Little Man Computing ADD and SUB
ADD → Adds memory contents to the accumulator.
SUB → Subtracts memory contents from accumulator.
Little Man Computing STA and LDA
STA → Stores value in the accumulator.
LDA → Loads accumulator into memory address.
Little Man Computing INP and OUT
INP → Inputs value into accumulator.
OUT → Outputs value from accumulator.
Little Man Computing DAT and HLT
DAT → Indicates memory location with data.
HLT → Stops LMC.
Little Man Computing BRZ, BRP and BRA
BRZ → Use address given as next instruction address if the accumulator value is 0.
BRP → Use address given as next instruction address if accumulator value is 0 or positive.
BRA → Use address given as next instruction address.
When a route is selected it will go through it, this allows it to go back to take another route if a dead end is met,
Functional Programming
Treats everything as a mathematical problem, using recursion, functions can act on functions just as they would on variables.
Logical Programming
Expresses the logic of a computation without expressing its control flow.
Structured Programming
Uses the constructs sequence, selection, iteration, and recursion. Uses modular techniques.
Imperative Programming
Consists of a series of instructions that tell the computer what to do with the input in order to solce the problem.