Economic and Resource Geology

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What is the underlying mechanism for generating copper-gold deposits?

A) Plate tectonics

B) Geology

C) Tectonic plates along circum-Pacific Rim

D) Earth

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Which of the following relates to intrusive-related gold deposits that rely on gold existing in the fluids associated with and the inevitable discharge of the hydrothermal fluids into the wall- rocks?

A) Igneous rock

B) Magma

C) Basalt

D) Diorite

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Sulfide-type nickel deposits with its associate minerals are formed in essentially the same manner as ___deposits:

A) Gold

B) Rhodium

C) Platinum

D) Palladium

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Ore denotes:

A) All are applicable

B) Mineral deposit of sufficient extent and concentration to invite exploitation

C)) Level of concentration and the size of the deposit, that must be reached if the deposit is to be worked at a profit

D) A mineral deposit that is sufficiently rich to be worked at a profit

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The major ores of gold contain gold in its native form and are both exogenetic and endogenetic.

A) True

B) False

C) All are applicable

D) None of these

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To identify platinum in ore deposits, geologists:

A) Examine the metal

B) Rarely forms crystals, but likely be observed as flakes or small nuggets

C) When it forms crystals, it takes a cube shape, often with smooth edges

D) All are applicable

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Which iron ore deposits of altered banded iron formation?

A) Galena

B) Hematite

C) Magnetite

D) Cinnabar

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Which of the following is bound in newly formed minerals?

A) Chlorite group

B) Muscovite

C) Garnet

D) Silicate minerals (Silicates, most common rock building minerals

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The extraction of nickel laterite ores from a particular grade of tropical deposits, typified at Acoje deposit in the Philippines, is mined on what sequence ultramafics?


B) Cyprus

C) Mafic

D) Ophiolite (Ophiolite consists of mafic and ultramatics - psuedostratigraphic sequence)

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This ore is so rich, is limonite (generally grading 47% to 59% Fe, 0.8 to 1.5% Ni and trace _____ that it is essentially similar to low-grade iron ore:

A) Aluminum

B) Cobalt

C) Zinc

D) Chromium

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It is found associated with other fossil fuels, in coal beds, as methane clathrates, and is created by methanogenic organisms in marshes, ____, and landfills:

A) Peat


C) Bog

D) England

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Kerogen is:

A) Organic matter which after million years of heating provides the parent compound of all so-called fossil fuels

B) Formed by a slow, gradual decomposition, under pressure and heat, of microscopic plants and animals

C) Bituminous matter in oil shale, from which shale oil is obtained by heating and distillation

D) All are applicable

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Coal, petroleum, and natural gas found underground in certain parts of Earth are primarily formed from which process?

A) Decay of radioactive elements

B) Collision of tectonic plates in earthquakes

C) Transformation of dead plants and animals under heat and pressure

D) Intrusion of water into the soil that breaks up rocks and minerals

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What rock contains waxy mixture of hydrocarbon called kerogen?

A) Asphalt

B) Oil shale

C) Bog

D) Oil sand

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Sperrylite (platinum arsenide, PtAs2) ore is a major source of this metal.

A) True

B) False

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Which is not a non-conventional oil and gas resources?

A) Shale gas

B) Oil shale

C) Coal bed

D) Tight sand gas

E) Petroleum or crude oil

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Both crude oil and natural gas are predominantly a mixture of what?

A) Petroleum

B) Hydrocarbon

C) Alkane

D) Propane

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Why did some decaying material become coal while other ancient material became oil and natural gas?

A) Coal was formed from plant debris while natural gas and oil were formed from tiny organisms that settled to the bottom of ancient seas and lakes

B) Differences in temperatures and pressures, along with the amount of time the organisms decayed underground, typically determined whether oil or natural gas was formed

C) Where the underground temperature was hotter or the pressures were the greatest, natural gas formed

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What are "fossil fuels" and why are they called that?

A) All are applicable

B) Most common fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas

C) Some other fuels, like oil shale and peat are part of the fossil fuel family

D) Formed millions of years ago from plants and animals that died and decomposed beneath tons of soil and rock under anerobic condition

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Why is natural gas better than petroleum?

A) It burns cleaner and safer

B) It is easier to transport

C) It is lighter than petroleum

D) It gives more energy

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From what do petroleum and natural gas mostly form?

