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What actions have WASPs taken to maintain their numerical majority in the United States?
Eventually broadened to the definition of "whtie" to include groups like the Irish, Italians and White Hispanics
What is Racism?
The belief that someone is inferior or superior to you due to his or her physical characteristics
Racial and Ethnicity Hierarchies usually place "the other" where on the hierarchy?
The bottom
Which definition best describes Ethnicity in this class?
A categorification of people based on shared cultural values
Which definition best describes race?
An assumption of differences based on real or imagined physical characteristics
Who controls immigration?
Legislative branch
Who controls naturalization?
Legislative branch
The principal port of entry in the east for the second movement of immigrants was
Castle Garden, NYC
Which of the following was the largest movement
What was changed in the naturalization statues, between 1790-1802?
When someone can become a citizen-residency
What makes an immigrant or immigrant group "un-assimilate-able" in the eyes of the WASPs?
Their physical characteristics
Which of the following was not a factor in the immigration of the English?
Which immigrant model would follow this idea "All are welcome to immigrate and naturalize"
Which immigrant model would follow this idea "Completely assimilate and you are welcome"
Which immigrant model would follow this idea "You are welcome to come but never naturalize"
Which immigrant model would follow this idea "Puritans and pilgrims created this immigration model"
Which immigrant model would follow this idea "Pluralism is the main idea"
In the 15th century, african societies were:
Very similar to European in politics, economics, and social functions
Why did Europeans change from trading with west africans to enslaving west africans?
Discovery of the New World
The destination of most west africans involved in the triangle trade
Caribbean Islands
Which of the following is not true about the atlantic slave trade?
Mostly involved slaves traded from the Trans-Saharan trade
Which of the following slaves would go for the most money in a slave auction?
A skilled slave
What is the main purpose of seasoning?
To break the will of the African
True or False: The concept of race as we understand it today was widely in use in Europe before the 1400s
False, was discussed in the 15-1600s
True or False: The concept of white did not occur until the english society first encountered and contrasted themselves against others through their colonial pursuits
True or False: While Dr. Robbins could give you a clear place in the constitution that decided who controlled citizenship and naturalization, the constitution is silent on immigration
True or False: Immigration from Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Russia, and Japan was known was the "second wave"
True or False: The United States' goal for all immigrants to acculturate
False, its assimilation
True or False: To speak english and dress as an American in public but keep your culture at home is known as acculturation
True or False: English americans who set out to explore and colonize the new world considered themselves not immigrants, but those who were establishing or forming a new colony, or a formative migration wave
True or False: You can still see british influence in America today
True or False: West africans were primarily monotheistic
True or False: Europeans called africans black because of their skin color
True or False:Loose packers would pack an additional 25% of slaves because they would assume they would die on the passage over
False, this is tight packers
An over-generalized belief, or widely held and oversimplified image about somebody
To fear an immigrant, immigration, or "the other"
The legal act or process by which a non-citizen of a country may acquire citizenship or nationality of that country
The process or movement of people into one country from another(to permanently live there) is called:
Factors that force you to leave your home country for another country are
Push factors
Letters written by immigrants to American back to their families in their home countries
American letters
The idea that it is the alleged duty of white people to civilize the world
White man's burden
The preconceived stereotype that africans were seen as animals
In the Amistad clip you witnessed the movement of Africans from West Africa to the New World. What is this movement known as?
Middle Passage
In this political cartoon, the man leading uncle sam carrying the baskets up the mountain is?
John Bull
Nationality solely describes where you were born
Which agency ended up determining what "whiteness" and "good moral character" was?
Judicial branch
Which of the following statements best describes the patterns of slave ownership in the south?
A small percentage of wealthy southerners owned the most slaves
The reactions of slaves to slavery can be best describes by which of the following statements?
Slaves used their wits to escape hard work and punishment as much as possible and created their own culture to help with the oppressive slave system
The most common form of resistance against slavery was:
Creation of an African American culture
What did historians finally find out about African American slave owners?
African American plantation owners had more in common with white slave owners than with other African Americans
Which of the following was not a Seminal movement for the birtish American colonies thats structured the ideas of race, slavery and a definition of a slave
All of the above, Hereditary slavery, Bacon's rebellion, Barbados slave code
The idea that plantation owners were not just the head of their household, but the head of their slaves as a "father figure" is known as what
Which of the following is a true statement about free blacks?
Free blacks suffered economic competition with other immigrants
Which of the following groups would support these statements? "We are the gatekeepers of american culture and we decide who is an American"
Which of the following groups would support these statements? "Lips that touch liquor will not touch ours"
Which of the following groups would support these statements? "We profess the one ture religion, Papists and non-believers are the downfall of American society"
Evangelical protestants
Who called Gorta mor an act of god
British government
What is the primary goal of chain migration?
