IB HL Chemistry (first exams 2025) - Structure 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4

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2.1 Ionic Model 2.2 Covalent Model 2.3 Metallic Model 2.4 From Models to Materials

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charged particle

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positive ion formed by metals when they lose one or more electrons

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negative ion formed by non-metals when they gain one or more electron

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writing ionic charge

number before sign (1+)

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transition elements

elements that have electron configurations which allow them to lose different amounts of electrons, so can form more than one stable ion

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polyatomic ions

a covalently bonded set of two or more atoms, or of a metal complex can be considered to behave as a single unit

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hydrogen carbonate

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ionic compounds

electrostatic attractions between a metal and non-metal

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ionic compound properties

high brittleness due to ions of like charge near each other, high melting/boiling points due to strong electrostatic attractions, low volatility due to strong electrostatic attractions, molten/dissolved conduct electricity

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lattice enthalpy

the energy needed to convert one mole of ionic solid into gaseous ions infinitely far apart under standard conditions (breaking apart), endothermic

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size of lattice enthalpy

controlled by the charges on the ions, their ionic radii, and the packing arrangement of the ions

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covalent bonds

two non-metals reacting together to achieve a stable configuration, where a shared pair of electrons is concentrated in the region between the two positively charged nuclei

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octet rule

the tendency of covalent bonds to form a stable arrangement of eight electrons in the outer shell

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octet rule exceptions

hydrogen only has two, Be and B have less than eight, S and P can have expanded octets (more than eight)

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coordinate covalent bonds

form when both electrons in a shared pair originate from the same atom (donated to the other)

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single bonds

share one pair of electrons, weakest and longest bond

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bond enthalpy

a measure of the energy required to break the bond

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double bonds

stronger and shorter than single bonds, longer and weaker than triple bonds

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triple bonds

strongest and shortest bond

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a pair of separated equal and opposite electrical charges located on a pair of atoms within a molecule

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dipole moment

the product of the charge on a dipole and the distance between the ends; a measure of the polarity of a bond

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non-polar molecule

a molecule that has a symmetric distribution of charge and whose individual bond dipoles sum to zero or cancel

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polar molecule

a molecule that has an asymmetric distribution of charge: the individual bond dipoles do not sum to zero or cancel

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0 - 0.4

pauling scale non-polar covalent

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0.4 - 1.8

pauling scale polar covalent

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> 1.8

pauling scale ionic

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molecular polarity

depends on the polar bonds a molecule contains, and the shape

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valence shell electron pair repulsion model

VSEPR model

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states that in a small molecule, the pairs of valence electrons are arranged as far apart from each other possible (lone pairs and bonded pairs)

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lone pair - lone pair

greatest VSEPR repulsion

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lone pair - bonded pair

median VSEPR repulsion

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bond pair - bond pair

weakest VSEPR repulsion

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linear bonds

two atoms bonded to the central atom, no lone pairs on the central atom, 180 degree bond angle

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two atoms bonded to the central atom with one or two lone pairs of electrons on the central atom, 104.5 degrees bond angle

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trigonal planar

three atoms bonded to the central atom, no lone pairs of electrons on the central atom, 120 degrees bond angle

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trigonal pyramidal

the atoms bonded to the central atom, one lone pair of electrons on the central atom, 107 degrees bond angle

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four atoms bonded to the central atom, no lone pairs of electrons on the central atom, 109.5 degrees bond angle

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linear - linear

180, 2 bonding pairs, 0 lone pairs

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trigonal planar - trigonal planar

120, 3 bonding pairs, 0 lone pairs

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trigonal planar - bent linear

118, 2 bonding pairs, 1 lone pair

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tetrahedral - tetrahedral

109.5, 4 bonding pairs, 0 lone pairs

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tetrahedral - trigonal pyramid

107, 3 bonding pairs, 1 lone pair

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tetrahedral - bent linear

104.5, 2 bonding pairs, 2 lone pairs

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6 electron domains, angles of 90 degrees and d2sp3 hybridisation

<p>6 electron domains, angles of 90 degrees and d2sp3 hybridisation</p>
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square pyramidal

derivative of the octahedral with one lone pair of electrons on the top or bottom, 90 degrees bond angle

<p>derivative of the octahedral with one lone pair of electrons on the top or bottom, 90 degrees bond angle</p>
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square planar

derivative of the octahedral shape with two lone pairs of electrons, one on top and one on the bottom, 90 degrees bond angle

<p>derivative of the octahedral shape with two lone pairs of electrons, one on top and one on the bottom, 90 degrees bond angle</p>
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intermolecular forces

forces between molecules, london/van der waals/dispersion forces, dipole-dipole forces, hydrogen bonding

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intramolecular forces

forces within the molecule such as covalent, ionic, and metallic bonding

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london/van der waals/dispersion forces