A) The remains of sea organisms

B) The remains of on-shore plants

C) Both A & B

D) Neither of these

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What type of gas is natural gas?

A) Mainly methane with some small amount of ethane, propane and butane

B) Mainly oil with amounts of deleterious gasses

C) Bitumen

D) Sand oil

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What kinds of rocks usually contain crude oil and natural gas?

A) Sedimentary

B) Metamorphic

C) Igneous

D) Low porosity formations

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Is Oil and Petroleum the same thing? Why?

A) Yes - crude oil is refined product from raw material

B) No - petroleum is purified and refined fuel from crude oil, a raw material

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Crude oil has different molecules which are separated by ________ at an oil refinery to produce gasoline, jet fuel, kerosene, and other hydrocarbons:

A) Batch distillation

B) Fractional distillation

C) Continuous distillation

D) Reduction

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In some areas of the abyssal plains, manganese nodules are common with significant varying concentrations of metals, including iron, nickel, copper, etc., except:

A) Chromium

B) Cobalt

C) Zinc

D) Aluminum

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All of the following are non-renewable resources, except:

A) Groundwater

B) Oil

C) Coal

D) Iron

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The total quantity of a material discovered or undiscovered is called:

A) The resource

B) The reserve

C) The reservoir

D) The stuff

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Economically recoverable amounts of geological materials are called:

A) Reserves

B) Resources

C) Reservoirs

D) None of these

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Which metal would most likely be found in an ore deposit formed by crystal settling in a magma chamber?

A) Copper

B) Gold

C) Silver

D) Chromium

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Metal ore deposits have been found at all these tectonic settings, except:

A) Subduction zone

B) Island arcs

C) Mid-ocean ridges

D) Mantle plume

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Which of the following factors can increase reserves of various geologic materials?

A) Favorable economics

B) Improved extraction technology

C) New discoveries of economical deposits

D) All of these

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Reserves of many geological materials can be extended by:

A) Substituting other materials that accomplish the same thing

B) Recycling materials

C) Conserving use of materials

D) All of these

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Non-energy resources include:

A) Metals

B) Gemstones

C) Sand and gravel

D) All of these

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Energy can be realistically conserved by:

A) Supplementing with renewable alternative energy systems

B) Raising the price of oil

C) Rationing gasoline

D) None of these

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Which of the following are viable alternative energy sources?

A) Hydroelectric power

B) Wind power

C) Solar power

D) All of these 3

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Large low grade epigenetic deposits usually associated with a porphyritic intrusive body is:

A) Cu-Mo

B) Cu (-AU)

C) Mo (-W)

D) None of these

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Fracture filling deposits which often have great lateral and/or depth extent but which are usually very narrow is:

A) Hypothermal - Cu (-Au)

B) Mesothermal - Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag-Au

C) Epithermal - Au-Ag (-Hg)

D) None of these

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These syngenetic deposits formed as massive (over 60% sulphide) lens-like accumulations on or near the sea floor in association with volcanic activity is:

A) Felsic volcanic hosted - Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag- Au

B) Mafic volcanic-hosted - Cu (-Zn - Au)

C) Mixed volcanic/sedimentary - Cu-Zn (-Au)

D) None of these

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Sedimentary Massive Sulphide (Sedex) are formed by hydrothermal emanations on or near the sea floor in association with the deposition of sedimentary rocks is:

A) Pb-Zn-Ag

B) Ba

C) Cu-Zn (-Au)

D) Cu (-Zn - Au)

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During the crystallization of a magma usually mafic or ultramafic heavy metal-rich liquids settle and accumulate at specific sites often at the base within the intrusion is:

A) PGM(Platinum group metals)

B) Chromite

C) Ni-Cu (-PG)

D) All of these

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Greenfields(reconnaissance) exploration is highly conceptual relying on the predictive power of ____ models to search for mineralization in unexplored virgin ground is referred to:

A) Ore genesis

B) Sedimentary exhalative deposits

C) Heavy mineral sands ore deposits

D) Uranium ore deposits

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This is particularly applicable to searching for ____but can also be of use in detecting radiometric anomalies associated with metasomatism:

A) Uranium ore deposits

B) Uranium mining

C) Carbon

D) Ore genesis

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Reserve definition includes ____assessment and engineering studies of the rocks within and surrounding the deposit to determine the potential instabilities is:

