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is a relatively permanent change in behavior resulting from experience
capacity of the nervous system for change
pertaining to the nervous system
the quality of being easily shaped or molded
sequence of events
learning stimulus —> neuronal activity —> intracellular signaling pathways —> gene expression —> protein expression —> structural & functional changes
neuroplasticity is…
neuroplasticity timeline
baseline —> brain activity during experience —> long-term result
what types of changes occur?
neuronal changes —> changes visible on the whole brain, the structure of neurons that is affected
changes in the strength of
synapses might be important for many behaviors
synapses are
Hebb’s Postulate
when an axon of cell A is near enough to excite a cell B and repeatedly takes part in firing it, some growth process takes place in one or both cells such that A’s efficiency, as one of the cells firing B, is increases
synaptic strengthening
cell A gets better at activating cell B
Bliss + Lomo (1973)
showed that high-frequency stimulation of synaptic connections lead to a persistent increase in their strength
long-term potentiation (LTP)
model of learning thats favored, created by Bliss + Lomo within the hippocampus
features of long term potentiation
experimentally induced by high-freq stimulation
long-lasting, which makes it a suitable candidate for long-term memories
correlated with memory in many animal models
many forms (though post-synaptic is most studied)
long term potentiation is a widespread phenomenon
activity-dependent variations in synaptic strength such as LTP may be a fundamental mechanism by which we acquire and modify all behaviors
LTP is seen in
many parts of the nervous system including the cortex, striatum and spinal cord
long-term depression (LTD)
opposed process of LTP, also linked to memory, persistent reduction in synaptic strength and is generally induced by very prolonged weak stimulation
LTD in the cerebellum
has been proposed as a mechanism to explain motor learning
importance of LTD
may also be an ‘erasure’ mechanism allowing for the resetting of synapses
by resetting synapses, this may prevent saturation of excitation and allow for more flexibility in how neurons change over time
may also help eliminate less useful synapses
beyond LTP
rather than focus on the stimulation itself, we can instead focus on the result of stimulation: the firing of action potentials
rate remapping
certain neurons change their firing rate w/ experience
population remapping
the neurons that fire will change w/experience
does neuroplasticity affect gray matter?
if the group of neurons thats being changed is large enough, we might see a visible change in gray matter when doing an imaging scan
taxi drivers
a study was conducted in London with taxi drivers to see if learning all the information of the streets effect the brain in a lasting way, the posterior hippocampus got larger
are functional differences possible?
some people are introduced to music at an early age
in musicians, areas of the somatosensory cortex that represent digits respond more strongly to stimulation
effect is related to age of musical training
what is memory?
process whereby info is stored, consolidated and retrieved
diff types of memory
sensory, short term, long term, working
memory is not a
thing, it is a process
recreating a mental representation
(re)constructing memory
memory is not passively retrieved but actively assembled
we are not “seeing the past” but instead building a mental representation of it
this process is influenced by our goals, expectations, knowledge and schemas
this process is inaccurate
memory over time
memories for everyday + emotionally arousing events become inaccurate over time, through confidence arousing memories remains high
false memories
interventions can create memories that never happened (Loftus car accident experiment)
the interim period
inconsistent info can alter our memories while other interventions can create memories that never happened
memory in the brain
any one memory may be represented in a few cells
memory trace/engram
a subset of cells representing a memory
the engram is believed to include the cells that were active during the original experience
the cells in the engram are interconnected; if you activate one cell you might activate them all
why only some cells in the engram?
cells vary in excitability and plasticity, with some being highly excitable and highly plastic
the excitability and plasticity at the time of experience is critical
cells more excitable/plastic at the time of experience are more likely to be included in the engram
“winner takes all” model (very competitive)
if the engram theory is correct…
then varying neuronal excitability and plasticity should affect the composition of the engram
how do we test the engram theory?
learning evoked changes in genes
learning evoked changes in genes
events that change behavior (ie induce learning) due so by altering gene expression
gene expression is regulated by transcription factors, which are activated by events associated w/ learning
one transcription factor of interest is CREB
cellular events associated w/ learning activate CREB
CREB then activated other genes, altering overall protein expression
if we artificially increase CREB expression, we might affect the chance a neuron is included in the engram
experimental support for learning evoked changes
neurons overexpressing CREB are more active during fear memory training
killing CREB-overexpressing neurons after the fear training impairs the fear memory
if two memories are accumulated at the same time…
the same set of neurons is likely to be highly excitable and plastic
linked and non linked memories
this may explain other phenomena, recall memories that are lumped closely together or related in time
if two memories involve the same cells…
may recall both at once or one after another
updating linked memories
change in one memory may lead to a change in the other
the search for engram
Lashley measured memory in animals w/ cortical lesions
memory impairment was correlated w/ extent of cortical damage
no specific cortical region was important
where is memory stored?
