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376. Puerile
377. Qualify
to limit the meaning of a previous statement; to modify
378. Quandary
a state of confusion or doubt; dilemma
379. Quarantine
forced isolation to prevent the spread of disease
380. Quell
to calm; pacify
381. Querulous
constantly complaining
382. Rampant
unrestrained; widespread
383. Ratify
384. Rebuff
to ignore or reject strongly; snub
385. Rebuttal
denial or contradiction; argument; refutation
386. Recant
take back something you've said; withdraw a statement or belief
387. Redolent
strongly scented; fragrant
388. Recluse
person who prefers to be alone all the time; someone withdrawn from the rest of society
389. Redundant
more than what is necessary; in speech or writing, a repetition of words or ideas
390. Recondite
hidden; difficult to understand; profound
391. Relegate
reduce or demote to an inferior place or position; banish
392. Relevancy
having a clear relationship to the matter at hand
393. Remorse
a feeling of guilt; regret; self-reproach
394. Reprimand
scold; criticize
395. Reprove
scold; criticize; disapprove of
396. Repudiate
disown; reject
397. Reserve
the ability to control your emotions and actions; self-restraint
398. Resign
give in; acquiesce; relinquish
399. Resolve
determination; strong will
400. Reticent
quiet; uncommunicative
401. Revere
greatly respect
402. Rotund
403. Rudimentary
undeveloped; fundamental; elementary
404. Salubrious
promoting health
405. Salutary
promoting health, or having some beneficial effect
406. Sanction
approve; give consent
407. Sanguine
optimistic; cheerful
408. Sardonic
humorous, but humor tinged with sarcasm or disdain; cynical
409. Scanty
small in quantity; insufficient
410. Scrupulous
very thorough; or, doing what is right and ethical
411. Scrutinize
examine closely; inspect carefully
412. Seclusion
separation from other people; isolation
413. Sectarian
limited to the beliefs of a small group, such as a religious sect; narrow in scope
414. Seditious
trying to stir up a revolt against an authority figure
415. Sententious
short and to the point; terse
416. Serpentine
coiled; twisted; winding
417. Servile
like a slave; subservient; submissive
418. Skeptic
one who doesn't believe unless he's shown absolute proof; doubter
419. Slander
negative oral remarks about another person that are untrue
420. Solemn
serious; somber; grave
421. Slough
discard; cast out; shed
422. Somber
dark; gloomy
423. Sonorous
loud, full in sound; booming
424. Spurious
false; fake; misleading
425. Specious
having a false or misleading appearance; only seeming to be true
426. Sporadic
occurring infrequently and without predictability; occasional
427. Stagnant
motionless; unchanging; dull
428. Static
unchanging; motionless, frozen?
429. Stealth
secretive behavior
430. Stoic
a person who shows no response to pleasure or pain; someone who is impassive
431. Stymie
block; get in the way of; hamper
432. Subjugate
take over; enslave
433. Sublime
of very special quality; noble
434. Subtle
hard to see or understand; elusive
435. Succinct
short and to the point; concise
436. Succor
assistance; relief
437. Sumptuous
rich; magnificent
438. Superfluous
unneccessary; extra
439. Surreptitious
secretive; furtive; clandestine
440. Sustain
support; nurture; take on
441. Sycophant
someone who flatters in order to gain favor; wimpy follower
442. Symmetry
balance; having a similar appearance on all sides
443. Taciturn
quiet (in a sad way)
444. Tangent
a line that touches a curve at just one point; or, a comment that is off the main topic
445. Tantamount
equal; comparable
446. Temper
bring into balance; moderate
447. Tenacious
strong; persistent; determined to hold on
448. Tentative
not fully developed or definitely plannel procisional
449. Tenuous
thin; flimsy
450. Terse
of few words; to the point; pithy
451. Thrifty
careful about managing money
452. Timorous
453. Tirade
a long and bitter speech; diatribe
454. Torpid
sluggish; dull; lacking enthusiasm
455. Translucent
permitting light to pass through
456. Trepidation
457. Trite
overused; common; stale
458. Truculent
aggressive; savage; cruel
459. Turbulence
violent disturbance
460. Tyranny
rule based on absolute power or cruelty
461. Ubiquitous
existing everywhere at the same time
462. Undermine
to weaken by wearing away the foundation
463. Undulate
move in a wavy manner
464. Unanimous
in total agreement
465. Unerring
without making a mistake
466. Unprecedented
the first of its kind
467. Unifom
similar; consistent
468. Upbraid
criticize severely; scold
469. Unkempt
messy; sloppy
470. Usurp
to seize or take over by force
471. Usury
he practice of charging a very high rate of interest on loans
472. Vaccilate
move back and forth between choices, unable to decide
473. Vacuous
empty; stupid; purposeless
474. Vagrant
homeless person; wanderer
475. Valedictory
a farewell speech