Queen Liliuokalani
Hawaiian Queen who vows to restore Hawaii to its natives.
William McKinley
25th President of the US and was assasinated on September 14, 1901.
General Weyler
Known as the butcher he was sent by the Spanish to crush the rebellion against Spain made by Cuba to become independent
Alfred von Waldersee
German Field Marshal who led American, British, French, German, Russian and Japanese soldiers and forced China to pay an indeminity
Boxer Rebellion
An attempt to expel all foreigners in 1901 out of China by the Society of the Righteous and Harmonious Fists
Alfred Thayer Mahan
He wroteThe Influence of Sea Power Upon History.
William Seward
He bought Alaska for $7.2 million in 1867, he was Andrew Johnson’s Secretary of State and the House of Representatives were angry so they nicknamed his decision Seward’s Folly
Buffalo Soldiers
Other regiments included black soldiers or buffalo soldiers led by white officers
Admiral Dewey
He took Manilla Bay.
Pulitzer and Hearst
They are creditied with starting yellow journalisim
Dr. Walter Reed
He proved that mosquitoes cause yellow fever
Rough Riders
Teddy Rossevelt resigned his post as Assistant Secretary of the Navy to lead what would become known as the Rough Riders.
Josiah Strong
He wrote Our Country and was a Congregational minister
Jose Marti
A poet and journalist who returned from exile to help fight Spain
Emilio Aguinaldo
He led an independence movement. He established a rebel government and attacked americans at Manilla
Seward bought it for 7.2 million dollars
The Platt amenment required Cuba to lease facilities at Guantanamo Bay as a naval and coaling station. The amendment detailed the removal of occupation forces from Cuba, yet allowed the US the right to intervene to maintain order and independence in Cuba
Kettle Hill
Other regiments included black soldiers or buffalo soldiers led by white officers. These regiments fought at Santiago, a port city, and San Juan Heights, charged up Kettle Hill and San Juan Hill, also El Caney and Guantanamo Bay.
Teddy Rossevelt ordered Admiral Dewey to take Manilla bay. It was bought for $20 million in 1898.
American missionaries and their descendants established sugar cane plantations in Hawaii. In 1890 tensions between American planters and native Hawaiians flared when Congress passed the McKinley Tariff (tax) which made Hawaii’s sugar more expensive in US. This leads to a recession in Hawaii and Queen Liliuokalani vows to restore Hawaii to its natives.
Is still held as a territory that was captured by the US
Puerto Rico
Is still held as a territory that was captured by the US
US heard that Panamanians wanted to revolt against Columbia so they sent ships and Panamanians won so they became independent.
Panama Canal
The US got control of the Panama Canal for $10 million and annual rent of $250,000 by the US supporting Panama to become independent
They controlled Panama but then the US got involved to help Panama become independent so Columbia didn’t win
Won the war to get China against Russia
Lost war to get Northern China against Japan
Yellow Journalism
Hearst and Pulitzer sold newspapers with their sensationalism (and exaggerations) which was a practice called Yellow Journalism
General Weyler practiced reconcentration which is the herding of civilian population into confined town, or camps where there is disease and starvation.
Manifest Destiny
the belief that the US is destined to expand and spread through the North American Continent
Monroe Doctrine
A US policy to keep Europeans out of the western hemisphere. It stated that the Americas were not to be considered subjects for colonization by European powers. In exchange for this guarantee, the US claimed it would stay out of Europe. It was originally intended to be used as a response to the threat posed by Spain and Portugal to their former colonies in Central and South America.
Open Door Policy
if you could get into the country, you can trade with anyone
U.S. Territories
Guam, Philipines, and Puerto Rico
Our Country
A book wrtten by Josiah Strong
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History
A book written by Albert Thayer Mahan
Spheres of Influence
a presecence in somewhere else
Took more men than war. Some diseases were yellow fever, typhoid, and malaria.
“Splendid Little War”
John Hay, McKinley’s Secretary of War called it “the Splendid Little War” that gave America the chance to build their empire.
USS Maine
The ship exploded in Havana Harbor on Febuary 15th 1898
Extending the rule of one country over another, for purposes of trade, investment, national security
White Man’s Burden
Colored people are half devil half child which basically means that they are demanized and inferior
Black Man’s Burden
White people have a moral responsibility to conquer and dominate non white nations
How did imperialists justifiy colonizing other lands? What reasons did they give?
They said yes because they believed that it was the White Man’s Burden to spread Western influence, we needed to teach others and civilize them. This theory was tied to Social Darwinism: survival of the fittest.
The four main reasons the United States wanted to go to war with Spain. (Hint: three of them were all published over and over again in newspapers with their “Yellow Journalism”.)
America’s support of Cubians against Spanish rule, America’s support of Fillipino’s America’s support of Puerto Rico against Spanish rule, and the explosion of the USS Maine.