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mitral stenosis cause
rheumatic heart disease (from RF from group a b-hemolytic strep)
congenital - Lutembacher’s syndrome
mitral annular calcification
carcinoid tumours metastasizing to lung
echo pattern mitral stenosis
doming pattern (from reduction mitral valve orifice, inflammation → commissural fusion)
pathophysio mitral stenosis
orifice reduced → l atrial hypertrophy + dilation, increased bp, pul edema, pul htn → r ventricular hypertrophy → tricuspid regurgitation
symptoms mitral stenosis
asymptomatic until severe dyspnea, right heart failure (weak, fatigue, lower limb swell), risk Afib → emboli
signs mitral stenosis
mitral face - cyanotic or pink cheeks
small v. pulse that becomes irregular (afib)
tapping impulse on parasternal palpation on left
opening snap on auscultation, Graham steel murmur (pul valvular regurgitation from htn)
chest xray findings of mitral stenosis
left atrial enlargement, double shadow on border of r and l atria
late stage - calcified valve, enlarged main pul. a.
ecg mitral stenosis
bifid p wave
severe - afib, rvh
management early mitral stenosis
diuretics for dyspnea
b blockers or cardioversion for afib
management late mitral stenosis w/ symptoms/pul htn
trans-septal balloon valvotomy
closed valvotomy - for mobile, non calcified and non regurgitant mitral valves
open valvotomy - + cardiopul bypass needed
mitral valve replacement - for mitral regurg too, calcified valve, thrombus in l atrium
Lutembacher’s syndrome
congenital mitral stenosis and atrial septal defect
cause of mitral regurgitation
degenerative (myxomatous) disease, ischemic heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, infectious endocarditis, myocardial disease (lupus)
pathophysio mitral regurgitation
pulmonary edema, l ventricular hypertrophy
symptoms mitral regurgitation
dyspnea + orthopnea - from pul htn + lvf
fatigue + lethargy - from reduced CO
late stage - rhf
cardiac cachexia
subacute infective endocarditis
signs mitral regurgitation
lat displaced appex beat + systolic thrill
pansystolic murmur
midsystolic click
soft s1, prominent s3
chest xray results mitral regurgitation
left heart enlargement
ecg results mitral regurgitation
features of left atrial delay + ventricular hypertrophy - bifid p waves, tall R waves in l lat leads, deep S waves in r precordial leads
echo results mitral regurgitation
dilated l heart, chordal/papillary m rupture
management mitral regurgitation
follow up with echos - surgery if symptomatic severe or asymptomatic severe w/ preserved l ventricular fxn + afib
diuretics, ace i, anticoags, mitraclip (repair)
Barlow’s syndrome (prolapsing mitral valve)
big mitral valve leaflets + annulus + long chordae or disordered papillary m contraction
myxomatous degeneration of leaflets on histo
calcific aortic valvular disease (CAVD)
inflammation subendothelium + fibrosis, calcification
risk factors of ___ are old men, elevated lipoprotein a + ldl, htn
bicuspid aortic valve
congenital heart disease, associated w/ aortic coarctation, root dilation + aortic dissection
which valves are affected in rheumatic heart disease
aortic + mitral stenosis
pathophysio aortic stenosis
increased l ventricular p + lvh, ischemia left ventricular myocardium → angina, arrythmias, lvf (worse w/ exercise)
symptoms aortic stenosis
asymptomatic until severe - exercise-induced syncope, angina, dyspnea
signs aortic stenosis
pulse is plateau + small volume
double impulse precordial palpation
ejection systolic murmur - diamond shaped
systolic ejection click, reverse split on s2, prominent s4
results aortic stenosis on chest x-ray
small heart + dilated asc aorta (from post stenotic dilation)
aortic stenosis ecg
left ventricular strain pattern from pressure overload (depressed st, t-wave inversion in leads towards l ventricle)
