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Functionalist views on domestic divisions of labour (parsons) nuclear family
Husband and wife have designated roles which are determined by biology. Husband plays instrumental role and wife plays expressive role(housework)
Evaluation of parsons view on division of labour
Wilmott and young say men are now doing more domestic tasks and women do more paid work
Famistis think division of labour is a social construct
Feminist view on domestic division of labour
Liberal- adopt march of progress view(more women in paid work
Radical& Marxist- say there’s little change in position of women (households are patriarchal and dual burden
Sociologist who believe in march of progress
wilmott and young
British social attitudes
Future foundation
Sociologists who think there’s little change
Dex and ward
Reasons for increase in symmetrical nuclear family 2
changes in women’s position
New technology saving labour time
Wilmott and hound march of progress view
see family as gradually improving
Men were breadwinners and had more leisure time
Women were caregivers and sole responsibility was housework and childcare
Sullivan view of march of progress
study of equal division of labour and men participation in traditional women tasks
British social attitudes march of progress view
Survey which shows that there’s a fallin number of men earring money for family
Future foundations generational shift
study of 1.000 adults found that 60% do more housework than women
Oakley(feminist) families aren’t equal equal
Feminists argue that society is male dominated and is root of unequal division of labour
Oakley criticises Wilmott and young and believes father role was only taking an interest so they don’t do house work all the time
Dex and ward (childcare) families aren’t equal
Found that fathers had high involvement in 3 year olds but only 1% took responsibility when child is sick
Hochschild (families aren’t equal)
Women provide emotion work (duncombe and marsden women do triple shift)
Explaining gender division of labour (cultural)
Due to patriarchal norms and values so women provide domestic labour because society expects them to
Explaining gender division of labour(material)
women earn lower
Evidence for cultural explanation gershuny
Gradual shift Is termed lagged adaptation, time lag between taking up paid employment and men contributing to domestic labour
Evidence for maternal explanations (man yee kan)
Even though women are now working they still do childcare so dual burden- every 10,000 pond more earned 2 hours less housework is done
Material evidence for gender division (Arber and gin, silver and schor)
Arber and gin- high standard of living (wc women can’t afford childcare so stuck in cycle of low pay and part time jobs)
Silver and schor- new technology ( housework is commerciallised which reduces labour)
Researching conjugal roles 4
Responsibility and help
Job satisfaction
Desicbe the 4 research of conjugal roles
Time- women underestimate time taken on labour while men overestimate (pleck) child
Urgency- the amount of time tasks done is how important it is (McMahon)
Respon- being responsible for task vs help women responsible for cooking men may help with dishes(McMahon)
Job satisfaction- time says women’s tastes are tedious and boring and men’s tasks are fun and creative
2 systems of money management
Allowance system- where men give women allowances to budget for family
Pooling- where both partners have access to income
Inequality’s in money management vogler and Paul cutbacks
Women suffer cutbacks and reduce food
SMART gay couples with equality
Gay/ lesbian couples don’t have issues when it comes to who controls money and sees how there’s greater freedom in same sex couples
Edges decision making
Women did less important decisions like interior decoration while men did buying cars and where to move houses
Hardil et al decision making
Men are still dominant in households as they made the most important less frequent decisions
Domestic violence definition
Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling coercive threading behaviour
Statistics on domestic violence
269,700 crimes reported to police
Every 30 secs someone calls police
Dark figure of crime defined
Violence never reported to the police or recorded by the police
Reasons why people don’t report domestic violence
Radical feminist millet and firestone explanation to domestic violence
Argue that men are the enemy. Dobash and dobash say it’s patricahcl society that it’s right for men to discipline wives, and domestic violence is always due to wives not meeting men’s expectations
Ao3 for radical feminist
Also receive domestic violence
Crime survey shows how 18% of men experienced dv
Materialist explanations of dv Wilkinson and Pickett
Say dv is due to stress on family members due to social inequality(men treated rubbish at work so do the same to family at home)
Ao3 materialist explanation
Fails to explain why it is more women rather than men
Marxist explanation of dv (ansley)
Women are takers of shit and dv is product of capitalism as male workers are exploited at work
Groups at risk of dv
Working class
What is Clare’s law
Information t that can protect someone from being a victim of attack so they know partners old crimes