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Fukushima Daiichi
Site of the 2011 nuclear disaster in Japan.
Level 7 event
Highest rating on the International Nuclear Event Scale.
9.0-magnitude earthquake
Triggered tsunami on March 11, 2011.
Tsunami height
Waves reached over 40 meters (131 feet).
Reactor cooling systems
Failed due to flooded backup generators.
Partial meltdowns
Occurred in reactors 1, 2, and 3.
Hydrogen gas buildup
Caused explosions in reactor buildings.
Radiation leaks
Forced evacuation of over 150,000 residents.
Long-lived radioactive isotope of concern.
Economic damage
Japan temporarily shut down nuclear power fleet.
Global nuclear policy shifts
Countries accelerated plans to phase out nuclear power.
Cleanup duration
Expected to take over 40 years.
Treated radioactive wastewater
Japan began releasing into the Pacific Ocean.
Tsunami defenses
Plant's seawall was inadequate for tsunami protection.
Backup power systems
Should be designed to withstand tsunamis.
Nuclear safety standards
Re-evaluated globally after the disaster.
Capacity to do work in various forms.
Rate of energy transfer, measured in watts.
Newton (N)
Unit of force; accelerates 1 kg by 1 m/s².
Joule (J)
Unit of work; 1 N moves 1 m.
Watt (W)
Unit of power; 1 J per second.
Energy consumption (U.S.)
Average home uses 11,000 kWh yearly.
Fossil fuels
Account for 80% of global energy use.
Energy Return on Investment (EROI)
Ratio of energy gained to energy used.
Electricity production
Significant energy loss occurs, especially non-renewables.
Coal efficiency
Only 29% of coal energy converted to electricity.
LED bulbs
Use 90% less energy than incandescent bulbs.
Clean Car Standards
Policies regulating fuel efficiency improvements.
Coal ash spill
39,000 tons spilled in Dan River, 2014.
Petroleum (Oil)
Liquid fossil fuel refined into various products.
Natural gas
Composed of 80-95% methane, used for heating.
Nuclear fission
Chain reaction generates heat for electricity.
Nuclear waste management
90,000 metric tons stored in deep pools.
Yucca Mountain
Proposed nuclear waste site, defunded in 2009.
Public perception of nuclear power
High fear due to past nuclear disasters.