________ may also be delayed in lightning victims and is usually attributed to the complications of burns.
Direct current (DC)
Wherein the current flowing continuously in one direction is less dangerous (200-250 milliamp intensity of the direct current is lethal).
Alternating current (AC)
Wherein the current shows rapid alteration in direction of flow.
It is more dangerous than direct current (70-80 milliamp intensity of the alternating current is lethal).
Contact Conduction
________ through another object: The victim making contact with another object which is hit by lightning and thus getting the injuries rather indirectly.
Joule burn
an endogenous thermal burn, it is due to the heat generated within the body during the flow of electric current.
Metallization of electrical marks
When current passes from a metal conductor into the body, a form of electrolysis occurs so that metallic ions are embedded in the skin and even the subcutaneous tissues.
Direct current (DC)
Wherein the current flowing continuously in one direction is less dangerous (200-250 milliamp intensity of the direct current is lethal)
Contusions and lacerations
The wound may also be lacerated, and punctured with contusions at its margins
Metallization of electrical marks
When current passes from a metal conductor into the body, a form of electrolysis occurs so that metallic ions are embedded in the skin and even the subcutaneous tissues
Side flash
The bolt of lighting hits an object, such as a tree, and then jumps from the object, striking the individual nearby
Judicial electrocution
The death penalty carried out in electrical chair.
lightning bolt
This is produced when the charged under surface of a thundercloud discharges its electrical charge to the ground.
Direct strike
Here the lightning bolt hits the victim directly.
Contact/Conduction through another object
The victim making contact with another object which is hit by lightning and thus getting the injuries rather indirectly.
Side flash
The bolt of lighting hits an object, such as a tree, and then jumps from the object, striking the individual nearby.
Ground current
Once the electrical energy that is generated with lightning has flown into the body of a victim, who has been struck by the lightning, it will move towards the ground/earth and this results in injuries.
Fifth mechanism
An injury by a weak upward streamer that does not become part of a completed lightning channel.
nervous system
Death in lightning is due to syncope/ cardiopulmonary arrest/electrothermal trauma/paralysis of the ____.
proximity point
If the electrocution is secondary to a ____ of impaction, survival of the victim is possible.
Arborescent marking
A fern-like injury, also known as filigree burns or lightning prints.
Epidermal nuclei
These are pyknotic, elongated, and aligned in a parallel or palisading fashion, often referred to as “nuclear streaming”.
First Mechanism
The ______ is from a strong radioactive source such as uranium;
Second Mechanism
The ______ is contamination by dust, debris, and fluid containing radioactive material.
Most severe radiation exposure
Natural sources
These include sunlight and cosmic radiation. Sunlight includes not only visible light, which has relatively few health effects, and radiation of higher frequency, such as ultraviolet radiation.
Intentional exposure to IR
It is uncommon, unusual, and very rare. It occurs when nuclear weapons (hydrogen and atomic bombs) are used as weapons of war.
Accidental exposure
It occurs when a person is exposed to IR by mistake.
Medical Therapeutic Exposure
Diagnostic and therapeutic doses of radioactive (tracer) elements are given to the patients.
Industrial Therapeutic Exposure
In various industries especially in the watch, drug, and chemical analysis radioactive substances are used.
War Therapeutic Exposure
Nuclear weapons used by superpowers usually produce mechanical trauma, burns, and radiation sickness due to ionizing radiation.
Action Therapeutic Exposure
The ions are produced to alter the chemical structure of various enzyme systems. Fetus and child are more susceptible.
The doctor who is in charge of the patient’s treatment has to be careful regarding the application of _____therapy, as the patient can sue him or her if the patient can prove negligence on the part of the doctor.
cutaneous electrical mark
Burns and blisters these are characteristically these are seen in the skin and referred to as _______.