heart's ability to contract without external stimulation
test for safe dosage
test drug on healthy individuals and cell cultures
test on individuals with disease
gradual increase dose to determine safe dosage with least extreme side effects
Importance of cardiac output
increase supply of oxygenated blood to muscles
to allow aerobic respiration
provide energy and oxygen to meet demands
how adrenaline affect heart rate
adrenaline is carried in the blood made from adrenal glands on top of kidneys
acts on so sinoatrial node (SAN)
increase frequency of impulse produced by SAN
increase rate of heart contractions
effects of beta blockers
larger doses, greater decrease of heart rate
reduce heart rate reduces cardiac output
reducing supply of blood to muscle
human/animal controls
age, size, sex
body mass, level of fitness
exposure to same environmental conditions
radioactive glucose
detects production of gamma rays
produces 3D image
decreasing responsiveness result of repeated stimulation
transmission of impulses
Ca2+ ion enter presynaptic neurone resulting in neurotransmitters visible fuse with presynaptic membrane
neurotransmitter diffuses across synaptic cleft and synapse
neurotransmitter bind to receptors on post-synaptic membrane
Na+ ion diffuse into post-synaptic neurone leaving to polarisation and action potential
reduced/repeated stimulation on synapse
reduce permeability of presynaptic membrane to Ca2+ ions, fewer Ca2+ ions enter
fewer vesicles fuse with presynaptic membrane
less neurotransmitter bind to post-synaptic membrane
action potential may not occur / membrane may not be polarised
visual cortex development via visual stimulation
ocular domination column develop in visual cortex
neurone form synapse with these column cells
action potential along neurone requires to strengthen connection
stimulation in critical period needed to form connections in visual cortex
detects blood flow in brain
increase in brain activity lead to increase demand for oxygenated blood flow for aerobic respiration
oxyhemoglobin absorbs fewer radiowaves
fMRI detects areas of less signal absorbed
risk of CT
can cause mutation in DNA muscle fibres via x-ray