Business MGMT Exam 1 - Smartt

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BCG matrix

Boston Consulting Group

Evaluates businesses relative to the growth rate of their markets and their individual market shares

Classifies the types of business of a diversified organization's portfolio

Dogs - having small market shares and no growth prospects Cash

Cows - having large shares of mature markets

Question marks - have only a small market share in quickly growing markets

Stars - having large shares of rapidly growing markets

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Strategic Choices BCG Matrix

Dogs - Retrenchment (down size products/people) Divesture, liquidation

Cash Cows - Product development, diversification, divesture, retrenchment

Question Marks - Market penetration, market development, product development, divesture

Stars- Vertical integration, horizontal integration, market penetration, market development, product development

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Business level strategies

The strategic alternatives from which an organization chooses as it conducts business in an industry or a particular market.

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Controls for International Business

Tariff Quota Export restraint agreement (voluntary limit)

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Corporate level strategies

The strategic alternatives from which organization chooses as it manages its operations simultaneously across several industries and several markets.

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The number of different businesses that an organization is engaged in and the extent to which these businesses are related to one another

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Related Diversification

multiple products or businesses that correlate and can be mutually beneficial

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Unrelated Diversification

Multiple products or businesses that have to relation or synergy

ex Quaker oats selling oats and clothes

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Distinctive Competence

something an organization does exceptionally well

Ex - making superior quality goods

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Key Components of Strategy

Distinctive Competence Scope Resource Deployment

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Resource Deployment

how an organization will distribute its resources in areas in which it competes.

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range of markets in which an organization will compete

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Effective strategy

Promote a superior alignment between the organization and its environment and the achievement of its goals.

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Internal environment

conditions and forces within an organization

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External Environment

General and Task environment

What does the Economic dimension tell us? Economic dimension is the health of the economic system in which the organization operates Some key indictions for managers: Unemployment rate GDP Inflation Unemployment - when it's high = economic recession, easy to find workers

  • when it's low = economic prosperity, hard to find workers

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General Environment

is a set of broad dimensions and forces in an organization's surroundings that determine its overall context

Economic Dimension Technological Dimension Sociocultural Dimension Political-Legal Dimension International Dimension

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Task Environment

is composed of specific groups and organizations that affect the firm

Competition Customers Suppliers Regulators (agencies and interest groups) Strategic Partners (allies)

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Ethical standards of behavior

typically conforms to generally accepted moral, social norms.

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the worldwide movement towards economic, financial, trade, and communication integration

Actions or processes that involve the entire world and result in making something worldwide in scope.

the increase in the flow of goods, services, capital, people, and ideas across international boundaries

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Purposes of Goals

Guidance and unified directions Promotion of good planing Source of motivation Evaluation and control

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Organizational Goals by Level

Mission statement Strategic goals Tactical goals Operational goals

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Organizational Goals by Area

Operations Marketing Finance Production

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Organizational Goals by Time Frame

Long-term goals (strategic) Intermediate goals (tactical) Short-term goals (operational) Explicit goals Open-ended goals

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Growth of international business (globalization)

advantages and levels

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International business advantages

market access demand profitability competitive advantage risk mitigation global competition

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Levels of international business

Exporting Importing Licensing Strategic Alliance & Joint Ventures Direct Investment

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Kinds and levels of managers

Top Managers

  • executives, manage overall goals

Middle Managers

  • Largest group, implement top managers goals, supervise low lvl managers

First-Line Managers

  • supervise and coordinate the activities of operations employees

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Levels of international business activity

Exporting Importing Licensing Strategic Alliance & Joint Ventures Direct Investment

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Management activities

Planning/Decision Making Organizing Leading Controlling

Efficency & Effectiveness

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Management functional areas

planning and decision making (setting & achieving goals)

organizing (how to group activities & resources)

leading (motivating others)

controlling (monitoring & correcting activities)