IMF in all covalents, only IMF in non-polar molecules

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dipole - dipole forces

IMF only present in polar molecules with permanently charged regions, stronger than dispersion forces, and strength depends on degree of polarity, caused when molecules with permanent dipoles attract each other

<p>IMF only present in polar molecules with permanently charged regions, stronger than dispersion forces, and strength depends on degree of polarity, caused when molecules with permanent dipoles attract each other</p>
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hydrogen bonding

strongest IMF, type of dipole - dipole attraction, form when hydrogen bonds to oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine, strength due to hydrogen small size and large electronegativity of N, O, and Fj

<p>strongest IMF, type of dipole - dipole attraction, form when hydrogen bonds to oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine, strength due to hydrogen small size and large electronegativity of N, O, and Fj</p>
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like dissolves like

polar/ionic solvents dissolve polar/ionic solutes, non-polar solvents dissolve non-polar solutes

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stronger IMF, ________ boiling point

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stronger IMF, ________ volatility

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dispersion > dipole-dipole > hydrogen bonding

order of volatility in covalent IMFs

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dispersion < dipole-dipole < hydrogen bonding

order of melting/boiling point in covalent IMFs

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covalents electrical conductivity

generally do not conduct, some giant covalents, some polar covalents

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graphite, graphene, diamond, fullerene

allotropes of carbon

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each C atom is sp3 hybridised covalently bonded to 4 others tetrahedrally in a repeating pattern with bond angles of 109.5, density is 3.51 g/cm3, all electrons bonded so no conductivity, high melting point, brittle

<p>each C atom is sp3 hybridised covalently bonded to 4 others tetrahedrally in a repeating pattern with bond angles of 109.5, density is 3.51 g/cm3, all electrons bonded so no conductivity, high melting point, brittle</p>
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c atom is sp3 hybridized and covalently bonded to three other carbons forming hexagons with bond angles 120, two dimensional single layer in a hexagonal pattern, density 1.5g/cm3, one delocalised electron per atom so conducts electricity, excellent heat conductor, high melting point

<p>c atom is sp3 hybridized and covalently bonded to three other carbons forming hexagons with bond angles 120, two dimensional single layer in a hexagonal pattern, density 1.5g/cm3, one delocalised electron per atom so conducts electricity, excellent heat conductor, high melting point</p>
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parallel layers of graphene, held together by van der waals (dispersion) forces so they can slide over each other, density is 2.26g/cm3, not a good heat conductor, high melting point, most stable allotrope

<p>parallel layers of graphene, held together by van der waals (dispersion) forces so they can slide over each other, density is 2.26g/cm3, not a good heat conductor, high melting point, most stable allotrope</p>
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c atom is sp2 hybridised and covalently bonded in a sphere, closed spherical cage, density is 1.726g/cm3, easily accepts electrons so is a semiconductor, low heat conductivity, low melting point, soluble in benzene

<p>c atom is sp2 hybridised and covalently bonded in a sphere, closed spherical cage, density is 1.726g/cm3, easily accepts electrons so is a semiconductor, low heat conductivity, low melting point, soluble in benzene</p>
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group four element with four valence electrons, each Si atom is covalent bonded to four others in a tetrahedral arrangement, results in giant lattice structure

<p>group four element with four valence electrons, each Si atom is covalent bonded to four others in a tetrahedral arrangement, results in giant lattice structure</p>
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silica/quartz (SiO2)

tetrahedral structure with bonds between Si and O, each Si bonded to 4 oxygen atoms and each O bonded to two Si, strong, insoluble in water, does not conduct electricity or heat, high melting point

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formal charge = (no. valence electrons) - ½ (no. bonding electrons) - (no. non-bonding electrons)

formal charge formula extended

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FC = V - 1/2B - N

formal charge formula shortened

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formal charge

the charge assigned to an atom in a molecule

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preferred lewis structure

where the difference on formal charge is closest to zero, the negative charges located on the most electronegative atomd

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a concept used to describe the structures when there are multiple ways to depict the same molecule

<p>a concept used to describe the structures when there are multiple ways to depict the same molecule</p>
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benzene C6H6

colourless compound, physical state is liquid with slight aromatic smell, less dense than H2O, immiscible with H2O, miscible with non-polar solvents

<p>colourless compound, physical state is liquid with slight aromatic smell, less dense than H2O, immiscible with H2O, miscible with non-polar solvents</p>
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ozone O3

bent shape with bond angle of 117 degrees, two resonance structures, double bond with one pi and one sigma bond, bond order is 1.5 which means the length is intermediate and the strength is between a double and single bond

<p>bent shape with bond angle of 117 degrees, two resonance structures, double bond with one pi and one sigma bond, bond order is 1.5 which means the length is intermediate and the strength is between a double and single bond</p>
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pi bonds

form by the lateral combination of p-orbitals, where the electron density is concentrated on opposite sides of the bond axis (so weaker than sigma), found in double and triple bonds

