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what do you need to provide to apply for a permit or drivers license?
proof of identity
two proofs of residency
legal full name document
social security number
what is the process for applying for an instruction permit?
Complete a drivers license and ID card application
provide your documents
pay a non-refundable application fee
pass your knowledge test
pass a vision test
what is the process to for obtaining a driver’s license?
get an instruction permit
practice driving with a licensed driver who is at least 18
pass a behind the wheel drive test
what will the DMV examiner ask you to locate and demonstrate before you even start the car?
driver window that must open
rearview mirrors
brake lights
foot brake
emergency (parking brake)
arm signals (left and right turn, slowing or stopping)
show the windshield wipers working
seat belts working properly
hand-to-hand steering (push/pull)
start with your hands at 9 and 3 or at 8 and 4
dont cross hands over the middle of the steering wheel
keep hand in these positions, even while making turns
Hand-over-hand steering
hands at 8 and 4
reach across the steering wheel to grasp the opposite side
let go of the steering wheel with your other hand
reach across the arm still holding the wheel, grip the wheel, and pull up
Situations that may require one hand steering
when you are turning while backing up to see where you are going behind you
place hand on 12 o clock position
when you are operating vehicle controls that require you to remove one hand from the steering wheel and
when should you signal?
when turning, changing lanes, slowing down or stop
at lease 100 ft before turning
at least 5 seconds when switching lanes on the freeway
before pulling to the curb or away from the curb
arm signals left turn? right turn? slow or stop?
left arm out = left turn
left arm up = right turn
left arm down = slow or stop
how should you use your horn?
to avoid collisions
alert oncoming traffic on narrow mountain roads where you cannot see at least 200 ft ahead
how should you use your headlights?
dim highbeams to low beans within 500 ft of a vehicle comeong towards you or300 ft in the same direction as you.
when its too dark to see form 1k ft away
low beams in fog, rain, or snow
when dust, clouds, smoke, fog, etc. are obstructing your view
on mountain roads and tunnels
when stated by road signs
what should you do if you see a collision or hazard ahead?
turn on emergency flashers
lightly tap brake pedal 4 times
use hand signal when slowing or stopping
what should you do if your vehicle is in trouble?
turn on emergency flashers/turn signals
pull away from traffic if possible
stop where people can see you and your vehicle form behind if unable to pull away from traffic
do not stop over a hull or just around a curve
call for emergency roadside assistance
what does a single solid yellow line represent?
makrs the center of the road w two way traffic
what do double solid yellow lines represent?
stay on the right of the lines
When are you able to cross/be on the left of the double solid yellow lines?
in a carpool lane that has a designated entrance
instructed by construction signs to drive on the other side
turning left across a single set of double yellow lines to enter/exit a driveway or make a uturn (only at the designated openings)
what does a broken yellow line represent?
you may pass if the line is next to your driving lane
what does a single solid white line indicate?
marks traffic lanes going in the same direction
includes one-way streets
what does the double solid white lines indicate?
lane barrier between regular use and preferential use (carpool)
never change lanes over these lines, instead wait until you see it broken and single.
what do broken white lines represent?
separate traffic lanes on roads with 2+ lanes in the same direction
what does the yield line represent?
shows approaching vehicles where to yield or stop
they point towards approaching vehicles
what are the lane rules?
furthest left is the fastest and furthest right is the slowest
use left lane to pass/turn
steps to take before changing lanes?
check mirrors
check traffic behind and beside you
look over your shoulder in the direction you plan to move
check blind spots for other vehicles or motorcycles
passing lanes?
far left lane; the lane closest to the divider
carpool/high-occupancy vehicle lanes
reserved for carpools, buses, motorcycles, low emission vehicles w/ decals
requirements to use HOV lane
certain amount of people in your vehicle (signs would be posted telling the minimum amount of people)
you are driving low emission vehicle (display DMV issued decal)
you are riding a motorcycle (unless otherwise posted)
what are center left turn lanes
located in the middle of a two way street
used to make left turns or u turns
what do the center left turn lanes look like
the inner line is broken and the outer line is solid
steps to use a center left turn lane
look for other vehicles coming toward you in the center left lane
look over your shoulder to check your blind spots
merge completely into the center left turn lane so you do not block traffic
turn when it is safe
turnout areas or lanes
merge into these areas or lanes to allow cars behind you to pass
its illegal to drive in a bicycle lane unless…
parking (where permitted)
entering or leaving the road
turning (within 200ft of an intersection)
to make a right turn…
drive close to the right edge of road
watch out for pedestrians/bicyclists/motorcyclists
signal ~100ft before the turn
look over your right shoulder and reudce your speed
look both ways (left right left)
turn when safe
complete your turn in the right lane (do not turn wide into another lane)
can you make a right turn on a red light?
