What is Gradualism in the context of evolution?
Evolution occurs slowly over long periods.
What does Catastrophism suggest about evolution?
Sudden catastrophic events cause mass extinctions, shaping evolution.
What is Lamarckism?
It's the incorrect theory that organisms acquire traits during their lifetime and pass them to offspring.
What is Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection?
Organisms with advantageous traits survive and reproduce, passing those traits to their offspring.
What is the difference between acquired traits and inherited traits?
Acquired traits are gained during a lifetime, while inherited traits are passed down through genes.
How does epigenetics relate to evolution?
It shows how environmental factors can turn genes on or off without changing DNA and combines natural selection with the idea that environment influences traits.
What does 'Descent with Modification' mean?
Species change over time, with descendants having different traits than their ancestors due to natural selection.
List the main points of Darwin’s theory.
Variation exists in populations, more offspring are produced than can survive, individuals with advantageous traits survive and reproduce, populations change over time.
What evidence supports the theory of evolution?
Biogeography, fossil records, comparative physiology, and embryology.
What is the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem used for?
It describes a non-evolving population and provides a way to estimate allele frequencies.
What are the conditions for a non-evolving population?
No mutations, random mating, no natural selection, large population size, no gene flow.
Define Genetic Drift.
Random changes in small populations that decrease genetic variability.
What is the difference between directional and stabilizing selection?
Directional selection favors one extreme trait, while stabilizing selection favors intermediate traits.
What is balanced polymorphism?
Two or more traits are maintained in a population, such as the sickle cell trait.
What is the main difference between microevolution and macroevolution?
Microevolution involves small genetic changes in a population, while macroevolution involves larger changes that lead to speciation.
What is the difference between cladogenesis and anagenesis?
Cladogenesis involves branching evolution leading to more diversity, while anagenesis is gradual transformation without branching.
What are the two types of reproductive barriers?
Prezygotic barriers prevent fertilization, while postzygotic barriers prevent viable offspring.
What is the difference between allopatric and sympatric speciation?
Allopatric speciation occurs due to physical barriers, while sympatric speciation occurs without physical barriers.
What is the Three Domain System of classification?
It includes Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.
Define mutualism in symbiosis.
A relationship where both species benefit, such as bees and flowers.
What does coevolution refer to?
It refers to two species evolving together, such as bees and flowers.
What do shared derived characteristics indicate?
They indicate traits unique to a clade.
What are the adaptations of plants, animals, and prokaryotes mentioned?
Plants have cactus spines for water conservation, animals like chameleons use camouflage, and prokaryotes can exhibit antibiotic resistance.