To make as much money as you can to send to your village, so that more immigrants can follow you to the United States
The trans-atlantic crossing for the catholic irish
All of the above,Could afford steerage,In coffin ships,Retrofitted slave ships
Catholic Irish immigrants were unique among immigrant groups because:
An equal amount of Irish immigrants were women as men
Which of the following characterizes catholic irish-american influence on the political life in the United States in Boston and New York during the late 19th century
Created a voting block more powerful than WASPs
The institutional catholtic church held many roles including
All of the above, Religious center for the Irish Immigrants, A place to help form voting blocks, Social welfare system which set up half-way houses for prostitutes, orphism, etc
Irish Americans have slowly moved up the hierarchy. How did this occur?
Children born here assimilate, Other immigrants came who were inferior , Voting blocks
Which of the following opinions would the American Party(know-nothing party) most likely express?
"America belongs only to white protestants born in the United States
Who made the choice to emigrate for the Chinese?
The eldest male
Which of the following was not a reason the Chinese wanted to leave China in the first wave?
Imperialism was one of the main reasons the Chinese left china. Why was imperialism so important?
Imperialist countries brought their culture with them, leading to a forced assimilation
The Chinese initially immigrated to America for which of the following reasons?
Gum Saan
In which of the following ways did the first wave chinese find the money to migrate to america
The clan, The credit ticket system, Chinese money lenders
First wave immigrants from China:
Were a key example of return migration(sojourners)
What job did the chinese take that reinforce the stereotype of inferior race
Domestics, Because they are seen as a weak,Brought diseases
Why did the Chinese keep their Que?
It was the law in china at the time that a male keep a que, and since their return migrants, they had to keep it
The yellow peril
The chinese are taking all the jobs away from other immigrant groups
Which of the following is not true about dred scott v sanford?
The case took 5 years to decide(it took ten)
All of the following are true about political cartoons expect
Have diminished due to the internet
The Anti-alien land act:
Denied the Chinese ownership of land
Which of the following are stereotypes that both the Irish and the Chinese have in common?
Inferior race
Labor unions used this to help improve wages and conditions for immigrants?
Collective bargaining
Term for an individual owner freeing his/her slave
Movement to end slavery
Stereotypical name for an Irish male
Laws or states of affairs that are true in fact but are not officially sanctioned
De facto laws
English americans used the west africans who came over as a blueprint for every "other" thereafter
Free blacks in the south had an easier time creating communities, churches, and schools than those in the north
Supreme court opinions sometimes create a de facto law
The case of dred scott vs sanford is one of the most controversial supreme court cases in US history and seen as one of the main causes of the Civil War by historians
The supreme court decision in Dred Scott vs Sanford was that African Americans are citizens of the United States
What was the Supreme Court's opinion in Chae Chang Ping vs. US(1889)?
The us can pass any immigration law, and Congress(Legislative Branch) oversees Immigration and is the only agency that can pass immigration law
How do the Chinese move up the Hierarchy?
The Chinese did npt move up the Hierarchy
During most of the second movement of Immigration, there was no such thing as the state of "Germany," or the ethnicity "German". The political boundaries known today as Germany were a collection of 39 states and kingdoms that had little in common with each other
All of the following are true about Immigration from the "German States", EXCEPT
Were hated because due to their bad stereotypes
True statements:Spoke many different language dialects, Was a diverse group including many different religions, cultures and classes spoke many different language dialects, Was the largest immigration to America
German immigrants who came during the "formative wave" between 1607-1780 settled primarily in:
Benjamin Franklin's concern(s) about formative German immigration was (were)?
They were stupid, They were an "inferior race", They would not assimilate, Their numbers were too large
All of the following are Pull factors to the United States for the First Wave Germans, EXCEPT
All of these were pull factors for the First Wave German Land, Religious Freedom, Railroads Recruiter Agents, Gottfried Duden
The group that set up the stereotypes for the First Wave German was:
Pennsylvania Deutsche
The First Wave Germans practiced all of the following type(s) of immigration, EXCEPT:
Return Did practice: Chain,Family, Single
All of the following were push factors for First Wave Germans, EXCEPT:
Gottfried Duden
First Wave Germans were unique to other immigrant groups in that one of the ways they got the money for immigration:
By state sponsorship
Which of the following issues WASPs have with First Wave German Immigrants?
WASPs had all of these problems with First Wave German Immigrants Drinking, Problems with their religions, Their lack of assimilation, Formation of German Voting Blocks
Traditions that we consider to be fundamentally American (apple pie, hot dogs, Santa Claus) were introduced by the Pennsylvania Deutsche