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Unemployment and Farm Relief Act
Relief for unemployed but less than $20 / person; ineffective
Public Works Construction
Built infrastructure, provided jobs, limited by local scale
Farmer’s Credit Arrangement Act
Delayed farmer debt repaying, removed $4m debt through interest, high use (36,000 cases) | Did not address main issues of drought and falling prices as well as poor effectiveness for creditors and other industries
Relief Camps
Mimicked the American CCC but was under much harsher and pointless conditions with little pay ($0.20/day, 10% of lowest laborers)
Imperial Preference
Preferential trade, mo money to canada
Increased Tariffs
Wanted to combat the U.S Hawley Smoot Tariffs but ended up worsening economy by further limiting global trade and exports. Internally, many staple goods were now being made in surplus and could not be sold. Internal prices rose and could not be bought. Did not address the underlying issues.