yes, after a complete stop unless there is a no turn on red sign
can you make a right turn on a red arrow?
no, you must wait until the light changes before making your turn
dedicated right turn lanes
allows you to make the turn without stopping, even if the light was red
to make a left turn…
drive close to the center divider/turning lane
start signaling ~100ft before
look over your left shoulder and reduce speed
look both ways (left right left)
proceed into the intersection while turning to complete your turn in the left lane
do not turn the steering wheel too soon and enter the lane of oncoming vehicles (keep wheels pointed strain until its safe to start turning to prevent being pushed into oncoming traffic if pushed)
left turn on a red light
only allowed if turning from a one way street onto another one way street.
make sure that there are no signs prohibiting the turn
when can you make a u turn
across a double yellow line
in a residential district
at an intersection on a green light/arrow (UNLESS NO U-TURN SIGN IS POSTED)
on a highway if a center divider opening is provided
when should you never make a u-turn
when a no u-turn sign is posted
at or on a railroad crossing
on a divided highway by crossing a divigin section,curb,strip of land, or two sets of double yellow lines
on a one way street
in front of a fire station (NEVER USE THEIR DRIVEWAY TO MAKE THE U-TURN)
business districts
steps for merging into a highway
be in the proper lane on the on-ramp
be at or near the speed of traffic
merge into highway traffice only when safe
dont stop unless absolutely nessecary
use your mirrors and turn signals
turn your head quickly to look over your shoulder before changing lanes/merging
how to exit the highway safely
pay attention to what exit you must tka eand when its approaching
change lanes one at a time
when in the proper lane, signal five seconds before exiting
make sure you are at a safe speed to exit
do not cros over nay solid lines when eixiting
when you are going to pass an open highway…
signal letting others know you are passing
look over your shoulder to check any blind spots
drive into the passing lane
speed up to pass vehicles
signal and return to your original lane
parallel parking
look for a space that is at least 3 ft longer than your vehicle
use turning signal to show others that you plan on parking
pull alongside the vehicle in front of the space. stop once your rear bumper is aligned with the front of your parking space
check blind spots before backing up
turn your steering wheel back in to the space at about a 45 degree angle
begin turnig the steering wheel away from the curb when your wheel is within 2 ft of the curb
repeat until you are fully parked
backing up in a straight line
observe traffic and check appropriate blind spots
check blind spots
begin backing up in a straight line
parking on a sloping driveway:
turn the wheels to that the vehicle wont roll into a street and set the parking brake
parking headed downhill:
turn your wheels into the curb
parking headed uphil
turn your front wheels away from the curb parking on
parking headed either uphill or downhill when there is no curb
turn the wheels so the vehicle will roll away from the center of the road if the brakes fail
what does a white colored curb indicate?
stop only long enough to pick up or drop off passangers
what does a green colored curb represent?
park for a limtied time based on the signs posted or what is painted on the curb
what does the yellow colored curb represent?
load and unload passengers and freight. don’t stop longer than the time posted.
what does the red colored curb represent?
no stopping, standing, or parking
buses may stop at a red zone only if they are marked for buses
what does the blue colored curb represent?
parking for a disabled person or someone driving a disabled person with a special placard/license
never park or leave your vehicle…
where a no parking sign is posted
on a marked or unmarked crosswalk
on a sidewalk, partially blocking a sidewalk, or in front of a driveway
within 3 ft of a sidewalk ramp for disabled persons
in front or on a curb that provides wheelchair access to a sidewalk
in the crosshatched (diagonal lines) area next to a designated disabled parking space
in a space designated for parking or fueling zero-emission vehicles unless that is ur vehicle
in a tunnel or on a bridge, unless permitted by signs
within 15 ft of a fire hydrant or firestation driveway
between a safety zone and curb
double parked
on the wrong side of the street or on a freeway (except in an emergency, when a law enforcement officer requires a stop, where a stop is specifically permitted)
ways to maximize your fuel efficiency while lowing emissions:
speed up and slow down smoothly
drive a t a steady speed
regularly inflate your tires
get oil changes
check filters
get rid of extra weight in your vehicle
what should you do during a law enforcement stop?
