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Allegorical theory
extended metaphors with key aspects of the myth standing for something else
-ancient theory of myths
-subcategories…natural, historical, and moral
-natural allegory are myths about the natural world…gods are natural forces
James Fraser
developed the ritual theory
-Scottish anthropologist
-ritual theory serves as an explanation of religious rituals
-had his seminal work of the Golden Bough
Bronislaw Malinowski
developed the social charter theory
-Polish anthropologist
-charter theory maintains that myths serves a justifications for realties
-based his findings off of the Trobrian islanders
Sigmund Freud
founder of the psychoanalysis develop of a dream-based theory
-resembles dreams reflect the pressed wishes of an individual and society
-Myth of Oedipus
-work is the Interpretation of Dreams
Carl Jung
developed a theory of myths around the collective unconscious and archetypes
-Swiss psychoanalysis
-associate of Freud
-the collective unconscious are built from archetypes that belong to the collective unconscious
Claude Levi-Strauss
developed the structuralist theory
-French anthropologist
-binary pairs
-binary pairs in myths have to reach equilibrium
Feminist theory
reflect aspects of girls’ and women’s lives and their place in society
-the Rape of Persephone myth
-modern method theory
-out grew modern feminist theory
Bronze Age
Greek myths are often set in this age
-Trojan War
-contains the Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic period
-doesn’t have any history of literature
Olympian religion
religion revolved around the Olympian gods
-perform ritual acts toward a specific god
-named after Mt. Olympus
-pantheon of the 12 major gods and goddesses
Chthonic religion
worship of supernatural power on or beneath the earth
-gods associated with the earth
-takes its name form the Greek word “chthon”
-underworld gods/spirits
Mystery religion
more those who wanted a more personal connection to the divine
-secret rites is a feature
-The Dionysian Mystery is a major cult
wrote the Theogony…birth of the gods
-poet of the Archaic period
-won first place for a poet competition
-also wrote Work and Days
creation of the world, gods, and mortals
-the Divine Succession
-date c. 700 B.C.
The Divine Succession myth
the story of the rise of power of Zeus and the Olympian gods
-3 male ruling deities
-based on the Near East myth
-Cronus was one the ruling deities
God of Void
-first primordial deity of Greek myth
-he emerged 5 additional primordial deities
-also known with of the name of emptiness
Goddess of Earth
-Child of Chaos
-produces 3 primordial deities without a father
-marries her son Uranus
God the sky
-was king of the gods but Cronus overthrew him
-child of Gaea
-him and Gaea form the 1st divine ruling couple
the children of Gaea and Uranus
-12 of them
-hated their father
the God of Harvest
-cuts off his fathers genitals
-becomes the king of gods for a little bit
-ate his children to prevent a prophecy
goddess of motherhood
-married her brother Cronus represents a scared marriage
-child of Uranus and Gaea
-produces the 6 Olympians
The children of Rhea and Cronus
-6 of them
-were swallowed by their father to prevent a prophecy from coming true
-Zeus, Hades, etc
war of the Titans vs Olympians
-titans wage the war, upset the Cronus is no longer ruler
-Battle of the Titans
-Olympians leader in the battle is Zeus
God of forethought
-Son of Iapetus
-Ally of Zeus in the Titanomacy
first women
-name means gift of all
-Wife to Prometheus brother
-malefactor of mankind
The Five Ages myth
a story about the decline of humankind from a blessed past to a miserable present
-5 ages and 5 different races of humankind
-Age of Gold is the first age
-a reminder of the multiplicity of the Greek myths and the creation of mortals
The Flood Myth
the story of the human race destruction
-Zeus sent the flood after see how humans acted
-Deucalion and Pyrrha survived the flood
-able to renew the human race after the flood by throwing stones behind their backs
King of the Gods
-roman name is Jupiter
-god of the sky
-one of his spheres is law and order
Queen of gods
-roman name is Juno
-characteristic is jealousy
-symbol is cow
The Muses
the goddesses of art and literature
-father is Zeus but mother is not Hera…memory
-9 muses
-associated with Apollo