A) Earthquake

B) Geotechnical engineering

C) Soil mechanics

D) Landslide

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The sediment sampling primary role of ________ here used to describe assaying or geological media in mineral exploration is to find an area anomalous in the commodity sought or in elements known to be associated with the type of mineralisation sought is referred to:

A) Geochemistry

B) Soil sampling

C) Geophysics

D) Basalt

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Mineral exploration is the process undertaken by companies partnerships or corporations for finding ore deposit:

A) Archaeology

B) Mining engineering

C) Mining

D) Geology

D) Metallurgy

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Reserve definition is undertaken to convert a mineral resource into an ore reserve which is an economic ____:

A) Cash flow statement

B) Valuation (finance)

C) Balance sheet

D) Asset

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Which of the fossil fuels that is frozen beneath the ocean floor and in the Arctic tundra which is more than enough to supply the energy requirement for mankind for eons?

A) Methane clathrate

B) Crude oil

C) Oil shale

D) Sand oil

E) All of these

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Which of the fossil fuels is not a non-conventional oil and gas?

A) All are applicable

B) Crude oil

B) Methane hydrate

C) Oil shale

D) Shale oil

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Which raw natural gas is referred to as coalbed gas?

A) "Sweet gas"

B) Coal seam gas

C) Coal mine methane gas

D) All are applicable (coalbed gas is less in sulphur)

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Natural gas processing plants or fractionators are used to purify the raw ___produced from underground gas fields or extracted at the surface from the fluids produced from oil wells is:

A) Petroleum

B) Energy development

C) Natural gas

D) Coal

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Natural gas is termed "sweet gas" when relatively free of ___

however some produced gas contain this substance and thus is called "sour gas":

A) Hydrogen sulphide

B) Nitrous oxide

C) Carbon monoxide

D) Nitric oxide

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Liquid hydrocarbons: perhaps some natural gas condensate (also referred to as casinghead gasoline or natural gasoline) and/or ___ is:

A) Petroleum industry

B) Peak oil

C) Energy development

D) Petroleum

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Raw natural gas typically consists primarily of methane (CH4) the shortest and lightest ____molecule is:

A) Petroleum

B) Propane

C) Hydrocarbon

D) Alkane 4

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Hydrocarbons are mined from tar sands and oil shale and potentially extracted from sedimentary is:

A) Earth

B) Formation

C) Methane clathrate

D) All are applicable

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Hydrocarbons are economically important because major fossil fuels such as _____ petroleum and natural gas and its derivatives such as plastics paraffin waxes solvents and oils are hydrocarbons:

A) Solar electricity

B) Wind power

C) Hydroelectricity

D) Coal

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What is the predominant use of hydrocarbons as a combustible source?

A) Hydrogen

B) Coal

C) Fuel

D) Energy

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Unconventional hydrocarbon extraction refers to:

A) Hydrocarbons sources of oil and gas which require methods for extraction not normally necessary in the conventional extraction of hydrocarbons

B) Sources of unconventional oil and gas include: Shale gas shale oil tight sands clathrates (gas hydrates) coal bed methane (CBM)

C) Extraction methods include "unconventional" techniques In shale gas these techniques are a combination of commonly used conventional methods: Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing or fracking

D) All are applicable

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The commercially applied Primal Thermal Recovery Processes used for hydrocarbon recovery in unconventional source rocks like oil sands oil shale are:

A) All are applicable

B) Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage(SAGD)

C) Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS)

D) Heavy Oil Recovery Method

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'Conventional gas' is trapped under pressure in small porous zones within rock usually sandstone carbonates or siltstones

A) True

B) False

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'Unconventional gas' sources include:

A) Tight gas

B) Coal bed methane

C) Shale gas

D) Gas hydrates

E) All of these

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In unconventional sources gas molecules are attached to the carbon molecules by a process called:

A) Adsorption

B) Absorption

C) Emulsion

D) Solution

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On a daily basis most of us use the following metals mined at least in part from volcanic ore deposits:

A) Aluminum

B) Zinc

C) Copper & Lead

D) Nickel

E) All of these

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Which of these economic materials are formed by hydrothermal fluids at submarine volcanoes:

A) Aluminum

B) Gold

C) Copper Lead Zinc

D) Diamond

E) Nickel

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Which of these economic materials can be produced by deep weathering of basalt:

A) Aluminum

B) Gold

C) Copper Lead Zinc

D) Diamond

E) Nickel

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Which one is not principal features of porphyry copper deposits?

