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UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
A set of goals set by the UN to promote peace and prosperity for people and the planet
1. No Poverty
2. Zero Hunger
3. Good Health & Well-being
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
6. Clean Water & Sanitation
7. Affordable & Clean Energy
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10. Reduced Inequalities
11. Sustainable Cities & Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
14. Life Below Water
15. Life on Land
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships for the Goals
---> build a global partnership for sustainable development to improve human lives and protect the environment
Social Impact
- organizational interventions designed to impact a significant social issue
Social Innovation
- Design or reconfiguration of existing social and organizational processes for social impact
Social Enterprise
- organizations that are revenue generating to sustain initiatives designed for social impact or social innovation
Sustainable Development
"sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
Bruntland Report
- our common future
- defined sustainable development
- importance of the interlinkages between the economy and its dependence on natural resource systems as well as a sense of stewardship for the future and the environment
Critical Global Environmental Problems
- non-sustainable consumption & production of the Global North
- enormous poverty in the Global South
Triple Bottom Line
private sector response to critical environmental problems and climate change
3 pillars:
- Profit = economic gain
- People = Social Effects
- Planet = Environmental Quality
Rutgers Climate Action
1. Awareness
2. Policy Awareness / Influence
3. Accountability
"aims to mobilize Rutgers' academic, operational, and economic capacities to advance just, equitable climate solutions"
Complex Organization
Perrow 1993, 2006
- organizations are the key phenomena of the 20th & 21st century
- organizations are the path through which economic & social goals are achieved
3 Theories:
- Institutional Theory
- Stakeholder Theory
- CCO Theory
Organizational Sectors
Major Sectors
1. Private
- owned by founders or investors, as in widely-held corporations
- privately held
- publicly held
- small businesses to multinationals
- start-ups
2. Public
- owned by government, for example agencies and ministries
- Local
- State
- Federal
- Elected Officials
- Appointed Officials
- Staffers
3. Plural
- owned by members, as in cooperatives, or by no-one
- NPOs
- NGOs
- Social Enterprises
- Professional Associations
- Unions
- Cooperatives
- Foundations
Just Transitions
Considers CSR
Been around since the 80s to protect workers in trade unions from water and air pollution
Recently: focused on meeting CLIMATE GOALS by pivoting the whole of society to a net-zero future
International Labour Organization (ILO) = greening the economy, no one gets left behind
- redistribute resources and power to local communities
Just Capital
Considers CSR
defined by the priorities of the public; business and markets = force for greater good, driving competition to build a better future for all
Rank Companies on these dimensions:
1. Workers
2. Communities
3. Customers
4. Shareholders & Governance
5. Environment
Founded by billionaires interested in business and finance in 2014
Planetary Boundaries
Earth's Carrying Capacity
9 Categories:
- Climate Change
- Atmospheric aerosol loading
- Stratospheric ozone depletion
- Ocean acidification
- Freshwater change
- Land use change
- Biosphere integrity
- Biogeochemical flows
- Novel entities
Triple Planetary Crisis
1. Climate Change
- most pressing issue
- long-term shifts in temperature & weather patterns
- completely alter ecosystems
2. Pollution (Air)
- largest cause of disease and premature death
caused by traffic, factories, wildfires, volcanoes, mold
3. Biodiversity Loss
- decline/disappearance of biological diversity --> animals, plants, ecosystem
- biodiversity = baseline for everything on the planet; everything is interlinked
Quercus Cooperage
Industry & regional ecosystems
Actions impact NY's Hudson Valley
- Industry -->regional impact in industry innovation and infrastructure SDG
- Organization --> community partnerships, stakeholder relationships, partnerships for the goals
- Environmental benefits
- job/careers = good econ and decent work
- education/training = decent work/ industry/ transferable skills
Stakeholder Theory
a moral framework for organizations & management centered around Cooperation and Collaboration
Dimensions (3)
- Economic
- Legal
- Ethical