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spp wc has rbc that is relatively large, uniform, and has biconcave discs
has an area of central pallor w wright’s stained blood film
small numbers of polychromatophilic erythrocytes
occasional nucleated red blood cells and howell-jolly bodies
life span: 110-120 days
spp wc has rbc that are smaller than canine’s, w no central pallor, rarely seen polychromatic cells, and a few howell-jolly bodies
life span: 65-76 days
oxidant injury
cat hb is more susceptible to this than other spp as it contains 8-oxidizable sulfhydryl groups = low # of single, small heinz bodies
TRUE OR FALSE: feline show rouleaux formation than those of canine, but less than horses
spp wc has rbc similar in size to horses, lack central pallor, and shows a small degree of anisocytosis
rare rouleaux formation
polychromatophils are not usually observed, but release reticulocytes in response to anemia
show marked poikilocytosis, thrombocytosis, and microcytosis (til 1 yr of age due to iron deficiency)
life span: 160 days
spp wc has rbc marked by poikilocytosis (prominent in kids) and the smallest of the domestic animal spp
do not display prominent reticulocytosis in response to anemia, lack polychromasia
life span: 125 days
spp wc has small, flat, oval-shaped rbc
high mchc than other spp
small degree of anisocytosis and poikilocytosis
life span: 60 days (llama)
spp wc has large, nucleated, and elliptical rbc
mild degree of polychromasia (prominent in smaller birds)
presence of nuclei complicates hematologic evaluation
presence of abnormally shaped cells
rbc inclusions
presence of abnormal structures w/in cells
nucleated rbc
presence of nucleated cells in peripheral blood
erythrocytes w abnormal shape
TRUE OR FALSE: some poikilocytes have fairly specific diagnostic significance, while other forms are very non-specific
wherever possible, poikilocytes should be identified as to the specific ______ changes that are present (acanthocytes, keratocytes, echinocytes)
are red cells w a ragged appearing, poorly hemoglobinized fringe of cytoplasm on one side of the cell
hemi-ghost cells, pseudo-spherocytes
eccentrocytes are also known as?
this appearance results from an apposition and adherence of opposing inner surfaces of the cell membrane
oxidant stress
eccentrocytes are formed under conditions of excess ______ _____ to the erythrocytes, wc includes crosslinking of membrane proteins
heinz bodies
eccentrocytes are often seen in assc w ____ _____, wc provides evidence of an oxidant effect on hemoglobin
oxidant injury
eccentrocytes have been seen in assc w syndrome of what injury?
seen in dogs, cats, horses (onion and red maple leaf toxicity, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency)
“crenation”; are spiculated rbc’s
projections may be sharp or blunt, usually numerous, and evenly spaced around the circumference
spicules are uniform in size
in contrast w echinocytes, acanthocytes have (regular/irregular) shaped spicules
artifact, drugs
css of ecchynocyte formation
rbc w blister-like vesicle, wc may rupture, leaving a “bite-shaped” defect, or one or two horn-like projections in the same side of the cell
TRUE OR FALSE: low numbers of keratocytes may be seen in various situations, and may not have clear clinical significance
mechanical injury
when keratocytes are present in large numbers or w other poikilocytes, this may suggest what type of injury to the red cells?
microangiopathic hemolysis, mechanical fragility
keratocytes occur in conditions causing _________ hemolysis (DIC, vasculitis, hemangiosarcoma), and/or _________ fragility (iron deficiency, anemia, oxidant injury)
liver, hepatic lipidosis
in cats, keratocytes can be seen in increased numbers in _____ dss. give an example
an occasional oval or elliptical erythrocyte may be seen as a non-specific finding in a variety of settings
smear-making technique, plasma viscosity
in some cases, _____-_____ technique and/or _____ ______ may contribute to ovalocyte in vitro formation
ovalocytes or elliptocytes are seen cats w some forms of ____ dss
echino-elliptocytes, ovalo-echinocytes
target cells are not usually seen in cats. however, many cats with liver dss have acanthocytes and/or red cells that are elongated and have scalloped or spiculated margins
what are the latter red cell shapes called?
oak leaf, holy leaf
what are the other names of echino-elliptocytes and ovalo-echinocytes?
red cell fragments; due to mechanical injury
smooth endothelial, fibrin
schistocytes are usually seen in relatively low numbers, and are assc w conditions in wc the normally ______ ________ lining is roughened or irregular, and/or the vascular lumen is crossed by strands of _____
DIC, glomerular dss, inflammatory dss, vasculitis, vascular neoplasms
schistocytes are caused by what diseases?
TRUE OR FALSE: schistocytes are seen in up to 60-75% of cats, but are rarely seen in dogs, with DIC
TRUE OR FALSE: in cats, schistocytes are most commonly observed as part of the poikilocytosis in liver dss
schistocytes also are commonly seen as a feature of advanced ____ deficiency anemia
due to inherent fragility of the cells produced under these conditions than from changes in the vasculature
red cells wc have assumed the form of a sphere rather than the normal discoid shape
reduced area of central pallor
rbc w an elongates (mouth-like) area of central pallor
target cells; have a lump of hemoglobinized cytoplasm w/in the area of normal central pallor
bull’s eye target
howell-jolly bodies
are small fragments of non-fxnal nucleus wc were not extruded as the cell left the marrow
heinz bodies
are formed by oxidation of exposed sulfhydryl grps on hb
basophilic stippling of erythrocytes
represents the spontaneous aggregation of ribosomal rna in the cytoplasm of erythrocytes
are anucleate rbc w iron-containing (siderotic) cytoplasmic inclusions
are slightly immature, anucleate red cells that contain rna