A) Low-sulfidation disseminated copper deposit

B) High-sulfidation lode copper deposits

C) Sulfides are finely disseminated & in veinlets

conducive to bulk mining

D) All of these

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The ore texture of Low-sulfidation porphyry copper is:

A) Sulfides finely disseminated & in veinlets

conducive to bulk mining

B) Sulfides are massive in open-space fillings in breccia matrices veins

less conducive to bulk mining

C) None of these

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The ore texture of High-sulfidation of porphyry copper deposit is:

A) Sulfides are massive in open- space fillings in breccia matrices veins

less conducive to bulk mining

B) Sulfides finely disseminated & in veinlets

conducive to bulk mining

C) Neither of these

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Which of these economic materials are found in komatiite lava flows:

A) Aluminum

B) Gold

C) Copper Lead Zinc

D) Diamonds

E) Nickel

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Diamonds form under the following conditions:

A) Pressure and temperatures similar to the Earth's surface

B) Pressure 60 times greater than the surface and a temperature of about 150⁰C

C) Pressure 60 000 times greater than the surface and a temperature of about 1500o C

D) Pressure and temperatures similar to the Earth's core

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Natural gas is a relatively clean-burning energy fuel with a wide variety of end-uses

A) True

B) False

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A ___is a chemical compound in which molecules of one material form a solid lattice that encloses molecules of another material

A) Clathrate

B) Crystal

C) Oil shale

D) Oil sand

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_____is produced by the combined action of heat and pressure over a long period of time on buried organic material

A) Methane hydrate

B) Thermogenic hydrate

C) All are applicable

D) None of these 5

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Which are the unconventional sources of natural gas and crude oil?

A) Shale gas

B) Tight gas

C) Methane hydrate

D) Coalbed gas

E) All of these

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Hydraulic fracturing incorporates results from the disciplines of fracture mechanics _______ and solid mechanics and porous medium flow

A) Fluid mechanics

B) Viscosity

C) Fluid dynamics

D) Continuum mechanics

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The technique of hydraulic fracturing is used to increase or restore the rate at which fluids such as oil _____or water can be produced from a reservoir including unconventional reservoirs such as shale rock or coal beds:

A) Gas

B) Thermodynamic temperature

C) Temperature

D) Specific heat capacity

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Which of the following mineral engineers are involved in the study of deposits which includes the study of ore genesis and the processes within the Earth's crust that form and concentrate ore minerals into economically viable quantities

A) Volcanogenic massive sulfide ore deposit

B) Heavy mineral sands ore deposits

C) Sedimentary exhalative deposits

D) Ore

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The description "Peacock blue to purple" best describes which mineral?

A) Bornite

B) Azurite

C) Chromite

D) Cassiterite

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The major elements in Mn-nodules are:

A) Fe and Mn

B) Fe Mn and Ni

C) Fe Mn Ni and Cu

D) Fe Mn Ni Cu and Co

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Besides structural geology which discipline is involved in the study of metallic ore deposits including metamorphism and its processes as well as understanding metasomatism and other processes related to ore genesis?

A) Earth

B) Geochemistry

C) Basalt

D) Diorite

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Hydrothermal deposits which are formed at great depths near the intrusive and within the temperature range of 300°c to 500°c is called:

A) Hypothermal deposits

B) Mesothermal deposits

C) Epithermal deposits

D) Syngenetic deposits

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Cavities in the vein left unfilled are called:

A) Crustification

B) Vugs

C) Comb structure

D) None of these

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The three types of Raw Natural Gas Wells are:

A) Crude oil wells- occurrence is separate from crude oil

B) Gas wells- from condensate wells where little or no crude oil

C) Condensate wells - produced from raw natural gas

D) All of these

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The study of fuels metals and other materials from the earth that are of interest to industry or the economy in general are except:

A) Economic geography

B) Economic geology

C) Resource geology

D) None of these

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Which magmatic nickel-copper ore deposit in which the physical processes of komatiite volcanology serve to enrich concentrate and deposit nickel-bearing sulfide within the lava flow environment of an erupting komatiite volcano?

