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aegis (n.)
shield or protection, sponsorship
ambrosial (adj.)
exceptionally pleasing to the taste or smell, extremely delicious
auroral (adj.)
pertaining to or resembling the dawn, having a rosy hue
bacchanalian (adj.)
jovial or wild with drunkenness
chimerical (adj.)
fantastic, unreal, impossible, absurd
draconian (adj.)
cruel, harsh, severe, ironhanded
echolalia (n.)
automatic and immediate repetition
elysian (adj.)
delightful, blissful, heavenly
eristic (adj.)
prone to controversy, disputatious, argumentative
flora (n.)
1.a treatise on or list of the plant life of a particular region or period; 2. the plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period
fauna (n.)
animal life, the animals characteristic of a particular region, period or special environment
forum (n.)
any medium or place for open discussion and expression of ideas; a public meeting, a radio or TV discussion, an editorial page
halcyon (n.)
tranquil, happy, idyllic, usually with nostalgic reference to earlier times
herculean (adj.)
extremely difficult; requiring the strength of a Hercules; requiring great strength or effort
hermetic (adj.)
airtight, impervious to external influence
iridescent (adj.)
Exhibiting a spectrum of colors that shimmer and change due to the angle of view or light. This effect is often seen as a rainbow
jovial (adj.)
jolly, merry, good-humored
laconic (adj.)
using words sparingly, terse, concise
martial (adj.)
of, relating to, or suited for war or a warrior
promethean (adj.)
daringly original, creative, or heroic on behalf of humanity