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Far East Texas
Covered in Pines & Oaks with Rich Bottom Lands
Avg rainfall: 36 - 50 in
Animals: Gray Fox, River Otter, Flying Squirrel, Bull Frog, Swamp Rabbit
Gulf Prairie / Marshes
Texas Coasts
Includes barrier islands, salt-grass marshes. estuaries, and woodlands
Avg rainfall: 30-50 in
Elevation: <150ft
Animals: Muskrat, Black Bear, Spoon Bills, Alligators, Whooping Crane
*Hot Spot for fish spawning and bird migration
Post Oak Savanna
East Central Texas
Serves as a transition between the Oak forest and Great Plains
Avg Rainfall: 28-40 in
Elevation: 300-800 ft
Animals: Elms/Maples, Deer, Blue Stem Grasses, Armadillo, Cotton-tails
*Cattle ranching is the main industry
Blackland Prairies
East Central Texas
Known for Black Soils
Avg rainfall: 28 - 40 in
Elevation: 300-800 ft
Animals: Skunks, Timber Rattlesnake, Bald Eagle
*Agriculture and Cattle are primary industry
Cross Timbers
North / Central Texas
Includes plains, prairies, and scattered trees
Avg Rainfall: 28 - 40 in
Elevation: 500 - 1500 ft
Animals: Pecans/oaks, Bobcats, quail, coyote
South Texas Plains
South Texas
Includes Thorny shrubs/trees and subtropic woodlands
Avg Rainfall: 20 -32 in
Elevation: 19-810 ft
Animals: Mesquite/Acacia/Prickly Pear, Leopard frog, jackrabbit, indigo snake, TX tortoise
*Agriculture & Livestock are the primary industry
*Home to subtropic species from Mexico as well as various other grassland and desert species
Edwards Plateau (Texas Hill Country)
Central / Southwest Texas
Includes Springs, Stony Hills, Canyons underlain with limestone
Avg rainfall: 15 - 34 in
Elevation: 100-3000 ft
Animals: Bald Eagle, Badgers, Guadalupe bass, Mexican free-tailed Bats, Juniper/oaks
*Ranching is the primary industry
*Edwards Aquifer and other rare species dwell in this area
Rolling Plains
NOrth Central Texas
Includes Broad flats, rolling hills, rivers, mesquites and short grasses
Avg rainfall: 20-28 in
Elevation: 800-3000ft
Animals: Mountain lion, Turkey, Deer, Juniper/yucca
*Crop and livestock are primary industry
High Plains
Includes high plateaus that are separated by Caprock escarpment
Avg rainfall: 15-22 in
Elevation: 3000-45000 ft
Animals: Swift Fox, Red-tailed Hawk, Cottonwoods
*Irrigated Croplands
*Agriculture is primary industry
Far West Texas
Avg rainfall: <12 in
Elevation: 2500-8800 ft
Animals: Agara, Yucca, Mountain Lions, collard lizard, Kit fox, TP rat snake
*Ranching is the primary industry
Animals in Cross Timbers
Quail, Bobcat, Coyote
Animals in Pineywoods
Grey Fox, River Otter, Swamp Rabbit
Animals in Gulf Prairie / Marshes
Alligators, Muskrat, Spoonbills
Animals in Post Oak Savanna
White tail deer, armadillo, cotton-tail
Animals in Blackland Prairie
Skunk, Timber rattlesnake, Bald Eagle
Animals in South Texas Plains
Indigo snake, leopard frog, TX tortoise
Animals in Edwards Plateau
Badgers, Bald Eagles, Guadalupe Bass
Animals in Rolling Plains
Mountain Lion, Deer, turkey
Animals in the High Plains
Red tail hawk and swift fox
Animals in the Trans-Pecos
Mountain lions, Kit Fox, collard lizard
How many mammal species are there in Texas?
How many reptile species are there in Texas
How many bird species are there in Texas
How many amphibian species are there in Texas
How many freshwater species are there in Texas
How many mammal species are endemic?
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Texas Pocket Gopher
How many reptile species are endemic?
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Texas Cooter
How many amphibian species are endemic?
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Texas Blind salamander
How many freshwater species are endemic?
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Guadalupe Bass
How many species in TX are threatened?