A) Mafic and ultramafic bodies

B) Kambalda deposit

C) Ophiolite bodies

D) None of these

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Methane made of one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms is the simplest hydrocarbon molecule and the primary component of natural gas is:

A) True

B) False

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Which deposit is sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits(SHDG) characterizedby invisible (typically microscopic and/or dissolved) gold in pyrite and arsenopyrite (FeAsS)?

A) Skarn type lode gold deposit

B) Manto type lode gold deposit

C) Carlin type gold deposit

D) SEDEX deposit

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Where in the Philippines solidified methane possibly occurs which could turn the country into a natural gas exporter?

A) Isabela and Aurora provinces

B) Benham Rise

C) All of these

D) None of these

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Where is Carlin-type deposit of "invisible gold" mineralization in silicified calcareous rocks and in jasperoids lenses of marls belonging to the Taganaan Marl Member with associated turbiditic member of the Middle Miocene Mabuhay Formation?

A) Philex Gold Inc Surigao del Norte

B) MRL Surigao del Sur

C) Apex Mining Co Comval Valley Province

D) Kingking Mines Comval Valley Province 6 Matching Type A B

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Proven Ore Reserve

A) Used to make hard shale rock more porous for NG/Oil to flow through the shale to wellbore

B) Tar sands oil shale oil sands coalbeds

C) Reasonable level of confidence

D) Sediment-hosted gold deposit

E) Highest confidence category of reserve estimate

F) Intrusive-hosted Cu-Au deposit

G) High degree of confidence

H) Coalbed methane tight sandstones and methane hydrates

I) Oil pool and gas

J) Bitumen

K) USA Strategic unconventional fuels supply in the future Of oil & gas using CSS & SAGD technologies

L) Frozen methane(simply alkane or paraffin) reserves which surpass that of coal natural gas all combined

M) Metasomatism


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Oil shale

A) Used to make hard shale rock more porous for NG/Oil to flow through the shale to wellbore

B) Tar sands oil shale oil sands coalbeds

C) Reasonable level of confidence

D) Sediment-hosted gold deposit

E) Highest confidence category of reserve estimate

F) Intrusive-hosted Cu-Au deposit

G) High degree of confidence

H) Coalbed methane tight sandstones and methane hydrates

I) Oil pool and gas

J) Bitumen

K) USA Strategic unconventional fuels supply in the future Of oil & gas using CSS & SAGD technologies

L) Frozen methane(simply alkane or paraffin) reserves which surpass that of coal natural gas all combined

M) Metasomatism


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Hydraulic fracturing

A) Used to make hard shale rock more porous for NG/Oil to flow through the shale to wellbore

B) Tar sands oil shale oil sands coalbeds

C) Reasonable level of confidence

D) Sediment-hosted gold deposit

E) Highest confidence category of reserve estimate

F) Intrusive-hosted Cu-Au deposit

G) High degree of confidence

H) Coalbed methane tight sandstones and methane hydrates

I) Oil pool and gas

J) Bitumen

K) USA Strategic unconventional fuels supply in the future Of oil & gas using CSS & SAGD technologies

L) Frozen methane(simply alkane or paraffin) reserves which surpass that of coal natural gas all combined

M) Metasomatism


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Conventional fuel sources

A) Used to make hard shale rock more porous for NG/Oil to flow through the shale to wellbore

B) Tar sands oil shale oil sands coalbeds

C) Reasonable level of confidence

D) Sediment-hosted gold deposit

E) Highest confidence category of reserve estimate

F) Intrusive-hosted Cu-Au deposit

G) High degree of confidence

H) Coalbed methane tight sandstones and methane hydrates

I) Oil pool and gas

J) Bitumen

K) USA Strategic unconventional fuels supply in the future Of oil & gas using CSS & SAGD technologies

L) Frozen methane(simply alkane or paraffin) reserves which surpass that of coal natural gas all combined

M) Metasomatism


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Non-traditional NG sources

A) Used to make hard shale rock more porous for NG/Oil to flow through the shale to wellbore

B) Tar sands oil shale oil sands coalbeds

C) Reasonable level of confidence

D) Sediment-hosted gold deposit

E) Highest confidence category of reserve estimate

F) Intrusive-hosted Cu-Au deposit

G) High degree of confidence

H) Coalbed methane tight sandstones and methane hydrates

I) Oil pool and gas

J) Bitumen

K) USA Strategic unconventional fuels supply in the future Of oil & gas using CSS & SAGD technologies