The Fates
goddesses of human destiny
-father is Zeus mother is Themis (Custom)
-3 of them
-power over the gods
sanctuary of Zeus in Peloponnese
-site of the Olympic games in honor of Zeus
-location of Zeus famous statue Pheidias
-one of the Seven wonders of the world because of the statue
a sanctuary of Zeus in Epirus
-site of Zeus’ oracle
-foundation was in Bronze Age
-divination method included oak trees
King of the underworld
-roman name is Pluto
-characteristic is grim
-symbol is cornucopia
the Hell-like part of the underworld
-Titans live there
-go when you were exceptionally bad in life
-home to many sinners
heaven-like part of the underworld
-go if we were exceptionally good in life
-live a pleasant live after death here
-associated with the Isles of the blessed
Goddess of Agriculture
-roman name is ceres
-daughter is Persephone
-characteristics is protective
Homeric Hymn to Demeter
main source for the Rape of Persephone
-anonymous author
-genre is Greek hymns
-in the archaic period
Queen of the Underworld
-spouse is Hades
-symbol is pomegranate
-sphere is spring
location of where Demeter went after her daughter was kidnapped…hid as a mortal
-was the nurse of Demophoon
-welcomed into the home of the king and queen of Eleusis
-wanted to make the son an immortal
The Eleusinian Mysteries
Demeter’s sacred rites
-a mystery cult
-reconciled with both gods and mortals
-first teaches them to Triptomemus
God of the Sea
-symbol is trident
-roman name is Neptune
-one of his children is Triton
Goddess of Wisdom
-roman name is Minerva
-symbol is an owl
-parents are Zeus and Metis
a classical temple to Athenas Parthenos
-designed by Ictinus
-meaning Athena the maiden
-built from 447-438 B.C
The Goddess of the Hearth
-roman name is Vesta
-symbols are hearth and fire
-a characteristic is virginial
God of Wine
-parents are Zeus and Semele
-symbol is grapevine
-sphere is madness
wrote the masterpiece of Bacchae
-born in Athens
-classical period
-died in macedonia
the main source for Dionysus and Pentheus myth
-themes of sexuality, masculinity vs femininity
-Pentheus opposes Dionysus cult
-they are cousins
King of Thebes
-Pentheus spies on the Bacchae by dressing as a women
-is punished by Dionysus and torn limb from limb
-opposes of Dionysus followers
The Dionysian Mysteries
cult to Dionysus
-open to everyone but very popular with women
-promoted communion with Dionysus
-dance and music was a way to connect with Dionysus
God of prophecy
-Parents are Zeus and Leto
-sphere is medicine
-characteristic is youthful
Homeric Hymn to Apollo
the main source for the Origin of Apollo
-anonymous author
-archaic period
-genre is greek hymns
the God of medicine
-can raise people from the dead
-son of Apollo and Coronis
-learns the art of medicine from Chiron
regarded as the birthplace of Apollo
-site of the Delian Games
-one of Apollos major worship sites
-in the Cycladic island
site of Apollo’s oracle
-sanctuary of Apollo in central Greece
-site of the Pythian Games
-the most famous oracle in the Greek world
Goddess of Hunting
-roman name is Diana
-sphere is moon
-characteristic is virginal
Goddess of Love
-roman name is Venus
-spouse is Hephaestus
-2 myths on how she was conceived… Zeus and Leto or Uranus genitals
Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite
the main source for the Aphrodite and Anchises myth
-anonymous author
-archaic period
-greek hymns genre
the Trojan prince Aphrodite sleeps with
-Aphrodite and Anchises conceive a child named Aeneas
-Aphrodite sleeps with him because Zeus punishes her for mocking other gods for sleep with mortals
-foretold his good fortune for him and his son in the future
the god of love and desire
-subject of two separate birth myths
-feature is bow and arrowed as well as winged
-1 of the 5 primordial entities from is birth myth of an offspring of Chaos
God of War
-roman name is Mars
-sphere is war
-characteristic is cruel
God of Fire
-roman name Vulcan
-spouse is Aphrodite…she has affairs with many other men
-characteristic is ugly, clever
Messenger of the Gods
-roman name is Mercury
-sphere is trade
-characteristic is tricky
Homeric Hymn to Hermes
the main source for the Childhood of Hermes
-anonymous author
-archaic period
-genre is Greek hymns
God of the Wilderness
-half-human and half-goat god
-son of Hermes and a nymph
-invents the panpipe