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is the right or left part of the heat oxygenated

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is the right or left part of the heat oxygenated

left is oxygenated, right non-oxygenated ( LORD)

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what are the 4 chambers of the heart

  • right atrium

  • left atrium

  • right ventricle

  • left ventricle

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what are the 4 blood vessels of the heart

  • vena cava

  • pulmonary veins

  • pulmonary arteries

  • Aorta

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<p>right atrium</p>

right atrium

#C this is where non-oxygenated blood is taken back from the body ad sent to the right ventricle

<p>#C  this is where non-oxygenated blood is taken back from the body ad sent to the right ventricle</p>
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<p>left atrium</p>

left atrium

#I this is where oxygenated blood from the lungs comes to the heart

<p>#I this is where oxygenated blood from the lungs comes to the heart </p>
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<p>right ventricle</p>

right ventricle

#F this is where non- oxygenated blood is send to the lungs to get oxygen

<p>#F this is where non- oxygenated blood is send to the lungs to get oxygen</p>
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<p>left ventricle</p>

left ventricle

#G this is where the heart pumps the oxygenated blood around the body

<p>#G this is where the heart pumps the oxygenated blood around the body </p>
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<p>vena cava</p>

vena cava

#B where the blood from the body comes back to the heart

<p>#B where the blood from the body comes back to the heart</p>
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<p>pulmonary veins</p>

pulmonary veins

#J oxygenated blood from the lungs is brought to the heart

<p>#J oxygenated blood from the lungs is brought to the heart</p>
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<p>pulmonary artery</p>

pulmonary artery

#A this is where non-oxygenated blood is pumped to the lungs

<p>#A this is where non-oxygenated blood is pumped to the lungs </p>
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#K this is where oxygenated blood is pumped around the body

<p>#K this is where oxygenated blood is pumped around the body </p>
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#D & H this stops the back flow of the blood

<p>#D &amp; H this stops the back flow of the blood </p>
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what is a pacemaker

a group of cells that control the natural resting heart rate.

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