How did Athens and Sparta move toward peace?
Alliances between the upper classes were more prone to peace whilst populists/democrats pushed more for war.
Brasidas’ success in Thrace led both sides to sign an armistice.
What was Brasidas’ progress?
After taking Thrace and Acathus.
Nicias and Cleon would campaign for the Athenians - led to the Battle of Amphipolis, Cleon and Brasidas were killed.
What were the reasons for Sparta’s opening up a new frontier in Thrace?
Invasions of Attica weren’t working - they felt they needed a theatre of war
What was different about Brasidas and his troops compared to a ‘normal’ Spartan force?
He took a force of freed helots (neodamodeis) and mercenaries to open up a new theatre of war.
How did Brasidas’ campaign in Thrace progress?
He was allowed to address people of Acanthus - his threats gave people little option but to receive him
What impact did the Battle of Delium have on Athenian/Spartan relations?
Athens suffered a major defeat
Thucydides: “Athenians feared their allies would revolt” “the cities subject to Athens eagerly embraced change”
What pushed both sides back to the negotiating table?
Brasidas was still operating independantly in the north, Scione went over to him willingly - they revolted after the armistice and Athens wanted Scione back.
Why did Brasidas’ actions then become a problem?
Brasidas refused to hand over Scione.
Cleon proposed inhabitants to be executed.
Mende then went to Brasidas.
The assembly in Athens didnt want to keep up peace
422BC - Cleon sailed north
What was the impact of the battle of Amphipolis? What do you think this would mean for the likelihood of peace?
Athens feared allies would revolt