Summer and Winter are seasonal extremes caused by:
the tilt of the earth on its axis
the incident angle of sunlight
relative lengths of daylight and nighttime hours
The sun’s rays are more direct in the _____ making the temps at latitude _______ and the length of daylight hours _______
summer, warmer, longer
To describe the motion of one celestial body around another
mid-winter in the northern hemisphere, the path of the sun places it _______________ our sky at noon
in the southern part
“rotation” in science is usually reserved to describe motion:
movement about an axis
the spinning of a celestial body on its axis
(A and D)
One complete revolution
365.25 days
The reason for extra day every 4 years
period about sun is slightly greater than 365 days
the calendar would be off (must compensate for the 6+ hours/years)
Can’t see the new moon because
Earth produces shadow that hides it
Phases of the moon are a result of
the changing portion of illuminated surface of moon visible from earth as the moon revolves around the earth
Daily tides are caused by
gravitational pull of mars on earth
commonalities between bacteria and viruses
sources of diseases and pathogens
Saprobes get energy from
decaying organic matter
Virus is nonliving because
it doesn’t grow
cannot reproduce on its own (needs a host)
doesn’t respond to external stimuli
doesn’t engage in processes to maintain homeostasis
8/20 peptides called essential because
our bodies cannot manufacture them
they must be acquired in diet of humans
IN order to get all _____ in our diet we must eat either
8; eat meat or grains and legumes
Difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
eukaryotes have nuclei
Isolated episodes of rapid speciation between long periods of little to no change is referred to as
Punctuated Equilibrium
When change in an organism’s structure, metabolism, behavior, etc. is genetic and can be passed down to subsequent generations
When genetic change in an individual organism leads to genetic change in a population
organisms have evolved by gradual accumulation of genetic changes over a long period of time
When 2 population of apparently related species aren’t capable of interbreeding and producing viable offspring, we’d call them distinct ___
these must get their energy and carbon source ready-made from existing organisms
When organisms are able to produce their own organic molecules from inorganic materials, like CO2 and H2O using the sun’s light for energy
Primary method of transmission of HIV in US has been
sexual intercourse
New division above kingdom in Linnaean hierarchy called ___ which are extremophiles no longer classiffied with monerons but as _____
domain; archaea
One of the problems with the second Galapagos Finch articles as a scientific paper is that
uses emotive language that seeks an emotional response
fails to recognize adaptation drive by natural selection
fails to recognize difference in size of beaks is an expression
(all of the above)
A news report reporting on research conducted by the Grants is a
secondary source
Why blood isn’t blue
blood is red
iron ion carries O2 throughout bloodstream
blood is red when it enters evacuated container (deep red color)
the results are analyzed by other scientists before they are published
anecdotal evidence examples
best-selling book includes a diet he claims cured his bowel disorder
statement about how he believed he found his personal cure
Grandma insists on homemade syrup for bowel disorder
curry recipe suggestion that cured his bowels
(all except B: published research on bowel disorders in scientific journal)
Why we have seasons
earth tilted at 23.5 degrees on it’s axis
when northern hemisphere is pointed toward the sun, the sun rays are more direct, there is more radiation, and the daylight hours are longer- which creates a warming trend known as summer
when the northern hemisphere is pointed away from the sun, the sun rays are less direct, there is less radiation, and the daylight hours are shorter- which creates a cooling trend known as winter
Examples of how vegans get nutrients
acquire 8 essential peptides from grains and legumes
Fallacy of Blue blood
veins are blue- only appear blue because of layers of tissue over them
diagram in Grey’s book- purpose of portraying veins as blue to distinguish between veins and arteries
A possible explanation of a natural phenomenon or a solution to a problem based on observations
A hypothesis requires
based on observations of a phenomenon
it is testable and falsifiable
(both A and B are requirements)
A scientific theory is
sometimes contradicted by experimentation (then it must be changed)
Is not an opinion, but based upon results of many experimentations repeated
To be useful, scientific theories must be able to
explain known phenomena and predict new events
------ is allowed to change in an experiment at it’s called:
1 variable; experimental variable
According to Sagan ____ couldn’t have existed in an early earth atmosphere, prior to life
Heike Crab is an example of
artificial selection
sagan suggests that these provide certain evidence to fact of evolution
artificial selection
natural selection
the fossil record
shared organic chemistry, especially the genetic code of nucleic acids
The ozone layer absorbs primarily
high energy, ultraviolet light
As described in the lecture, the Bullock’s and Baltimore orioles produced hybrid offspring in areas where their populations overlapped, leaving researchers to believe they were ____ but the hybrids molted twice per year require greater energy, thus making the hybrids ___ and therefore:
the same species; nonviable; different species
fish from 2 different lakes have evolved independently similar traits as a result of having to adapt to similar environments or ecological niches in the 2 lakes
convergent evolution
Convergent evolution
independent evolution of similar traits
The covergent evolution of the fish in two different lakes is an example of
allopatric speciation
Allopatric speciation
occurs when geographically separate populations may evolve independently through mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift
Sympatric speciation
