Inspiration at rest
External intercostals contract, lifting rib cage and sternum up and out
Diaphragm contracts and flattens
Volume of thoracic cavity increases
Pressure decreases, air goes into lungs
Inspiration during exercise
External intercostals, diaphragm, sternocleidomastoid, pectoralis major all contract
Greater up and out movement of rib cage and sternum
Volume of thoracic cavity increases more than at rest
Pressure of thoracic cavity decreases more than at rest, increases volume of air inspired/depth of breathing
Expiration at rest
External intercostals relax, lowering rib cage and sternum down and in
Diaphragm relaxes and returns to dome shape
Volume of thoracic cavity decreases
Pressure increases, air pushed out of lungs
Expiration during exercise
External intercostals, diaphragm, rectus abdominis, internal intercostals
Greater down and in movement of rib cage and sternum
Decreased volume of thoracic cavity more than at rest
Increased pressure of thoracic cavity more than at rest, increased volume of air inspired/rate of breathing per minute