Industrial Revolution
Changes that began in late-eighteenth-century Britain and transformed the global economy by creating new markets for raw materials and finished goods; accompanied by technological changes that revolutionized production processes, living and working conditions, and the environment.
James Watt
(1736–1819) Scottish inventor who developed the world’s first powerful and cost-effective steam engine; one of the most important contributors to Britain’s Industrial Revolution.
Josiah Wedgewood
(1730–1795) English ceramics manufacturer who combined the use of steam power with factory organization to greatly increase the output and lower the cost of his products. He was a prominent supporter of the abolition of slavery.
Spinning Jenny
Invented by James Hargraves, this invention spun thread much faster than by hand
Water Frame
Uses the power of water to spin thread even faster; however, it needs to be near water. Invented by Richard Arkwright.
Thomas Newcomen
1709, he used coal to power steam engines. This was more efficient than Savery’s invention but still inefficient.
Thomas Savery
Invented the first steam engine in 1698. Used heat and smoke to turn the generator. However, it was inefficient.
James Watt
Called to fix a steam engine in 1763, realizes how inefficient it is and fixes it using a condenser. (similar to putting a thumb over water hose for more pressure)
James Hargreaves
Invented the Spinning Jenny
Richard Arkwright
invented a spinning machine called the water frame.
George Stephens
In 1825, he used steampower to build the first effective locomotive, aka trains. At the time, it ran at 16mph
Henry Bessemer
invented a way to manufacture high-quality steel more cheaply
workers who protested machinery due to a loss of artistry and would often break machines.
Adam Smith
Economic thinker who wasn’t a fan of mercantilism. Wrote Wealth of Nations, which discussed a division of labor. In reality, it diminished quality.
Samuel Morse
First to make a telegraph along with Robert Fulton. They used electromagnetic waves and ran a transcontinental cable, sending 1 word per minute, taking 18 hrs in total.
Robert Fulton
First to successfully operate a steamship without complications. First to make a telegraph along with Samuel Morse.
Cyrus McCormick
Illinois man who patented the reaper mower, which could do the work of 5 men with 1.
Robert Owen
Believed in Utopian socialism. Bought a mill and practiced his socialist ideas on it. Wanted the owners to make a change for their workers. Became bankrupt.
Karl Marx
(1818–1883) German author and philosopher who founded the Marxist branch of socialism; wrote The Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848) and Das Kapital (1867).
Charles Darwin
(1809–1882) English natural historian, geologist, and proponent of the theory of evolution.