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Vertical Scalability
means increasing the size of the instance. (t2.micro to t2.large is an example of this)
There is a hardware limit on how much you can scale Vertically
Horizontal Scalability
means increasing the number of instances/systems for your applications.
Its easier to scale horizontal thanks to cloud offering services like
Amazon EC2
High Availability
means running your application/system in at least 2 data centers. (Run instances on same applications across multiple AZs)
Load Balancers
Are servers that forward traffic to multiple servers.
An Elastic Load balancer is a
Managed load balancer
ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)
AWS guarantees it will be working; takes care of upgrades, maintenance, highly available; integrated with many AWS services
Health Checks
crucial for load balancers. enables load balancers to know if instances it forwards traffic to are available to reply to requests.
4 Types of Load Balancers on AWS
-Classic Load Balancer (CLB) (NOT on EXAM)
-Application Load Balancer
-Network Load Balancer
-Gateway Load Balancer
Application Sec Group
Allows traffic only from Load Balancer
Application Load Balancer (ALB)(V2)
-Layer 7 only (HTTP)
-Support for HHTP/2 and Websocket
-Are a great fit for micro-services and container based applications
-has a port mapping feature to redirect to a dynamic port in ECS
-Fixed Hostname
ALB can route to multiple target groups
Network Load Balancer (NLB)
-Layer 4 Load Balancer that allows you to forward TCP and UDP traffic to your instances
-High performance, low latency
-Has one static IP per AZ and supports assigning Elastic IP
NLB target groups
-Can be EC2 Instances
-IP addresses must be private
-Application Load Balalncer
Health checks support
TCP, HTTP, and HTTPS protocols
Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB)
-Operates at level 3 network layer (IP packets)
-deploys, scales, and manages a fleet of 3rd party network virtual appliances in AWS
-Combines functions of a transparent network gateway, distributes traffic to virtual appliances, and uses the GENEVE protocol on port 6081
GLB Target Groups
-EC2 Instances
-IP addresses - must be private IPs
ELB stickiness
same client is always redirected to the same instance behind a load balancer. (works for classic application, and network load balancers.(done by the use of “cookies”)
Applicated-based cookies
-custom cookie (generated by the target)
-application cookie (generated by the load balancer)
-duration-based cookie (generated by the load balancer)