L) Frozen methane(simply alkane or paraffin) reserves which surpass that of coal natural gas all combined

M) Metasomatism


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Methane clathrate

A) Used to make hard shale rock more porous for NG/Oil to flow through the shale to wellbore

B) Tar sands oil shale oil sands coalbeds

C) Reasonable level of confidence

D) Sediment-hosted gold deposit

E) Highest confidence category of reserve estimate

F) Intrusive-hosted Cu-Au deposit

G) High degree of confidence

H) Coalbed methane tight sandstones and methane hydrates

I) Oil pool and gas

J) Bitumen

K) USA Strategic unconventional fuels supply in the future Of oil & gas using CSS & SAGD technologies

L) Frozen methane(simply alkane or paraffin) reserves which surpass that of coal natural gas all combined

M) Metasomatism


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Measured resources

A) Used to make hard shale rock more porous for NG/Oil to flow through the shale to wellbore

B) Tar sands oil shale oil sands coalbeds

C) Reasonable level of confidence

D) Sediment-hosted gold deposit

E) Highest confidence category of reserve estimate

F) Intrusive-hosted Cu-Au deposit

G) High degree of confidence

H) Coalbed methane tight sandstones and methane hydrates

I) Oil pool and gas

J) Bitumen

K) USA Strategic unconventional fuels supply in the future Of oil & gas using CSS & SAGD technologies

L) Frozen methane(simply alkane or paraffin) reserves which surpass that of coal natural gas all combined

M) Metasomatism


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Carlin-type deposit

A) Used to make hard shale rock more porous for NG/Oil to flow through the shale to wellbore

B) Tar sands oil shale oil sands coalbeds

C) Reasonable level of confidence

D) Sediment-hosted gold deposit

E) Highest confidence category of reserve estimate

F) Intrusive-hosted Cu-Au deposit

G) High degree of confidence

H) Coalbed methane tight sandstones and methane hydrates

I) Oil pool and gas

J) Bitumen

K) USA Strategic unconventional fuels supply in the future Of oil & gas using CSS & SAGD technologies

L) Frozen methane(simply alkane or paraffin) reserves which surpass that of coal natural gas all combined

M) Metasomatism


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Porphyry deposit

A) Used to make hard shale rock more porous for NG/Oil to flow through the shale to wellbore

B) Tar sands oil shale oil sands coalbeds

C) Reasonable level of confidence

D) Sediment-hosted gold deposit

E) Highest confidence category of reserve estimate

F) Intrusive-hosted Cu-Au deposit

G) High degree of confidence

H) Coalbed methane tight sandstones and methane hydrates

I) Oil pool and gas

J) Bitumen

K) USA Strategic unconventional fuels supply in the future Of oil & gas using CSS & SAGD technologies

L) Frozen methane(simply alkane or paraffin) reserves which surpass that of coal natural gas all combined

M) Metasomatism


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Indicated resources

A) Used to make hard shale rock more porous for NG/Oil to flow through the shale to wellbore

B) Tar sands oil shale oil sands coalbeds

C) Reasonable level of confidence

D) Sediment-hosted gold deposit

E) Highest confidence category of reserve estimate

F) Intrusive-hosted Cu-Au deposit

G) High degree of confidence

H) Coalbed methane tight sandstones and methane hydrates

I) Oil pool and gas

J) Bitumen

K) USA Strategic unconventional fuels supply in the future Of oil & gas using CSS & SAGD technologies

L) Frozen methane(simply alkane or paraffin) reserves which surpass that of coal natural gas all combined

M) Metasomatism


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Unconventional source

A) Used to make hard shale rock more porous for NG/Oil to flow through the shale to wellbore

B) Tar sands oil shale oil sands coalbeds

C) Reasonable level of confidence

D) Sediment-hosted gold deposit

E) Highest confidence category of reserve estimate

F) Intrusive-hosted Cu-Au deposit

G) High degree of confidence

H) Coalbed methane tight sandstones and methane hydrates

I) Oil pool and gas

J) Bitumen

K) USA Strategic unconventional fuels supply in the future Of oil & gas using CSS & SAGD technologies

L) Frozen methane(simply alkane or paraffin) reserves which surpass that of coal natural gas all combined

M) Metasomatism


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