<p>form by the lateral combination of p-orbitals, where the electron density is concentrated on opposite sides of the bond axis (so weaker than sigma), found in double and triple bonds</p>
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sigma bonds

strongest type of covalent chemical bond, formed by head on overlapping between atomic orbitals along the bond axis, all single covalent bonds, formed by s/s, s/p, p/p, hybrid/s, hybrid/hybrid

<p>strongest type of covalent chemical bond, formed by head on overlapping between atomic orbitals along the bond axis, all single covalent bonds, formed by s/s, s/p, p/p, hybrid/s, hybrid/hybrid</p>
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model that describes the changes on the atomic orbitals of an atom when it forms a covalent compound (sp, sp2, sp3)

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reasons for hybridisation

VSEPR theory requires molecules to have identical orbitals at the stage of bonding, so the s and p orbitals hybridise to be identical

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hybrid orbitals

only found in covalent compounds, equivalent in a compound, no. is equal to the no. of atomic orbitals used to form it, type depends on electron domain geometry

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sp3 hybridisation

occurs when three p orbitals and one s orbital hybridise to form four sigma bonds, tetrahedral and has bond angles of 109.5 degrees

<p>occurs when three p orbitals and one s orbital hybridise to form four sigma bonds, tetrahedral and has bond angles of 109.5 degrees</p>
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sp2 hybridisation

three p orbitals and one s orbital hybridise to form three hybrids and one unhybridised p orbital (which overlaps forming a pi bond), trigonal planar with bond angles of 120 degrees

<p>three p orbitals and one s orbital hybridise to form three hybrids and one unhybridised p orbital (which overlaps forming a pi bond), trigonal planar with bond angles of 120 degrees</p>
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sp hybridisation

three p orbitals and one s orbital hybridise to form two hybrids and two unhybridised p orbitals (which overlap sideways forming two pi bonds), linear with bond angles 180 degrees

<p>three p orbitals and one s orbital hybridise to form two hybrids and two unhybridised p orbitals (which overlap sideways forming two pi bonds), linear with bond angles 180 degrees</p>
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metallic bonds

electrostatic attractions between a lattice of cations and a sea of delocalised electrons

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strength of metallic bonding

depends on size (greater positive charge = stronger bond), radius of metal ion (decrease size = stronger bond), no. mobile electrons (more mobile electrons = stronger)

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metallic bonding strength/length

delocalised electrons give rise to intermediate bond strength and length

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if stress is applied to a metal, planes of atoms slide over each other because of delocalised electrons, so metals have ______ malleability

<p>if stress is applied to a metal, planes of atoms slide over each other because of delocalised electrons, so metals have ______ malleability</p>
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when heat is applied to a metal, the kinetic energy of the electrons increases, they move through to cold regions of the lattice, so metals have _______ thermal conductivity

<p>when heat is applied to a metal, the kinetic energy of the electrons increases, they move through to cold regions of the lattice, so metals have _______ thermal conductivity</p>
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if a voltage is applied across the ends of a metal sample, the delocalised electrons flow towards the positive electrode, so metals have _______ electrical conductivity

<p>if a voltage is applied across the ends of a metal sample, the delocalised electrons flow towards the positive electrode, so metals have _______ electrical conductivity </p>
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lots of energy required to break metallic bonds, influenced by size of positive charge on ion, radius of ion, no. mobile electrons, so metals have ______ melting points

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high melting point

because of the greater number of electrons from the d-sublevel being involved in metallic bonding in addition to the e-electrons, transition metals have stronger metallic bonding, which leads to a _________

<p>because of the greater number of electrons from the d-sublevel being involved in metallic bonding in addition to the e-electrons, transition metals have stronger metallic bonding, which leads to a _________</p>
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good conductors

because of their loosely bound valence electrons, partially filled d orbitals, and closely packed atomic structure, transition metals are ________

<p>because of their loosely bound valence electrons, partially filled d orbitals, and closely packed atomic structure, transition metals are ________</p>
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mixtures of a metal/metal or metal/non-metals (solid solutions), occurs when they are mixed together in a molten state and solidify with ions of of the different metals scattered throughout the lattice

<p>mixtures of a metal/metal or metal/non-metals (solid solutions), occurs when they are mixed together in a molten state and solidify with ions of of the different metals scattered throughout the lattice</p>
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substitutional alloy

atoms of one metal are substitutes by atoms of another metal

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interstitial alloy

different metal occupies interstitial spaces in the lattice structure

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common alloys

steel, stainless steel, brass, bronze, pewter, sterling silver

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van arkel - ketelaar triangle

knowt flashcard image
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x = (z1 + z2)/2

average electronegativity formula

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