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What are the three rationales for Imperialism?
Nationalist rationales, cultural and religious rationales, economic rationales
Nationalist pride
Imperialist success as an expression of new ________ among rival European nations.
Example of Nationalist rationales
Japan in Korea and China
What are the two terms for racism in science?
Phrenology (bigger skulls= bigger brains) and Social Darwinism (survival of the fittest)
Why did Europeans think it was okay to impose their political, economic and religious views on colonies?
Europeans assumed technological superiority implied cultural superiority
What were the five economic rationales for imperialism?
Raw materials for industrialization, markets for selling industrial goods, east India company, Dutch east India company, settler colonies in Australia+new zealand+South Africa
What does the White Man’s Burden by Rudyard Kipling justify?
It justifies imperialism and claiming they can help other countries live better lives by carrying them on their shoulders
Through imperialism in Africa, what resources was Europe looking to find?
Ivory, gold, and diamonds
Why was there European exploration of Africa in 1800s?
Quinine (meds for malaria) and steamboats (meaning they can go up river)
Why did Britain go to Egypt?
To gain control of the Suez Canal which connects Europe to Asia, allowing for easier connections to trade and move
What were the names of the unpaid workers on the Suez Canal?
corvee laborers
Why did Britain take control of Egypt?
Unrest threatened British control of canal
What did Britain spread in West Africa?
Christianity, western education, and English
Where did Britain go in West Africa?
Sierra Leone, Ghana, and Lagos
What did France do in North Africa?
Conquered Algeria
What is The Scramble for Africa?
As industrialized European countries competed for resources in Africa, leaders become concerned that it would lead to war
What’s the name of the meeting to establish boundaries regarding the colonization of Africa?
The Berlin Conference
Who wasn’t invited and thought of in the Berlin conference?
No African countries were invited, and borders paid no respect to groups living there.
Who did the South Africa and the Boer wars consist of?
British vs Dutch afrikaners
What did Britain force Afrikaners and Africans to do?
To get off their land and into segregated concentration camps.
Who did King Leopoldo II send to explore the Congo river basin and create treaties with African leaders?
Henry Stanley
what resources did the Belgian Congo have?
Copper, rubber, and ivory
Why was Leopold forced to hand over the colony to the Belgian government?
Villagers were brutalized while extracting resources.
What is the Raj?
The era of British control over india
Which countries imperialized in South Asia (India)?
Portugal, France, and Britain
What did the British east India company do after the seven years war?
they began dominating India
what did the British east India company begin to control?
The Mughal empire and controlled the entire subcontinent
Who did the EIC recruit?
Local soldiers called sepoys
What did Europeans try to gain in China?
Spheres of influence
What happened in the Taiping rebellion?
Poor try overthrowing Qing government, and Europeans help the Qing hold power in exchange for more control over trade
who were the boxers?
Boxers were an anti-imperialist group trained in martial arts
What did the boxers do?
Tried to expel foreign influence, attacked Chinese Christian’s and missionaries (1 mil Chinese Christian’s died) although they failed to expel western powers
where did the Dutch east India company imperialize in Southeast Asia?
In the Indian Ocean, especially Indonesia
Where did France imperialize in Southeast Asia?
Where did Britain imperialize in Southeast Asia?
Burma (Myanmar)
What is Australia?
A British penal colony (colony for prisoners and convicts)
What were the two justifications for U.S imperialism in Latin America and the pacific?
Manifest destiny in the west and white mans burden in Spanish-American war
Who did Balkan countries sought independence from?
The ottomans
Where were nationalist movements in the balkans happening?
Serbia, Greece, Bosnia, and Herzegovina
What kind of tensions were in the Balkans?
Ethnic tensions
Who led Inca revolt in Peru?
Tupac Amaru
What happened to Tupac Amaru?
He was captured and executed in 1781
What happened in the Indian rebellion (the sepoy mutiny)?
Britain gave sepoys rifle cartridges greased with cow and pig fat, which went against their religions; they were furious and this marked the start of Indian nationalism
What religion were the majority of Sepoys?
Hindu and Muslim
During the Raj, what did the Indian National congress begin calling for?
What was the African resistance?
African nationalism post world war I
Who was the African resistance led by?
Western educated africans
What is pan africanism?
Shared African identity and emphasis on independence
What is economic imperialism?
Economic power over another country
By economic imperialism, what did Europeans develop in India?
Railroads, which were primarily for extracting more resources
In South Africa what was taken for economic imperialism?
Cecil Rhodes/ debeers diamonds
Why were transportation networks made in Africa?
For extraction of resources and mobilization of military
Who did Cecil Rhodes pave the way for?
In agriculture, how was economic imperialism used?
Cash crop monocultures forced upon colonized locations
What were causes of migration in an interconnected world?
