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15th century french song with the structure of a virelai but with 1 stanza
Caput Masses
Important composition emulated by other composers, creating a three-generation dynasty.
Imitating a piece but changing it to distinguish it as different; an homage with the intent to surpass.
Eton Choir Book
Single surviving volume of British worship music, compiled for vesper service at Eton College, uses complex polyphony.
English technique of harmonizing chant by sight, with the chant thought of as the middle voice.
a fourth below is added to the chant melody to create a false bass in order to sing improvised polyphany
la contenance angloise
'The English guise' characterized by heavy use of parallel thirds and sixths.
L’Homme armé
Sacred mass derived from a secular song.
motetti missales
Cycles of substitute motets for the mass written in Milan.
Old Hall Manuscript
Earliest source of polyphonic church music.
Technique in fauxbourdon where an old chant is melodically redone into a new cantus.
rota, round
Short circular canon at unison or octave.
ars perfecta
'Perfect art' as termed by Glareanus for Josquin de Prez's music, considered perfect.
Vocal piece where the original text is replaced by a new one.
cori spezzati
Split choirs, dividing musical forces into distinct groups.
Council of Trent
Emergency legislative body of the Roman Catholic Church, conceived to restrain the Protestant Reformation.
Study of ancient texts that informed the ideals of the Renaissance.
imitation Mass
A mass that imitates or borrows motifs from a different piece of music.
metrical psalm
Psalm translated into a rhyming verse in the vernacular, composed and sung as a hymn.
point of imitation
Motif that is repeated in many voices throughout a piece.
Term for rhapsodic lute preludes that became a contrapuntal instrumental genre based on ars perfecta.
soggetto cavato dalle vocali
'A subject carved out of the words,' a pre-compositional technique of Josquin.
stile antico
'Old style' compositions in the style of Palestrina, acceptable to the Council of Trent.
stile moderno
Music written after 1600 in a modern style.
Quam pulchra es- Dunstable
words at beginning, bass and tenorish, slow and legato.
Ave Maria...Virgo serena-Josquin
words at beginning, 5min. very canon with high woman and low man, 4 parts?? can hear individual parts
Benedicta es, Per illud ave-Willaert
6min words at beginning, 4parts canon flowy almost mudddy parts
Missa Papae Marcelli - Kyrie-palestrina
mellismatic, words- jesu, repeat kyrie jesu and christe, soprano melody, men underneath
Missa Papae Marcelli - Gloria-palestrina
starts with soprano and tenor unisonish, things are more together rhythmically, some parts split off sometimes, many starts very forte starts
Missa Papae Marcelli - Credo-palestrina
starts with man, moves to like 3 parts, soprano melody, moving parts underneath, not much bass, not very mellismatic
Mass in 5 Parts-Byrd
starts woman man duetish, mostly sounds like a slow duet, 3 parts?