occurs when a reproductive barrier isolates a subset of a population within the same geographic location
Hawthorn and Apple question
divergent and sympatric evolution
A collection of species living in the same area at the same time
the smallest unit of an element that retains the chemical properties characteristic of that element
Guppy evolution in Trinidad showed
evolution can be rapid in populations under selective pressure (punctuate equilibrium)
an assembly of populations living together within a defined area and interacting
Results of the expansion of the oceanic plates in the Atlantic Ocean
oceanic crust will collide with the continental crust
the more dense oceanic plate will dive below the continental crust, creating a subduction zone
the subducting plate may cause volcanic activity on continental margin
the colliding oceanic plate may push the continental crust, causing continental drift (all of the above)
When mantle material is heated by the Earth’s core, it becomes __ and __ to the crust, where it strikes, spreads side to side__,__ ___ to become _____ and ------
less dense; rises; cools; more dense; sinks
When mantle material is heated by the Earth’s core it become less dense and rises to the crust, where it strikes spreads side to side, cools to become more dense and sinks: known as:
digestive, endocrine, nervous, and transport systems are used by the body to maintain a stable internal environment
The process of nutrition involves
ingestion, digestion, and taking nutrients in from the external environment and converting them into forms useful to life (all but synthesis)
organisms build complex substances, break down complex substances, and release energy, by series of chemical reactions
Excretion is the process by which
organisms remove waste materials, the products of chemical reactions, from their bodies
Natural selection acts of the ------ whereas evolution has a ----- effect
individual; population
a leaf having a number of leaflets arranged along a common petiole
axial bud at the point of petiole attachment
leaf venation pattern in which veins branch from a single main vein extending from the petiole to leaf tip
Origin of Life
the earth was a rocky sterile ball
volcanic activity formed the atmosphere
water vapor condensed to become the ocean
electrical storms synthesized to form organic chemicals
the first living thing lived in the ocean
to protect it from UV radiation from the sun
photosynthesis contributed O2 to the atmosphere
which synthesized to form the ozone layer
ozone layer- protects organisms from UV radiation
organisms then moved to shallower, coastal waters, and eventually land
Scientific Method
data collected
hypothesis formed
controlled experiment
conclusions drawn
theories formed
Life processes
organisms take in materials from their external environment and change them into nutrients
substances organisms need to live
taking in food from the environment
the breakdown of complex food materials
the movement of materials into and out of cells through the circulatory system
releases chemical energy from nutrients
organisms combine simple substances to form more complex substances
organisms incorporate materials into their bodies, making them part of their structures
increase in the size of the organisms
remove waste materials as products of chemical reactions
incorporate many regulatory processes to capacitate
produce new organisms of their own kind
build complex substances, break down complex substances, release energy, by series of chemical reactions
lines of evidence that point to an evolutionary history
fossils, anatomy and development, molecular evidence, sub-optimal design, artificial selection (all of the above)
when dead organisms leave traces of their existence behind in preserved form
fossils often formed from/by
hard body parts preserved as stone
impressions of tissues or organisms preserved in sediment
bodies preserved and transformed into coal
bodies preserved in peat bogs or tar pits
Greatest challenge to fossil evidence for evolution
only a fraction of those formed are ever found
few organisms are ever fossilized
soft bodied organisms are not easily preserved
transitional species are often missing
(all of the above)
According to the ------------, sedimentary layers are deposited in a time sequence, with the oldest on the bottom, youngest on top. Using relative dating principles and the position of layers within rock, it’s possible to reconstruct the sequence of geologic events that have occurred on site
law of Superposition
wetlands found in temperate regions; characterized by shagnum moss, typically nutrient poor and acidic with few trees
wetlands found in temperate regions containing low growing emergent plants (cattails, shrubs, trees)
herbaceous plants characterized by coming up from new seed every year: blooming, setting seed, and dying
herbaceous plants that likely evolved as a result of the farming practices common in Europe
farming practice common in Europe at the time settlers from Europe first arrived in North America- believed to have led to the evolution of the biennial
weeds are defined as plants characterized by
prolific seed producers
trees of the upland forest in the temperate deciduous region have
long taproots
nodules on the roots of legumes contain ---------- that add ------- to soil
bacteria; nitrogen
trees of this community have no need of taproots and instead have shallow, widespreading roots
the swamp forest
predictable and orderly changes in the composition or structure of an ecological community
form of succession begins in a virtually lifeless area where soil has not yet formed
primary succession
an existing community is cleared by a disturbance that leaves soil intact (fire or farming)
secondary succession
after croplands are abandoned to nature, the area slowly returns to its original state by a progressive series of changes known as --------; ultimately succession produces a -----------
secondary succession; climax community
community determined by climate conditions and recognized by dominant vegetation
Taiga is characterized by
spruces and firs; precipitation as snow; forest occasionally interrupted by areas of bog; moose is dominant herbivore