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King Louis XVI
King of France during the French Revolution.
Marie Antoinette
Queen married to King Louis XVI, infamous for her lavish spending.
The French representative assembly before the revolution.
The year the French Revolution began.
Tennis Court Oath
The pledge made by the National Assembly to draft a new constitution.
The prison stormed on July 14, 1789, symbolizing the start of the French Revolution.
Leader of the French National Guard who played a role in both the American and French Revolutions.
Legal professionals.
Individuals without formal legal training.
Levee en Masse
The mass military conscription introduced during the French Revolution.
The Guillotine
Execution device that became a symbol of the French Revolution.
Cult of the Supreme Being
The deistic religious movement introduced by Robespierre.
Maximilien Robespierre
Leader of the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution.
The Consulate
The governing body established after the fall of the Directory in 1799.
Concordat of 1801
Agreement made by Napoleon with the Catholic Church in 1801.
Code Napoleon
Legal system established by Napoleon that influenced many modern legal codes.
Haitian Revolt
The slave uprising that led to Haiti's independence.
Toussaint Louverture
Leader of the Haitian Revolution.
Jean-Jacques Dessalines
Declared Haiti's independence and became its first ruler.
Napoleonic Wars
Series of wars fought by Napoleon across Europe.
Battle of Trafalgar
The 1805 naval battle that ended Napoleon's hopes of invading Britain.
Battle of Austerlitz
The 1805 battle considered one of Napoleon's greatest victories.
Battle of Jena-Auerstedt
The 1806 battle where Napoleon defeated Prussia.
Peninsular Campaign
The French campaign against Spain and Portugal.
Sir Arthur Wellesley (Duke of Wellington)
British general who fought Napoleon in Spain and at Waterloo.
Continental System
Economic blockade established by Napoleon to weaken Britain.
Battle of Leipzig
The 1813 battle that marked Napoleon's decisive defeat by the Allies.
Congress of Vienna
The 1815 diplomatic meeting that reshaped Europe after Napoleon.
Restored to the French throne after Napoleon's first exile.
Klemens von Metternich
Austrian diplomat who played a key role in the Congress of Vienna.
Battle of Waterloo
Napoleon's final battle in 1815.
Industrial Revolution
Movement that led to the expansion of factories and machines in the 19th century.
Social consequences of Industrialization
Term referring to the social impact of industrialization on workers and families.
Consumer Revolution
Economic shift that led to increased demand for goods and services.
Textile mills
Industry that was at the heart of the early Industrial Revolution.
Karl Marx
Co-authored The Communist Manifesto and criticized capitalism.
Friedrich Engels
Marx's collaborator and co-author of The Communist Manifesto.
Term that describes the working-class under Marxist theory.
Term that describes the wealthy capitalist class under Marxist theory.
Middle Class
Social class that emerged between the wealthy and working classes during industrialization.
Ideology that emphasized tradition, monarchy, and social hierarchy.
Ideology that supported individual rights and constitutional government.
Ideology that advocated for government by the people without a monarch.
Ideology that promoted collective ownership and economic equality.
Ideology that sought national unity based on culture, language, or ethnicity.
Ideology that aimed for a classless, stateless society.
Cultural movement that emphasized emotion, nature, and individualism.
Mary Wollstonecraft
Author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.
Mary Shelley
Wrote Frankenstein and was influenced by Romantic ideals.
Lord Byron
Poet known for his adventurous and rebellious lifestyle.
John Constable
19th-century British artist who painted landscapes influenced by Romanticism.