echo aortic stenosis
thick calcified + immobile aortic valve, left ventricular hypertrophy
management aortic stenosis
aortic valve replacement - surgical, if symptomatic or asymptomatic + bad exercise test, low LVEF
preemptive valvotomy
percutaneous valve replacement - indication in aortic stenosis
for aortic stenosis patients unsuitable for valve replacement
aortic regurgitation occur in which diseases
endocarditis (of aortic valve), marfan (of aortic root)
pathophysio aortic regurgitation
diastolic bp + coronary perfusion decreased, cardiac ischemia
symptoms aortic regurgitation
asymptomatic until left ventricular failure → angina, dyspnea
signs aortic regurgitation
collapsing pulse
Quincke’s sign - cap pulsations in nail bed
de Musset’s sign - head nodding w/ beat
Duroziez’s sign - to-fro murmur @ femoral a auscultation
pistol shot femorals - sharp bang over femoral a
apex beat displaced lat + down
high-pitched early diastolic murmur, Austin flint mid-diastolic murmur
how is murmur of aortic regurgitation best heard
left sternal edge in 4th intercostal space w/ patient leaning forwards and breath held in expiration
chest xray features of aortic regurgitation
left ventricular enlargement, dilation asc aorta (+ calcified if syphilis)
ecg aortic regurgitation
of left ventricular hypertrophy - tall R waves, deeply inverted T waves in left-sided leads, deep S waves in right-sided leads
echo aortic regurgitation
vigorous cardiac contraction, dilated left ventricle
diastolic fluttering of mitral leaflets or septum occurs in ______, producing the _______ murmur
aortic regurgitation
austin flint
management aortic regurgitation
vasodilators, inotropes, ace i if left ventricular dysfxn, b blockers in marfan
aortic surgery - if acute severe (endocarditis), symptomatic or asymptomtic w/ low LVEF or dilated ventricle
tricuspid stenosis is in who
men with rheumatic heart disease or carcinoid syndrome
pathophysio tricuspid stenosis
reduced CO causing r atrial p increase → systemic v congestion (hepatomegaly, ascites, edema)
symptoms tricuspid stenosis
left side rheumatic valve disease
abd pain from hepatomegaly, ascites, peripheral edema
signs tricuspid stenosis
prominent jugular v a-wave
rumbling mid-diastolic murmur (best heard at lower l sternal edge + exp), tricuspid opening snap
chest xray of tricuspid stenosis
prominent right atrial bulge
ecg tricuspid stenosis
peaked tall p waves in lead II
management tricuspid stenosis
diuretics + salt restriction
tricuspid valve replacement
tricuspid regurgitation - fxnal vs organic
functional - when r ventricle dilates (cor pulmonale, mi, pul htn)
organic - rheumatic heart disease, infective endocarditis, carcinoid syndrome
clinical features tricuspid regurgitation
symptoms of rhf - big jugular v cv wave, palpable liver
r ventricular impulse @ l sternal edge
blowing pansystolic murmur, heard best @ ins @ lower left sternal edge
investigation for tricuspid regurgitation
echo - dilated r ventricle, thickening valve
management tricuspid regurgitation
severe - OP annuloplasty or annuloplication, rarely valve replacement
what is associated w/ fallot, noonan’s syndrome or congenital rubella syndrome?
pulmonary stenosis
symptoms pulmonary stenosis
asymptomatic or fatigue, syncope
symptoms of rhf
physical signs pulmonary stenosis
harsh midsystolic ejection murmur - heard on ins, left 2nd intercostal, w/ thrill
right ventricular 4th sound + prominent jugular v a-wave
r ventricular heave
investigation results pulmonary stenosis
xray - prominent pul a.
ecg - right heart hypertrophy
echo is investigation of choice
management pulmonary stenosis
pulmonary valvotomy
pulmonary regurgitation
from dilation of pul valve ring from pul htn or after fallot repair
decrescendo diastolic murmur