turn on your right turning signal to let the officer know that you acknowledge
move completely to the right shoulder
turn off your radio
remain inside your vehicle unless directed to step out
roll down window
the driver and passengers should place their hands in clear view for the officer
rights during an enforcement stop!!
if the officer asks your permission to do something, you have the right to say NO
dont have the right to interfere if they proceed anyways
officer can legally require the driver to produce drivers license, proof of insurance, and vehicle registration. police may perform limited search if driver does not produce.
officer can legally require driver and or passengers to all exit or stay inside the vehicle.
only federal law enforcement officers can ask you about your immigration status (not state or local officers, you can decline to answer them)
right to record interactions with the law enforcement in public spaces
officer cannot confiscate the recording device, delete the recording, or destroy the device
right to deny a request to unlock phone/provide password
no gov employee can retaliate against you because you recorded something in public
should not engage in physical resistance/violence against officer
can voice objection
could jeopardize the safety of both you and the officer if the situation escalates to becoming physical
have the right to file public complaint against any law enforcement agency (they are not allowed to retaliate you doing so)
right to be free of any form of discrimination
what does a solid red light mean?
can turn right if there is not a “NO TURN ON RED“ sign posted and there are no pedestrians to yield for present.
what does a red arrow traffic light represent?
do not turn on red arrow
remain stopped until a green traffic signal light or green arrow appears
what does a flashing red light represent?
you may then go when it is safe
what does a solid yellow traffic light represent?
the light is about to turn red
what does the yellow arrow traffic signal represent?
protected turning time is ending (like the green arrow) remain cautious on deciding to turn or not
what does a flashing yellow traffic light represent?
slow down and be alert, you dont need to stop
what does a flashing yellow arrow traffic light represent?
you can turn but your turn is not protected from other traffic. proceed to turn left after yielding to oncoming traffic and proceed with caution
what does a solid green traffic light represent?
should always yield for pedestrians, bicyclist, any vehicle in the intersection.
what does the green arrow traffic light represent?
GO in the direction of the arrow
allows you to make a protected turn
what should you do if the traffic light is not working?
stop as if the intersection is controlled by stop signs in all directions and proceed cautiously
what does the diagonal crossing pedestrian sign indicate?
allow the pedestrian to cross the intersection in any direction t the same time ONLY WHEN THE WALK SIGNAL ALLOWS
what should you do as a pedestrian if there are no designated signals to use?
obey the vehicle traffic signals
what does a stop sign indicate?
make a full stop before entering the crosswalk/limit line and check before entering the intersection
what does the red yield sign indicate?
slow down and be ready to stop to let any vehicle/bicyclist/pedestrian pass before proceeding
what does this red and white regulatory sign indicate?
no u-turn
what does this red and white regulatory sign indicate?
no left turn
what does this red and white regulatory sign indicate?
no right turn
what does this white regulatory sign indicate?
two way traffic ahead
what does this white regulatory sign indicate?
no parking any time
what does this white regulatory sign indicate?
yield to uphill traffic
what does this white regulatory sign indicate?
one way
what does this white regulatory sign indicate?
emergency parking only
what does this white regulatory sign indicate?
no turns
what does this white regulatory sign indicate?
left turn yield on green
what does this white regulatory sign indicate?
do not pass
what does this white regulatory sign indicate?
one way direction
what does this white regulatory sign indicate?
only left turn
what does this white regulatory sign indicate?
left turn and/or u turn
what does this white regulatory sign indicate?
do not block intersection
what does this white regulatory sign indicate?
slower traffic keep right
what does this white regulatory sign indicate?
keep right
what does this white regulatory sign indicate?
3 tracks
what does this highway construction/maintenance sign indicate?
thru traffic merge left
what does this highway construction/maintenance sign indicate?
road closed ahead
what does this highway construction/maintenance sign indicate?
road machinery ahead
what does this highway construction/maintenance sign indicate?
yield, proceed with caution due to construction/maintenance
what does this highway construction/maintenance sign indicate?
shoulder work ahead
what does this warning sign indicate?
slippery when wet
what does this warning sign indicate?
merging traffic
what does this warning sign indicate?
divided highway
what does this warning sign indicate?
two way traffic
what does this warning sign indicate?
lane ends
what does this warning sign indicate?
end divided highway