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What is the alpha chapter, who is Nebraska’s alpha?
The alpha chapter is the first chapter founded in a state, Phi Delta Theta at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is the alpha chapter.
Where are the PDT headquarters
Oxford, Ohio, on Miami University
Why is the convention in 1880 important
Adopted the present system of a general council, state and national chapters were abolished
What are the four main responisbilities
Electing general council
Revoking the charter of chapters
providing for the raising and disbursement of revenue
enacting laws for regulation
Who had voting rights at the convention (should know all of them)
Undergraduate chapter delegates
Members of Gen. Council
Past presidents of Gen. Council
Province presidents
Servey commissioners
Executive vice president
Housing commissioner
Other commissioners assigned by Gen. council
Alumni Club delegates
What is a province
Geographical subdivisions of the fraternity
What is our province, who is the province president, and who is in it
Psi province, Keith Wysocki, CSU (Colorado Gamma) Creighton (Nebraska Gamma) UNK (Nebraska Beta) U of Wyoming (Wyoming Alpha)
Who is the chapter advisory board men president
Ryan Norman
What philantrophy do we support
ALS foundation, Live Like Lou
Who is the President, VP, Treasurer
Jack Winfrey, Eric Jacobs, Grant Dubas
Who is the Secretary, Phi Eds, and Alumni Secretary
Luke Neiland, Tucker Brantley and Luke Hudek, Josh Jones
Who is the Rush Chairs, Scholarship Chairmen, and Historian
Max Perry and Nick Boring, Frank Curran, and Jack Shaw
Who is the House manager, risk management, and warden
Colin Manzito, Luke Murnane, and Evan Reid
Who is the Philantrophy Chairmen, Social Chairmen, and Chaplain
Scott Riddell, AJ Hefelfinger and Jacob Utecht, and Gabe Callam
Who is the Awards chairmen, Athletic Director, and Chorister
Colin Manzito and Cooper Swoboda, Brody Grantham, and Cole Schmid
Who is the Brotherhood chairmen, apparel chairmen, and mental health chairmen
Jack Kohout, Kemper Davis, and Jackson Involstad
Name 3 committees (explain what they do)
Executive Committee (Discuss the bylaws, headed by VP), Phi Ed Committee (helps the phi eds with certain tasks), Rush Committee (helps the rush chairs with events over the summer), Philanthropy committee (helps the philanthropy chairmen plan upcoming events), Brotherhood committee (helps the brotherhood chairmen plan upcoming events), Social Committee (helps the social chairmen plan upcoming events)
When was Nebraska Alpha established
March 16, 1875
Who founded the Nebraska Alpha
Clarence Rhodes, Willis Sweed, and Amos Gant
When was the first phi delta theta badge inducted
June 1st, 1849
Know how to draw the badge, especially; outline, eye, shield, letters, sword, and chain
Know how to draw the coat of arms (ribbon, knight, arm, arrow, sword, 6 stars, outline)
When was the Coat of arms Adopted
When was the open moto created
What does the moto translate too and how do we interpret it
One man is no man, We enjoy life by the help and society of others
When were the colors adopted and what are they
1871, Azure and Argent
Know how to draw the flag
What is the flower and when was it adopted
White Carnation, 1891