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What type of illness is Escherichia coli
what type of action is Escherichia coli
what is the incubation period of Escherichia coli
3-4 days
what are the symptoms of Escherichia coli
diarrhea, vomiting, mild fever
What food carries Escherichia coli
under cooked ground beef, unpasteurized cider
What are the sources of Escherichia coli
human and cow intestinal tract
What type of foodborne illness is Campylobacter jejuni
What type of action is Campylobacter jejuni
What is the incubation period for Campylobacter jejuni
2-5 days
what are the symptoms of Campylobacter jejuni
abdominal cramps, headache, fever, nausea, diarrhea
what food is Campylobacter jejuni found in
poultry, dairy products, water
What are the sources of Campylobacter jejuni
intestinal tracts of wild/domestic animals
What type of foodborne illness is Salmonella enteriditis
what is the incubation period for Salmonella enteriditis
12-36 hours
what are the symptoms of Salmonella enteriditis
abdominal cramps, headache, fever, nausea, diarrhea
what foods carries of Salmonella enteriditis
poultry, meat, eggs/egg products, sliced melons
What are the sources of Salmonella enteriditis
water, soil, insects, animals and humans
What type of foodborne illness is Listeria monocytogenes
What is the incubation period for Listeria monocytogenes
3 - 70 days
What are the symptoms for Listeria monocytogenes
flu like, meningitis, encephalitis, spontaneous abortion of fetuses, infants and pregnant women
What are the food sources of Listeria monocytogenes
unpastuerized milk, ice cream, ready to eat lunch meats
What are the sources of Listeria monocytogenes
soil, water, damp environments, domestic/wild animals (esp, fowl)
What type of foodborne illness is Clostridium perfingens
How does Clostridium perfingens cause infection
forms spores in adverse conditions
What is the incubation period for Clostridium perfingens
10 - 12 hours
What are the symptoms of Clostridium perfingens
abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, fever, headache
What foods can have Clostridium perfingens
stews, gravies, beans
What are the sources of Clostridium perfingens
soil, animal and human intestinal tract
What type of foodborne illness is Clostridium botulinum
Is Clostridium botulinum infection or intoxication?
How long is the incubation period for Clostridium botulinum
4 hours - 8 days
What are the symptoms for Clostridium botulinum
vomitting, constipation, difficulty with vision, swallowing/speaking, paralysis, death
What foods have Clostridium botulinum
baked potatoes, sous vide, garlic/oil mixtures, low acid canned foods
What are the sources of Clostridium botulinum
present on almost all food, soil, water
Is Staphylococcus auerus infection or intoxication?
What is type of foodborne illness is Staphylococcus auerus
What is the incubation period for Staphylococcus auerus
1 - 7 hours
What are the symptoms of Staphylococcus auerus
nausea, retching, abdominal cramps, diarrhea
What foods is Staphylococcus auerus found in
ready to eat, reheated foods, dairy products, protein foods
What are the sources of Staphylococcus auerus
skin, hair, nose, throat, infected sores, animals
What is Bacillus cereus
Is Bacillus cereus infection or intoxication
What is the incubation period of Bacillus cereus
30 minutes - 6 hours and 6 to 15 hours (diarrheal)
What are the symptoms of Bacillus cereus
nausea, vomiting, watery diarrhea
What food is Bacillus cereus found in
rice products, starchy foods, casserolds, puddings, soups
What are the sources of Bacillus cereus
soil, dust, cereal crops
What is Hepatitis A
Is Hepatitis A infection or intoxication
What is the incubation period for Hepatitis A
10 - 50 days
What are the symptoms of Hepatitis A
sudden fever, vomitting, jaundice
What are the foods Hepatitis A can be found in
Water (ice), shellfish, ready to eat food, fruit juices, vegtables
What are the sources of Hepatitis A
human intestinal/urinary tract
Is Norwalk Virus infection or intoxication?
what is the incubation period of norovirus?
10 - 50 hours
What are the symptoms of norovirus
nausea, diarrhea, headache, mild fever
What foods are norovirus found in?
water, shellfish, raw fruits and vegtables,
What are the sources of norovirus?
human intestinal tract, water
Is Rotavirus infection or intoxication?
what is the incubation period for rotavirus?
1 - 3 days
what are the symptoms of rotavirus?
vomiting, diarrhea, mild fever,
What foods can rotavirus be found in?
ready to eat, water/ice
what are the sources of rotavirus
human intestinal tract, water
What is Tichinella spiralis?
Parasite (round worm)
What is the incubation period of Tichinella spiralis
2-28 days
what are the symptoms of Tichinella spiralis
flu-like, swelling around eyes, extreme sweating, hemorrahging
What foods can Tichinella spiralis be found in?
undercooked pork, game
What is the source of Tichinella spiralis
domestic pigs, bear, walrus
What is Anisakis simplex
Parasite (round worm)
What is the incubation period of Anisakis simplex
hours to 2 weeks
what are the symptoms of Anisakis simplex
sore throat, coughing up worms
what food can Anisakis simplex be found in?
undercooked/improperly frozen seafood
What are the sources of Anisakis simplex
marine fish/bottom feeders
What is Giardia lamblia?
parasite (protozoan)
What is the incubation period of Giardia lamblia
3-25 days
what are tehs ymptoms of Giardia lamblia
fatigue, nausea, gas, weight loss, abdominal cramps
What food can Giardia lamblia be found in?
water, ice, raw vegtables
What are the sources of Giardia lamblia
beavers, bears, dogs, cats, humans
What is Cryptosporodium parvum?
Parasite (protozoan)
What is the incubation period for Cryptosporodium parvum
1-12 days
What are the symptoms of Cryptosporodium parvum
severe diarrhea but maybe no others
what foods can Cryptosporodium parvum be found in?
water, raw foods, unpasteurized cider, ready to eat
what is the source of Cryptosporodium parvum
humans, cattle, barn wash
What is Cyclospora cayetanensis
Parasite (protozoan)
what is the incubation period of Cyclospora cayetanensis
a few days to weeks
what are the symptoms of Cyclospora cayetanensis
watery diarrhea, weight loss, bloating, crapms, vomiting, muscle aches
what foods can Cyclospora cayetanensis be found in?
water, marine fish, raw milk, raw produce
what are the sources of Cyclospora cayetanensis
humans, water
What type of illness is Shigella
Is Shigella infection or intoxication
What are the symptoms of Shigella
bloody diarrhea, fever
What foods carry shigella?
raw oyster, shell fish, salads, water
What are the sources of Shigella?
Water, human and animal intestinal tract
what is the incubation period for shigella?
1-7 days
Why is Shigella so highly resistant?
It is acid resistant so can live through the human stomach and invade the intestines
What type of pathogen is Adenoviridae
What are the symptoms of Adenoviridae virus?
vary depending on which part of the body is infected, respiratory illness like symptoms, diarrhea, fever
What are the sources of Adenoviridae
Contaminated drinking water
What is the incubation period for Adenoviridae
5-8 days
What type of pathogen is Entamoeba histolytica
What are the symptoms of Entamoeba histolytica
dirahhea, stomach pain, stomach cramping