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Management perspectives Classical

consists of two distinct branches

  • scientific management

  • administrative management

growth of large businesses created interest on how best to operate them

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Classical - scientific management

Frederick Taylor, Gilbreth

concerned with improving the performance of individual workers

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Classical - Administrative management

Focuses on managing the total organization

Fayol, Urwick, Weber

Planning, organizing, leading, controlling

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Management Perspectives Behavioral

Emphasizes individual attitudes, behaviors, and group processes

Focus on individuals as people and not treat them as tools or machines

Hawthorne Studies

Human relations Movement - argues that workers respond primarily to the social context of the workplace

theory x and y

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Hawthorne Studies

aimed to see how workplace conditions such as lighting and an incentive pay scale influenced productivity

special attention attributes to better work (behavioral)

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HR Movement

Proposed that workers respond primarily to the social context of work, including social conditioning, group norms, and interpersonal dynamics.

Assumed that the manager's concern for workers would lead to increased worker satisfaction and improved worker performance

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Theory X

"A pessimistic and negative view of workers, consistent with the views of scientific management"

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Theory Y

"A positive view of workers it represents the assumptions that human relations advocates make"

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Organizational Behavior

Focuses on behavioral perspectives.

Draws on psychology, sociology, and anthropology, economics, and medicine

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Management Perspectives Quantitative

emerged from WWII, used math to solve management problems

management science

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Operations Management

practical application of management science to efficiently manage the production and distribution of products and services

concerned with equality

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Management science perspective

focuses on mathematical systems and equations(quantitative)

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Management Perspectives Contemporary

saw value in theories and attempts to integrate these to solve problems

systems perspective

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Systems Perspective

focuses on an interrelated set of elements functioning as a whole (family)

  • inputs -> transformation process -> outputs -> feedback

if a business does not interact with it's environment (take in imports and exports) it will use it's own resources and effectively die


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Management skills

technical interpersonal conceptual diagnostic communication decision making time management

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Management theories (within each of the management perspectives) understand what the main idea is.

C Scientific Management Admin Management

B Hawthorne Studies HR Movement McGregor- Theory X & Y Organizational Behavior

Q Management Science Operations Management

Cont Systems Perspective

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Operational planning

made up of -single-use plans -standing plans -contingency planning and crisis management

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Single Use Plans

made up of: programs-for a large set of activities projects-less scope and complexity

  • developed to carry out a course of action that is not likely to be repeated in the future

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Standing Plans

Policies, standard operating procedures, and rules n regulations

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Contingency Planning and Crisis Management

contingency planning- the determination of alternative courses of action if an intended course of action is not enough or not working

crisis management- set of procedures the organization uses in the event of a disaster or other unexpected calamity

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Organization's culture

behavioral processes vary widely across cultural and national boundaries.

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Product life cycle

Introduction - New hires, inventory, product out, lower sales, developing inventory

Growth - Quality, differentiate, new entrants

Maturity - Slow growth, costs, R&D, New product

Decline - Demand slows, sales drop, differentiate, replacement, low costs

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Social responsibility.

Is a firms leadership's intention, beyond their legal and economic obligations, to do right things and act in ways that are good for society.

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Strategic planning process

A process that helps an organization allocate its resources under different conditions to accomplish its objectives, deliver value, and be competitive in a market-driven economy

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SWOT analysis

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

intends to formulate strategies that support the mission

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Business Level Strategies

differentiation - different/unique

cost leadership - cheapest or leads the cost in the market

focus- targets a buyer

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Corporate Level Strategies

Single Product Strategy

  • Only one Product is made (WD40)

Related Diversification

  • Multiple products or business that correlate and can be mutually beneficial

Unrelated Diversification

  • Multiple products or business that have no related or synergy

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Matching questions will cover:

  • Management Theories within each of the Perspectives we explored in Chapter 1.

  • The General and Task environments

  • Business and corporate level strategies

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