of government.
one of the biggest powers of the president is to make___________
These choices need to be ratified/Ok’d by the__________
advisory body, 15 executive departments
The president’s cabinet is an_________ made up of the heads of
There is_____________ a time where all top government officials meet in the same room.
Designated survivor
During big events, such as the state of the union address and presidential inaugurations, there is always a _____________ picked from the president’s cabinet
There are currently ________ justices on the supreme court.
Supreme court justices serve __________.
checking if something is constitutional
Judicial review is ________________.
The court’s main job is to ___________ the law.
Marbury vs Madison
The origin of judicial review started with the case of ________________.
Brown Vs Board
The court case ______________ is responsible for ending Jim Crow/separate but equal laws in the united states.
Miranda vs arizona
Police officers must read you your rights when being detained. These rights are called the _______ rights. The case that made this a rule is .
override vetos, senate approves appointments
Checks of the Legislative Branch:
veto legislative bills, appoints court judges
Checks of the executive branch: