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emphasizing human behavior, emotions, or feelings relating to an PAST/EARLY EXPERIENCE
explores ways to understand how a situation can affect a person’s CURRENT LIFE
Sigman Freud
thinks abnormal behavior comes from unconscious motivation
current form of awareness
memories can be retrieved in our conscious state
not in contact with any awareness
Freud Slip
occurs when we slip up and say a bad word thinking negative thoughts
Ex: saying a cuss word in front of a teacher by accident
“if it feels good do it” demanding behavior
Ex: when a baby cries and wants their bottle, they dont care about what your doing they need food now
satisfy the demands of the (ID)
“If it feels good, do it but ONLY if you get away with it”
Ex: when a kid wants to make a mess, you correct them, then when your gone they do it again
develops when a child learns rules and expectations in society
Ex: develops your conscience to feel guilty when you do somethin wrong
when the ego views itself from the point of perfection
(cannot make a mistake aka perfectionist)
Freud states that your personality is…
always having conflict with each other
refusal to recognize or acknowledge a situation
Ex: you refuse to accept the fact you failed the test, because you didn’t study
purposely pushing a conflicting event out of your mind (trauma)
Ex: you got cheated on; but cannot fully remember the situation
making up an acceptable excuse for unacceptable behavior
Ex: eating fast food, but then eating fruit for later
placing a wrong thought / inappropriate onto others, as if it belonged to the other person in the first place
Ex: attracted to someone’s boyfriend, but thinks the person’s boyfriend is attracted to them
Reaction Formation
forming an emotional reaction or attitude that is opposite to the person’s true beliefs
Ex: racist to specific group of people, but is opened minded to get educated
expressing feelings that would be threatening if said to a real target, onto someone who is less threatening
Ex: yelled at by a manager, you go home and yell at your kids
falling back into child like energy when coping with stressful situations
Ex: peeing your pants, when you realize your parent died
trying to be like someone else to deal with your own problems
Ex: you copy somebody, who’s popular
Compensation (substitution)
trying to make up for areas by becoming superior in other areas
Ex: your not good at sports, but your an academic scholar
turning socially unacceptable urges into acceptable behavior
Ex: your aggressive, so become a fighter
learned responses; think classical and operant condition
Social congnitive
you base your behavior/thinking on other people
Bandura’s Reciprocal Determination / Self Efficacy
how effective your behavior will be in any circumstance
Humanistic Perspective was created by…
Abraham Manslow, Carl Rogers
*Humanistic means things that make us human FREE WILL*
people have tendencies to strive to reach FULL POTENTIAL
image you have about yourself
Real self= what your CAPABLE of doing
Ideal self= what you THINK you should be doing
Unconditional Positive Regard
basically unconditional love
Trait Perspective was created by…
Gordon Allport= 200 traits wired in our nervous system
Raymond Cattel= surface vs. source traits
Source traits
seen on the inside
Surface traits
seen on the outside
The 5 Big factors were created by…
Robert McCrae, Paul Costa
willing to try new things
mindful, thoughtful, dependable
out-going, like to be with others, center of attention
easy-going, friendly, good natured, trusting
always worried, anxious, moody
conversation between therapist and client
- Psychoanalysis’s and humanists use interviews
Projectile tests
shows the client a vague visual image and asks them what they see
- Used by psychoanalysis
Ex: Rorschach test, Thematic appreciation test, sentence completion test, house-tree person
Behavioral assessments
learned response behavior
- Used by behaviorist
Ex: Direct observation, rating scale, frequency count
Personality Inventory tests
standardized tests that require specific questions and answers
- Used by trait theorists
Ex: 16 PF, Neo-PI, myers briggs, Minnesota multi-phasic PI
Rorschach test
a test that uses inkblots to assess personality and emotional functioning
Ex: inkblot drawings
Thematic Appreciation Test
a test used to assess an individual’s personality and motivations
Ex: depicting a different scene usually like 31 cards
Sentence Completion test
a test that see’s if you could finish the sentence
Ex: i climbed the (blank)
House-tree Person
assess a child’s drawing based on the person’s personality, emotions
Ex: kids always draw a sun with rainbows meaning happy, but if they draw dark clouds and depressing drawings theres something wrong
Rating scale
set of categories used to gather information about a quality or quantity
Ex: scale to measure pain levels
Frequency count
the number of times a specific value or event occurs within a dataset
Ex: numbers in a data table
Minnesota multi-phasic
psychological test that measures personality traits and mental health
Myers Briggs
a personality test that identifies prefrences in four areas