A class of biological molecules with low solubility in water and high solubility in non-polar solvents.
Functions of Lipids
Storage of energy, membrane components, and chemical messengers in biological systems.
Storage of energy
Lipids represent highly reduced forms of carbon that yield large amounts of energy upon oxidation.
Saponifiable Lipids
Lipids that contain fatty acid components and can be transformed into soap.
Non-saponifiable Lipids
Lipids such as sterols that do not contain fatty acid components.
Unsaturated fatty acids
Fatty acids that contain double bonds in their structure, making them more reactive.
Solubility Test
A qualitative test to determine the presence of lipids based on their solubility in different solvents.
Huble’s Test
A test to identify unsaturated fatty acids in a lipid sample by the addition of iodine.
Saponification Test
A test that involves alkaline hydrolysis of triglycerides to produce soap and glycerol.
Emulsification Test
A test where emulsifying agents are added to lipids to produce stable emulsions.
Translucent Spot Test
A qualitative test for lipids characterized by a translucent and greasy spot on filter paper.
Acrolein Test
A test that detects the presence of glycerol and fat by the formation of a pungent smell when glycerol is dehydrated.