Lashley’s results suggested all of the cortex was important (not one area is key)
Lashley missed important things that later proved the hippocampus to be a key part of memory
Lashley’s experimental flaws
did not address subcortical areas or consider multiple types of memory (long vs short vs working)
HM and the hippocampus
hippocampus and adjoining areas surgically removed to treat epilepsy
had anterograde amnesia from the point of injury
proved the hippocampus was very much involved in memory
cannot create new declarative memories w/out hippocampus
no new declarative memories
declarative memory
show by telling
episodic memory
a persons unique memory of an event from their perspective
semantic memory
knowing (facts)
standard memory consolidation
memories go through the hippocampus to long term storage, ability to form new memories is impacted when hippocampus is hurt
problems with standard memory consolidation
recent data conflicts with the central proposal of SCT (that remote memories reside in the cortex)
other patients with hippocampal damage (not HM) showed retrograde amnesia (sometimes ~3 years before injury)
why would this retrograde memory loss occur if all remote memories were in the cortex?
the multiple trace theory was proposed to address these issues
multiple trace theory
each time a rich, detailed (eg episodic) memory is recalled, the hippocampus lays down a new trace of it
hippocampus in memory
the HPC is critical for memory acquisition, but is likely a gateway site rather than a storage site
hippocampal involvement changes over time
the hippocampus is not required for all forms of memory
hippocampus and consolidation theory
the hippocampus is involved in recent but not remote memories
hippocampus and multiple-trace theory
the hippocampus is important every time a remote episodic memory is reactivated if that memory is rich in detail
conditioning in animals
pairing a unconditioned stimulus with a neutral stimulus, then the neutral stimulus will evoke a conditioned response
conditioning in humans
conditioned stimulus + unconditioned stimulus = conditioned response
recognition memory processes
linked to the perirhinal cortex
recognition vs recall
multiple choice is familiarity based
perirhinal cortex is connected with recognition and familiarity
perirhinal cortex lesions impair recognition
visual versus spatial memories
perirhinal cortex → recognition
hippocampus → space
depending upon the type of memory and the age of the memory…
different brain regions might be involved
improving acquisition
activation of certain brain areas (eg entorhinal cortex) using electrodes can facilitate spatial memory
related is the use of non-invasive measures of brain (eg TMS) to improve memory recall
focus need not be limited to memory networks, but could target other systems that influence memory indirectly (eg attentional networks)
the use of direct electrical stimulation (via implanted devices) to affect behavior and perhaps enhance memory
erasing a fear memory engram
we know how to delete a memory, but it is hard to find those specific cells that encode that memory + it could lead to long lasting effects if those cells do other stuff as well
creating false memories
one study used a transgenic mouse model where active (ie engram) cells will express light-sensitive receptors
first, animal is placed in context A (safe)
afterward, Engram A cells express light-sensitive receptors
second, animal is placed in fear context B (unsafe)
during this time, Engram A cells activated with light
finally, animal is returned to Context A
animal now freezes in Context A (even tho context A was safe)
weve turned the ‘safe memory’ of Context A into a ‘fear memory’ by manipulating the engram cells
modifying memories
our memory for aversive experiences is generally good (certain details anyway)
however, aversive memories can be highly disruptive to our lives (as in PTSD)
can we treat PTSD by altering our aversive memories?
if we appreciate how memory processing works, there may be an opportunity for intervention
the amygdala adds ‘emotional valence’ to memories
this effect is eliminated when the amygdala is damaged or beta-adrenergic receptors are pharmacologically blocked
beta-adrenergic receptor blocker
applied during reactivation of memories reduces PTSD symptoms