Comfort Measures to make us the best!
What is the 2024 Cardinal Goal?
Comfort Measures! Making sure our Cardinal Kid has a pain free visit
Physical places on the body to look for so we know we are giving shots in the correct location.
Anterior and lateral position situated in the front and to the side
Greater Trochanter
A bony prominence at the top of the femur where the hip and thigh muscles are fixed
Is a strep swab a big deal? I do 20 of them a day
What is Vaxelis
DTaP + IPV + Hib + HepB
How is Vaxelis Given
What is in PROQUAD
MMRV - Measles, Mumps, Rubella, AND Varicella (SQ);
How is PROQUAD given
Sub Q
What is Kinrix?What i
How is Kinrix given?
What is in Infanix
How is Infanrix Given?
What is in DTaP
diptheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough)
What is in IPV
inactivated polio vaccine;
How is IPV given
What is in Hibrix
HIB: Haemophilus influenzae type B;
How is HIB given
How is HIBRIX given
What is in Vaxneuvance
pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (15-valent);
How is Vaxneuvance given
What is Hepatitis B
inflammation of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV), which is transmitted sexually or by exposure to contaminated blood or body fluids;
How is Hep B given
What is Hep A
inflammation of the liver caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV), usually transmitted orally through fecal contamination of food or water;
What is Havrix
Hep A
How is Havrix Given
What is MMR
measles, mumps, rubella
How is MMR Given
Sub Q
What is Varicella
Chicken Pox
How is Varicella Given
Sub Q
What is Rotateq
rotavirus 5 vaccine
What is Rotavirus
a GI disease causing diarrhea and vomiting
How is Rotateq given
What is in Boostrix
TDaP: Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis Vaccine
How is Boostrix Given
What is the difference between Tdap and DTaP
DTaP is under age 7. Tdap offers continued protection - typically at 11.
What is Menveo
Meningococcal vaccine that protects against 4 strains of meningitis;
How is Menveo Given
What is Bexsero
MenB vaccine
How is Bexsero Given
What is Gardisil
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
What is HPV
a viral infection that commonly causes skin or mucous membrane growths (warts)
What are the 2month vaccines
Vaxelis, Vaxneuvance, and Rotateq
What are the 4 month vaccines
Vaxelis, Vaxneuvance, and Rotateq
What are the 6 month vaccines
Vaxelis, Vaxneuvance, and Rotateq
What are the 12 month vaccines and procedures
Havirix (Hep A) and ProQuad (MMRV); Lead and Hgb (finger stick)
What are the 15 month vaccines
Infanrix (DTaP), Hiberix (HiB), and Vaxneuvance (PCV-15)
What are the 18 month vaccines
Havrix (Hep A) (has to be 6 months from the previous Hep A vaccine)
How far apart do does of HepA have to be?
6 months
What do we do for a 24 month visit?
Lead and Hgb
What are the 4 year old Vaccines
Kinrix (DTaP-IPV) and ProQuad (MMRV)
What do we want to give at 9 and/or 10
Gardasil (HPV)
What are the 11-12 Year old Vaccines and Procedures
Boostrix (TDaP) and Menveo (Meningitis - MCV4); Total Cholesterol and HDL finger stick
What are the 16 year vaccines
Menveo (Meningitis - MCV4) and Bexsero (Meningitis B)
What two vaccines should NEVER be given in the same extremity (i.e. the same arm, same leg)?,
Pneumococcal and Influenza Vaccine; it can cause necrosis.
What vaccines are given subcutaneously (SQ)?
MMR, Varicella, and MMRV (Proquad)
Which vaccine is given orally?
How do you landmark the for an IM injection on the leg
How to Landmark
Position the patient lying down or held by a parent
Palpate the muscle below the great trochanter
and above the lateral femoral condyte (knee joint)
Divide the muscle into thirds
Administer the injection into the MIDDLE THIRD of the muscle, in the outer anterolateral aspect, lateral to the midpoint of the thigh
How to landmark Fatty Tissure on back of Tricep
Locate Acromion process
Bony prominence above deltoid
Locate Elbow
Go between the two
Make sure you PINCH up on the sub q tissue to prevent muscle injectionI
Sub Q injection given at what angle
What are the landmarks for a shot in the arm?
How to Landmark
Patient sitting comfortably with the arm visable from the shoulder to the top of the elbow
Papate the acromion (outer age of the scapula) and trace an imaginary inverted triage below the shoulder
Inject in middle of triangle
What is a Buzzy Bee - how do I use it
Block the pain recepters
How many seconds for a Buzzy Bee?
30-60 for a normal immunization, 90-120 for HPV
How long do you spray Freeze spray
Just until its cold -not until its white!! Give it time to work
Do I really have to give our popsciles?
Yes - Give out FULL popsciles after asking parent. Think about them with swabs and just anytime someone is having a bad day. Get parental permission
What is a comfort measure for Lead draws or other finger sticks
HEAT!!! Heat gets the blood flowers so makes for easier. Feel free to use 2 comfort measures at this time Have them blow on a pin wheel, while holding a warming device. Also think about giving kids fidget things to keep their hands working and loose.
Name the 6 different comfort holds and be ready to demonstrate them.
Cuddle Hold infants
Side comfort Hold infant/toddler
Chest to Chest
Back to Chest
Side Comfort hold
Side by Side comfort hold'