________ forms the conducting cells of xylem- the tracheary elements and we need living cells to transport materials (nucleic acids, mineral nutrients, etc) laterally in the plant.
________ and epidermis sloughed Periderm consists of cork, cork cambium, and phelloderm.
________ Are arbuscular inside the cells and in between the cells Progressivily stronger mutualistic symbioses between the fungi and the plant, depending on species and location.
________- Surrounds but does not penetrate living cells in the roots Hyphae grow between the cells of the root epidermis and cortex, forming a characteristic highly branched network.
________ is the inner most layer of ground tissue, produced by the ground meristem.
________ makes the cork cambium, mature periderm has cork, cork cambium, and phelloderm.
________ or bark Replaces epidermis as protective covering Originates from the lateral meristem called cork cambium.
________ is on the stem and on the leaves in primary growth, but not on the root.
________ is perpindicular to the surface of the root.
________- moving through the plasma membrane from one membrane to another.
________ is absorbed through the root hairs, passes through the cortex, and then into the xylem where it can be transported to other tissues and organs.
________ is parallel to the surface of the root.
Secondary root growth
________- Vascular cambium originates between primary phloem and metaxylem in sinuses of protoxylem poles from pericycle opposite protoxylem poles.
________ occurs on outer projections of star- shaped core of xylem Metaxylem occurs in the middle.
________ is a long chain lipid polymer, like cutin in the cuticle of leaves, both are hydrophobic and prevent movement of liquid into or out of cells.
Casparian strip
Endodermis- ________- ________ prohibits apoplastic movement of water and solutes and insures movement of water and solutes is controlled by living protoplast.
________- Fungal hyphae pemetrate cortical root cells and form highly branched arbuscules (arbusuclar mycorrhizae) Most common (80 % of vascular plants) not highly specific.
________ is where the water moves through the spaces around cells by adhsion and capillary action of cellulose in the cell walls.
Lateral roots
________ originate by dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of the pericycle parenchyma cells.
________ of the endodermis (with casparian strips) occurs prior to ________ of the xylem elements and development of root hairs.
Root cap
________- covers the apical meristem and is formed by divisions of cells at the tip in a forward direction.
Woody plants
________ require larger roots that are also woody.
________ are heterotrophs, so plants are providing ________ with sugars and with suitable habitat.
Phloem cells
________ occupy sinuses between protoxylem poles.
Non functioning tracheary elements
________ occur in roots, and the ray cells sequester and transport nutrients from the dying vessel and tracheid elements inside to phloem outside for distribution throughout the plant.
Water moves
________ by osmosis From high concentration (soil) to low concentration (protoplasm of vascular cylinder) Active transport increases solute concentration in protoplast of roots Drives osmosis.
________- Originates from procambium Composed of parenchyma cells Redifferentiates into lateral roots Lies immediately inside endodermis Helps form root vascular cambium in secondary growth.
________ is also found in periderm of stems (secondary growth)
________ is ground tissue.
________ is also responsible for secondary growth.
So ________ is responsible for the formation of lateral roots.
Root cap
covers the apical meristem and is formed by divisions of cells at the tip in a forward direction
region of cell division
behind root cap and apical meristem
Region of cell elongation
behind region of cell division
Primary development
Apical meristem/region of cell division extends into and overlaps with region of cell elongation
Region of elongation is located
directly behind the root tip
Function of the Region of Elongation
where most of the growth or extension root length occurs
Region of maturation function
where root hairs occur
Sieve tube function
Extends furthest into the tip to provide sugars and energy for mitosis;the apical meristem is where cell division occurs
Primary root tissue systems
dermal tissue system (epidermis), Ground tissue system (cortex), vascular tissue system (vascular tissues, solid center in dicot, pith-like center of monocot)
Two major types
Endomycorrhizae Penetrate the root cells Most common-80% of vascular plants Not highly specific The fungal hyphae penetrate cortical cells of root form highly branched arbuscules (arbuscular mycorrhizae) Ectomycorrhizae Surrounds but does not penetrate living cells in the roots Hyphae grow between the cells of the root epidermis and cortex, forming a characteristic highly branched network
Fungal hyphae pemetrate cortical root cells and form highly branched arbuscules (arbusuclar mycorrhizae) Most common (80% of vascular plants) not highly specific
Surrounds but does not penetrate living cells in the roots Hyphae grow between the cells of the root epidermis and cortex, forming a characteristic highly branched network
Root -cortex
Cortex occurs between epidermis and vascular cylinder
moving through the plasma membrane from one membrane to another
Innermost layer of cortex -Casparian strip Composed of hydrophobic suberin and sometimes lignin Lines the anticlinal surfaces of endodermis cell walls Prohibits apoplastic movement of water and solutes Solutes move through membrane into vascular cylinder controlled by living protoplast
Originates from procambium Composed of parenchyma cells Redifferentiates into lateral roots Lies immediately inside endodermis Helps form root vascular cambium in secondary growth
Secondary growth must originiate inside the endodermis to enjoy the protection of the casparian strips -the continuous cylender
to ensure uniform symplastic movement across the cells
Roots-secondary growth Root Secondary growth in large plants Additional anchorage Additional vascular tissue -Greater flow of nutrients Secondary growth involves
Creation of secondary xylem and phloem from a vascular cambium
Secondary root growth
Vascular cambium originates between primary phloem and metaxylem in sinuses of protoxylem poles from pericycle opposite protoxylem poles