Labor systems (slavery, indentured servitude, contract labor), penal colonies, and diaspora (Indian diaspora, Chinese diaspora, Irish, and settler colonies)
What were the effects of migration?
Ethnic enclaves, Irish and Chinese in the U.S., and backlash
Who were closely connected to foreign companies that controlled most of Mexico’s railroads, silver mines, plantations etc?
Wealthy Spaniard-Mexican elites
How did wealthy Mexicans and American businesses acquire Mexicos best agricultural land?
Bribery and force
What did peasants lose after their land was taken from them?
They lost Access to firewood, lost land, and lost pastures for animals
How did peasants survive?
Peasants took loans from landowners to buy food, and they fell into debt permanently (debt peonage)
What did peasants have to do for work?
Work on haciendas
Prior to the revolution in 1910, who was the president of Mexico for thirty years?
Porfirio Diaz
What was wrong under the ruling of Diaz?
Elections were rigged, “Pan o Palo” policy- critics were beaten or jailed, discrimination against non white majority, and traditional Mexican culture devalued in favor of European American culture
What did progress and development mean under Diaz?
Allowing foreign investors to exploit Mexico’s labor, land, and natural resources
Who were the two leaders of the Mexican Revolution?
Emiliano Zapata in the south and Poncho Villa in the North
What did zapata and villa fight for?
Land and liberty
Who was zapata?
An indigenous farmer who led the revolt against the haciendas
Who were zapata’s soldiers?
Peasants (some women), mounted on horseback, who descended upon haciendas from the mountains, burned building and returned land to Indian villagers and peasants
What did zapata want?
What part of the revolution did Poncho Villa lead?
The revolt in chihuahua, a northern state in which 17 people controlled 40% of the land and over 95% of people owned no land.
What did villa’s army do?
Villas army of 3000 men-mostly cowboys, took land from large haciendas and created family ranches on it.
What kind of revolution did zapata and villa lead?
an agrarian social revolution
What did Zapata and Villa struggle from?
The facts that they were Indian, and it was difficult to win a revolution against the constitutionalists who controlled cities, oil exports, and could buy U.S. modern weapons
How did zapata and villa die?
Zapata was defeated and killed, villa was assissinated four years later
What did the constitutionalists agree to do to win over the country?
they were forced to adapt many of zapata and villas views about land reform and the right to communal land
What did the new constitution promise?
Universal suffrage, free education outside the Catholic Church, an end to debt peonage, and restrictions on foreign ownership of property
Who was the Mexican president during the 1930s?
President Lazaro Cardenas
Who did Cardenas bring into the Mexican Revolutionary Party (PRM)?
Peasants and workers organizations, and Cardenas began a transformation of Mexico
What did President Lazaro implement?
He implemented the changes promised in the 1917 constitution
What did Lazaro distribute to peasant communities?
44 million acres of land
What did Lazaro take back from foreign owned companies?
He nationalized railroads and oil- he reclaimed oil lands in Mexico from foreign owned companies.
What is the slogan of the Mexican Revolution?
Land and liberty
Who was Tsar during the start of the Russian Revolution?
Tsar Nicholas II
Who was Tsar Nicholas?
Head of the Romanov Dynasty, he assumed the throne as a young man, not interested in politics but in friends and family
What is the slogan of the Russian revolution?
Bread, peace, land
Who was Nicholas’ wife?
Alexandra, and she was despised by commoners
How is Nicholas disconnected?
He’s disconnected from the realities of life and fails to understand the depth of discontent of the people
Who was the Tsar blamed by for problems at home in the Russo-Japanese War?
Struggling Russians
What happened on Bloody Sunday (January 1905)?
100,000 workers engaged in a general strike, and a protest led a large group to the winter palace. Palace guards disperse crowd by shooting and killing hundreds, sparks revolts across Russia
What happened in the revolution of 1905?
Workers/peasants/soldiers rebel against Tsar, general strikes cripple economy
What happened when the first soviets formed?
Network of underground radicals works to organize Russia, and Soviets (councils) formed to elect leaders and spread information
What happened during the 1905 October Manifesto?
Nicholas responds to revolution with reforms, creates the Duma (congress), Duma is powerless, proposes a free press but uses secret police to prevent it amid continued revolt
What did Russia struggle with during World War I?
Russia experiences devastating losses to the central powers (170k died at battle of tannenberg), Russia struggles to supply its army with food, weapons, ammo, etc, tsar heads to front lines to command troops
Who ran the country while Tsar was at the front lines?
Tsarina Alexandra runs the country in St. Petersburg
Who was Tsarina’s top advisor?
Notorious Russian mystic, Rasputin
How are civilians suffering during the war?
They’re starving while food is sent to soldiers
Who was drafted to the war?
Millions of peasants drafted and made to fight with no training
who begins forming soviets?
When did the February revolution (1917) begin?
During international women’s day march, and the march expands into widespread revolt