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What Creates Value (Liberal)
Much of the functional and symbolic value is created by the manufacturer
Means that the bean itself has little bearing on what customer wants - creates very little value, as measured by how much someone is willing to pay for it
but, many people are willing to pay for chocolate, plus specific candy bars with third party labels
Solutions to increase value of bean from Liberal Perspective
To create a Terroir
Selling the place in which the commodity is produced, enforced through trademarks.
What Creates Value (Marxist)
Labour is what creates value.
Value is not a market based expression of social worth (the price of the product)
It is the Socially Necessary labour time required to produce the commodity
Often in capitalism commodities are produced at less than this value as firms seek to cost minimize
Socially Necessary Labour Time
The time required to produce a commodity.
Solutions to increase value of bean from Marxist Perspective
What is needed to improve the lot of producers is to improve their class power
Better land distribution, unions on plantations
Need to increase the price that the producer gets
a lot of these producers are on very small lands