How does the start of this verse differ from the previous verses?
It is set lower. The previous two verses leap up to a high C, whereas this verse stays low until the second bar.
How is the harmony used differently in verse 3?
At the ends of verses 1 and 2, there is the use of the harmonic sequence G7-C, Bb-Eb, D7-Gm and then F-Bb for the start of the chorus. Here, in verse 3 this sequence is extended, the tonality of C becomes Cm and it used at the start of the verse throughout the lines 'she's a willing as, playful as a pussy cat, then momentarily out of action, temporarily out of gas, to absolutely drive you wild'. Using G7-Cm, G7-Cm, Bb-Eb, Bb-Eb, D7-Gm, F-Bb.
How are the backing vocals used in this third verse?
The backing vocals are similar to the second verse in the way that they are in 4-part harmony and use a mixture of vocalisations and words ('ooh' and 'drive you wild') plus they move in a similar conjunct way.
What effect is added to the guitar interjection after 'she's as willing as'?
A wah-wah effect to create a cat like sound in preparation for 'playful as a pussy cat'.
How is word painting achieved after the line 'drive you wild'?
The drums, particularly the snare drum plays a 'wilder' drum part. The guitar adds arpeggio based material, the LH piano adds a dominant pedal note using repeated quavers creating polyphonic texture to depict a wild sound.